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9613109 · Jan 10, 2025


131 lines (110 loc) · 8.8 KB

File metadata and controls

131 lines (110 loc) · 8.8 KB

Upgrading from 3.0.x to 4.0.x

New features

  • Support for Non-uniform Vector Quantization (NVQ, pronounced as "new vec"). This new technique quantizes the values in each vector with high accuracy by first applying a nonlinear transformation that is individually fit to each vector. These nonlinearities are designed to be lightweight and have a negligible impact on distance computation performance.

API changes

  • MemorySegmentReader.Supplier and SimpleMappedReader.Supplier must now be explicitly closed, instead of being closed by the first Reader created from them.
  • OnDiskGraphIndex no longer closes its ReaderSupplier

API changes in 3.0.6

These were released in 3.0.6 but are spiritually part of 4.0.

  • VectorCompressor.encodeAll() now returns a CompressedVectors object instead of a ByteSequence<?>[]. This provides better encapsulation of the compression functionality while also allowing for more efficient creation of the CompressedVectors object.
  • The ByteSequence interface now includes an offset() method to provide offset information for the sequence. any time the method ByteSequence::get is called, the full backing data is returned, and as such, the offset() method is necessary to determine the offset of the data in the backing array.
  • PQVectors has been split into MutablePQVectors and ImmutablePQVectors. Generally you will use new MutablePQVectors() directly, while ImmutablePQVectors will usually be accessed via PQVectors.load (whose signature has not changed). These changes allow PQVectors to represent compressed vectors more efficiently under the hood.
  • BQVectors has similarly been split into mutable and immutable implementations.
  • The VectorCompressor.createCompressedVectors(Object[]) method is now deprecated in favor of the new API that returns CompressedVectors directly from encodeAll().
  • PQVectors::getProductQuantization is removed; it duplicated CompressedVectors::getCompressor unnecessarily

Upgrading from 2.0.x to 3.0.x

Critical API changes

If you only read one thing, read this!

  • GraphIndexBuilder M parameter now represents the maximum degree of the graph, instead of half the maximum degree. (The former behavior was motivated by making it easy to make apples-to-apples comparisons with Lucene HNSW graphs.) So, if you were building a graph of M=16 with JVector2, you should build it with M=32 with JVector3.
  • Support for indexes over byte vectors has been removed. This is because the implementation was becoming increasingly specialized for float vectors, leaving byte vector support as a secondary concern. This specializes many structures that were previously generic over vector type.
  • JVector 3 adds several optional features to the on-disk storage format, but remains compatible with indexes written by JVector 1 and 2.

New features

  • Experimental support for native code acceleration has been added. This currently only supports Linux x86-64 with certain AVX-512 extensions. This is opt-in and requires the use of MemorySegment VectorFloat/ByteSequence representations.
  • Experimental support for fused ADC graph indexes has been added. These work best in concert with native code acceleration. Without the NativeVectorizationProvider, results using fused ADC will be valid but performance will degrade. This explores a design space allowing for packed representations of vectors fused into the graph in shapes optimal for approximate score calculation. This is a new feature of graph indexes and is opt-in. At this time, only graphs with a maximum degree of 32 and 256-cluster ProductQuantization can use fused ADC.
  • Support for larger-than-memory graph construction by using quantized vectors + rerank for the searches performed during construction.
  • Support for Anisotropic Product Quantization as described in "Accelerating Large-Scale Inference with Anisotropic Vector Quantization" (
  • GraphIndexBuilder.markNodeDeleted is now threadsafe
  • GraphIndexBuilder::removeDeletedNodes is parallelized and significantly faster.

