Provides the Param command ensemble.
Commands in this ensemble are accessed as:
Param <cmd> <options>
- Is one of the Param command names listed below.
- The cmd dependent options.
See also BuiltIn Base Types and Custom Base Types.
Param basetype name ?vtorNamespace? ?replace?
Creates an application defined basetype. Returns nothing. See Custom Base Types.
- The name of the base type being created. An error is triggered if name
is not unique unless replace
is set to 1.
- The optional validator namespace. See Validators. (default name
- If 1, any existing base type definition will be replaced with this one. (default 0)
Param getBasetype typedefName
Returns the base type of a type definition.
- The type definition name.
Param getBasetypes
Returns a list of all base type names.
Param getLimits type
Returns the limits for a given type.
- Is a type definition or base type name.
Param getRange type
Returns the range for a given type.
- Is a type definition or base type name.
Param getRangeErrorCmd
Gets the current, global range error command. See also Range Error Commands.
Param getRangeSignature type
Returns the human readable range signature for a given type.
- Is a type definition or base type name.
Param getTypedefs
Returns a list of all type definition names.
Param getValidator type
Returns the validator namespace name for a given type.
- Is a type definition or base type name.
Param isBasetype name
Returns 1 if name
is a valid base type name.
- The name being tested.
Param isTypedef name
Returns 1 if name
is a valid type definition name.
- The name being tested.
Param new type ?val?
Creates a parameter object. Returns the parameter object.
- An existing type definition name.
- The optional, initial parameter value. The default is type dependent.
Param setRangeErrorCmd cmd
Sets the command to be invoked when an assignment violates a parameter's range. This command applies to all parameters. See also Range Error Commands. Returns the previous command.
- The command to invoke.
Param typedef basetype name ?range? ?replace?
Creates an application defined parameter data type. A typedef has its own type name and an optional,
basetype-specific value range. When assigning a parameter value, this range will be enforced. A Tcl
is triggered if the assigned value violates the range. The basetype
must be one of the
built-in or user defined base types. Returns nothing.
- One of the built in or user defined
base types. See the basetype command.
- The name of the type being created. An error is triggered if name
is not unique
unless replace
is set to 1.
- The optional, base type specific range. See ranges for the
BuiltIn Base Types. (default {})
- If 1, any existing type definition will be replaced with this one. (default 0)
Each typedef supports the following commands. These commands are accessed using the Param::TypedefName
Additional commands may be added by a base type validator.
See also BuiltIn Base Types and VTOR::objectProto_.
Param::TypedefName getDefaultValue
Gets the typedef's current default value. This value is assigned to a parameter if a value is not specified when it is created. See Param new.
Param::TypedefName getRangeErrorCmd
Gets the typedef's current range error command. See also Range Error Commands.
Param::TypedefName setDefaultValue val
Sets the typedef's default value. This value is assigned to a parameter if a value is not specified when it is created. See Param new. Returns the previous default value.
- The default value. This value is not validated until it is assigned to a newly created parameter.
Param::TypedefName setRangeErrorCmd cmd
Sets the command to be invoked when an assignment violates a parameter's range. This command applies to all parameters created with TypedefName
See also Range Error Commands. Returns the previous command.
- The command to invoke.
All parameter objects support the following variables and commands. Additional variables and commands may be added by a base type validator. See also BuiltIn Base Types and VTOR::objectProto_.
These variables are managed by the parameter object. A typical application should not access these values directly. However, these values will often be directly accessed by validators.
The object's namespace name. The same value returned by Param new. That is, ($obj == $obj::self_) is true.
The object's type name as passed to Param new.
The object's current value as set by $obj = or $obj setValue.
$obj = val
Assignes a new value to the parameter. An error is triggered if the value violates the parameter type range. Same as the setValue command. Returns the assigned value.
- The value being assigned.
$obj dump
Returns a text representation of the parameter as
"${self_}: type($type_) value($val_)".
