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Releases: dataform-co/dataform

1.16.5: Single-query compilation now supports more forms of calls to `ref`/`resolve`.

26 Nov 16:26
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In normal SQLX files, users can call ref in a number of ways: ref("name"), ref("schema", "name"), ref(["schema", "name"]), etc. Standalone queries previously only supported the ref("name") form; but this has now been fixed.

1.16.4: Add the when() context function to operations and assertions

25 Nov 17:27
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Add the when() function to all action types. (#1119)

* Add the when() function to all action types.

* bump version

1.16.3: Fix to allow overriding per-action schema and database at the same time.

25 Nov 11:37
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Fix database action overrides (#1116)

* Fix database action overrides

* Bump version

1.16.2: Fix single-query compilation for empty query strings.

25 Nov 10:30
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Fixes a bug where the compiler would return random stuff when asked t…

1.16.1: Add some better event handling around the Dataform compilation process

12 Nov 16:14
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Handle compile child process events better. (#1101)

1.16.0: Add database suffix functionality

11 Nov 16:45
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Dataform already supports schema suffixing and table name prefixing (usually used to isolate development work from production data).

This release adds support for database suffixes, which are particularly useful for Snowflake and BigQuery users, and can be used in the same way as (and alongside) schema suffixes.

1.15.5: Further fixes for trailing semicolon detection

11 Nov 16:43
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Compilation errors were incorrectly returned for trailing semicolons in pre/post operations; this has now been fixed. In addition, trailing semi colons included in queries running in incremental mode are now detected correctly.

1.15.4: Bugfix for automatic determination of filenames deep into JavaScript stack

11 Nov 16:41
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Dataform automatically determines filenames in order to construct compilation metadata. However, the names for files deep inside a JavaScript call stack could not be computed; this release fixes that issue.

1.15.3: Fix semicolon detection (launched in 1.15.2).

11 Nov 16:39
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Fix caller site error on semi colon at end of file (#1071)

* Fix caller site substr error on semi colon at end of file

* Update core/utils.ts

Co-authored-by: BenBirt <[email protected]>

* Add full stop, fix test

Co-authored-by: BenBirt <[email protected]>

1.15.2: Append compilation errors on trailing semicolons.

11 Nov 16:38
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Trailing semicolons in (some) Dataform SQL can cause problems when Dataform appends text to the end of the query string; in these circumstances, Dataform now returns a compilation error indicating the problematic semicolons.