API changes supporting new features

  • GraphIndexBuilder and GraphSearcher scoring are encapsulated by BuildScoreProvider and SearchScoreProvider, respectively. BuildScoreProvider.randomAccessScoreProvider() and BuildScoreProvider.pqBuildScoreProvider() offer convenient ways to construct a BSP from full-resolution vectors in memory or with PQ-compressed vectors with reranking, respectively.
  • addGraphNode(int node, VectorFloat<?> vector) is now the preferred way to construct a graph incrementally.
  • GraphIndexSearcher::resume is added to allow resuming a previous search from where it left off.
  • ProductQuantization::refine allows fine-tuning a new PQ object with additional vectors, starting with an existing PQ
  • Changes to KMeansPlusPlusClusterer to support Anisotropic PQ

Refactored APIs

  • VectorFloat and ByteSequence are introduced as abstractions over float vectors and byte sequences. These are used in place of float[] and byte[] in many places in the API. This is to permit the possibility of alternative implementations of these types. This requires changes to many internal/external API surfaces.
  • NodeSimilarity has been removed. ScoreFunction is now a top-level interface; grouping of functions for build and for search are now done by BuildScoreProvider and SearchScoreProvider.
    • BuildScoreProvider allows the creation of larger-than-memory indexes by using compressed vectors during graph construction.
    • Reranking is done using ExactScoreFunction::similarityTo(int[]) rather than with a Map parameter. The map change is because we discovered that (in contrast with the original DiskANN design) it is more performant to read vectors lazily from disk at reranking time, since this will only have to fetch vectors for the topK nodes instead of all nodes visited. Additionally, the extra method taking int[] allows native implementations to perform more work per FFM call.
    • example/ shows how to use these.
  • OnDiskGraphIndex, CachingGraphIndex, and GraphCache have moved to the package jvector.graph.disk
  • Writing graphs using the new feature (FusedADC) is performed with OnDiskGraphIndexWriter; see OnDiskGraphIndex.write for an example of how to use it
  • RandomAccessVectorValues::vectorValue is deprecated, replaced by getVector (which has the same semantics as vectorValue) and getVectorInto. The latter allows JVector to avoid an unnecessary copy when there is a specific destination already created that needs the data.
  • CompressedVectors::approximateScoreFunctionFor is deprecated, replaced by precomputedScoreFunctionFor (which has the same semantics as approximateScoreFunctionFor) and scoreFunctionFor, which does not precompute partial similarities across the codebooks and is more suitable for cases when only a few similarities will be calculated.
  • VectorUtil.divInPlace is replaced by its inverse, VectorUtil.scale
  • PoolingSupport is removed in favor of direct usage of ExplicitThreadLocal
  • ExplicitThreadLocal and GraphIndexBuilder implement AutoCloseable to make it easier to clean up pooled Views

Other changes to public classes

  • FixedBitSet.nextSetBit behaves as expected
  • Removed vestigal references to node level in several places that were left over from old HNSW code
  • Centering of binary quantization makes things worse, not better, and has been removed. Saved BQ and BQVectors that have centering data will ignore it on load.

Upgrading from 1.0.x to 2.0.x

New features

  • In-graph deletes are supported through GraphIndexBuilder.markNodeDeleted. Deleted nodes are removed when GraphIndexBuilder.cleanup is called (which is not threadsafe wrt other concurrent changes). To write a graph with deleted nodes to disk, a Map must be supplied indicating what ordinals to change the remaining node ids to -- on-disk graphs may not contain "holes" in the ordinal sequence.
  • now has an experimental overload that takes a float threshold parameter that may be used instead of topK; (approximately) all the nodes with simlarities greater than the given threshold will be returned.
  • Binary Quantization is available as an alternative to Product Quantization. Our tests show that it's primarily suitable for ada002 embedding vectors and loses too much accuracy with smaller embeddings.

Primary API changes

  • GraphIndexBuilder.complete is now cleanup.
  • The Bits parameter to is no longer nullable; pass Bits.ALL instead of null to indicate that all ordinals are acceptable.

Other changes to public classes

  • NeighborQueue, NeighborArray, and NeighborSimilarity have been renamed to NodeQueue, NodeArray, and NodeSimilarity, respectively.