$obj getLimits
Returns the parsed range
value as returned by VTOR::parseRange.
The exact structure of this value is base type dependent and is typically not
used or needed by an application except for debugging.
$obj getRange
Returns the unparsed range
value passed to Param typedef.
$obj getRangeErrorCmd
Gets the object's current range error command. See also Range Error Commands.
$obj getType
Returns the paramter type as passed to Param new.
$obj getValue
Returns the current parameter value.
$obj setRangeErrorCmd cmd
Sets the command to be invoked when an assignment violates a parameter's range. This command only applies to to this specific parameter object. See also Range Error Commands. Returns the previous command.
- The command to invoke.
$obj setValue val
Assignes a new value to the parameter. An error is triggered if the value violates the associated range. Returns the assigned value.
- The value being assigned.
When a requested assignment (see $obj = and $obj setValue) would violate a parameter's range, the new value is not immediately assigned to the parameter. Instead, a series of range error commands are attempted in turn as follows:
- The global
command set by Param setRangeErrorCmd - The
specific command set by Param::TypedefName setRangeErrorCmd - The object specific command set by $obj setRangeErrorCmd
Each command is invoked as [{*}$cmd $obj valueVar]
. The cmd
is usually a proc name followed by zero or more fixed arguments. The $obj
and valueVar
arguments are always last.
- The parameter object, returned from Param new, that was assigned the invalid value.
- The name of variable containing the invalid value. Use upvar
to gain read/write access to this var.
A range error command can decide what to do with the invalid value. It may attempt to fix the value or pass it on to the next command. A range error command must return one of fatal
, ignore
, force
, or again
Returning again
stops the range error command sequence. The validator is invoked again using the new value returned in valueVar
. If the new value is valid, the parameter assignment is completed successfully. If the new value is still invalid, it is treated as fatal
and a Tcl error is triggered.
Returning fatal
allows the range error command sequence to continue. If all range error commands return fatal
, a Tcl error is triggered. This is the default behavior if no range error commands are defined.
Returning force
stops the range error command sequence. The param object's value is changed to the invalid value. It is the application's responsibility to properly deal with the invalid values.
Returning ignore
stops the range error command sequence. The param object's value is not changed and retains the value it had prior to the invalid assignment.
Base types that support typedefs (see VTOR::createTypedef_) can be used for parameters. These parameters will have an unlimited range.
set poi [Param new integer 33]
$poi = 77
set pod [Param new double 33.33]
$pod = 77.77
# real is an alias of double
set por [Param new real 44.55]
$por = 66.88
set pos [Param new string {hello}]
$pos = {world!}
# enum requires a range! It must be typedef'ed.
set enum [Param new enum] ;# ERROR
Typedefs can be used to define ranges for base types.
Param typedef integer iMonth {1 12}
set imon [Param new iMonth 3]
$imon = 7
$imon setValue 8
$imon = 13 ;# ERROR
Param typedef double Scale {>0 10}
set scale [Param new Scale 0.9]
$scale = 0.4
$scale setValue 5.5
$scale = 0 ;# ERROR
# regex string typedef
Param typedef string BigStrR {r/^big\S{1,4}$/it}
set bigStr [Param new BigStrR "BigStr"]
$bigStr = "Big1234"
$bigStr = "big" ;# ERROR
$bigStr setValue "Big12345" ;# ERROR
Param typedef string BigStrG {g/big*/it 4 7}
set bigStrg [Param new BigStrG "BigStr"]
$bigStrg = "Big1234"
$bigStrg = "big" ;# ERROR
$bigStrg setValue "Big12345" ;# ERROR
Param typedef enum ColorComponent {red|green|blue=5|alpha}
set ccomp [Param new ColorComponent "red"]
$ccomp setValue "green"
$ccomp = "blue"
# Call enum-defined getId object command
puts "$ccomp id([$ccomp getId])" ;# id is 5 for "blue"
# Call enum-defined getTokenId typedef command
puts "ColorComponent getTokenId(alpha=[ColorComponent getTokenId alpha])"
# print a table of base type range signatures
set fmt "| %-15.15s | %-60.60s |"
set dashes [string repeat - 100]
puts {}
puts [format $fmt "Basetype" "Range Signature"]
puts [format $fmt $dashes $dashes]
foreach basetype [Param getBasetypes] {
puts [format $fmt $basetype [Param getRangeSignature $basetype]]
::Param::param_11 id(5)
ColorComponent getTokenId(alpha=6)
| Basetype | Range Signature |
| --------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| double | ?Inf|?>|=?minLimit ?Inf|?<|=?maxLimit?? |
| real | ?Inf|?>|=?minLimit ?Inf|?<|=?maxLimit?? |
| float | ?Inf|?>|=?minLimit ?Inf|?<|=?maxLimit?? |
| enum | ?|<CHAR>?token?=integer? ?|token?=integer??... |
| integer | ?Inf|minLimit ?Inf|maxLimit?? |
| int | ?Inf|minLimit ?Inf|maxLimit?? |
| string | ?g|r<CHAR>pattern<CHAR>?i??t? ?minLen ?maxLen??? |
| text | ?g|r<CHAR>pattern<CHAR>?i??t? ?minLen ?maxLen??? |
# the range error handler
proc myErrHandler { needle newVal obj valVar } {
# alias valVar into this scope
upvar $valVar val
# Who is calling myErrHandler?
puts [namespace qualifiers [dict get [info frame -2] proc]]
# error handler called with:
puts " myErrHandler needle($needle) newVal($newVal) obj($obj) val($val)"
# If the invalid value $val is equal to $needle, set val to $newVal and return
# again (this will tell validator to try again). Otherwise, return fatal.
set ret fatal
if { "$val" == "$needle" } {
set val $newVal
set ret again
puts " val set to [list $val]"
puts " returned $ret\n"
return $ret
# create enum typedef named ColorComponent
Param typedef enum ColorComponent {red|green|blue=5|alpha}
# create ColorComponent param object
set param [Param new ColorComponent "red"]
# set global range error command
Param setRangeErrorCmd "myErrHandler PARAM red"
# set ColorComponent range error command
Param::ColorComponent setRangeErrorCmd "myErrHandler TYPEDEF green"
# set param's range error command
$param setRangeErrorCmd "myErrHandler OBJ blue"
foreach badVal {OBJ TYPEDEF PARAM ABC} {
puts "\n----------------------------------------"
puts "calling {\$param = $badVal}\n"
catch {$param = $badVal} ret
puts "param == $ret"
calling {$param = OBJ}
myErrHandler needle(PARAM) newVal(red) obj(::Param::param_1) val(OBJ)
returned fatal
myErrHandler needle(TYPEDEF) newVal(green) obj(::Param::param_1) val(OBJ)
returned fatal
myErrHandler needle(OBJ) newVal(blue) obj(::Param::param_1) val(OBJ)
val set to blue
returned again
param == blue
calling {$param = TYPEDEF}
myErrHandler needle(PARAM) newVal(red) obj(::Param::param_1) val(TYPEDEF)
returned fatal
myErrHandler needle(TYPEDEF) newVal(green) obj(::Param::param_1) val(TYPEDEF)
val set to green
returned again
param == green
calling {$param = PARAM}
myErrHandler needle(PARAM) newVal(red) obj(::Param::param_1) val(PARAM)
val set to red
returned again
param == red
calling {$param = ABC}
myErrHandler needle(PARAM) newVal(red) obj(::Param::param_1) val(ABC)
returned fatal
myErrHandler needle(TYPEDEF) newVal(green) obj(::Param::param_1) val(ABC)
returned fatal
myErrHandler needle(OBJ) newVal(blue) obj(::Param::param_1) val(ABC)
returned fatal
param == Value ABC not in range red|green|blue=5|alpha