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Search.setIndex({"alltitles": {"API": [[0, null]], "API reference": [[2, "api-reference"]], "Ansatz": [[1, "ansatz"]], "Basics": [[1, "basics"]], "Command-line interface": [[1, null]], "Create a molecule": [[5, "create-a-molecule"]], "Create a wave function ansatz": [[5, "create-a-wave-function-ansatz"]], "Create the molecular Hamiltonian": [[5, "create-the-molecular-hamiltonian"]], "Custom data types and type aliases": [[0, "custom-data-types-and-type-aliases"]], "Dependencies": [[3, "dependencies"]], "Developing": [[3, "developing"]], "Electron GNN": [[0, "electron-gnn"]], "Evaluate the energy": [[5, "evaluate-the-energy"]], "Excited States": [[1, "excited-states"]], "Excited electronic states": [[0, "excited-electronic-states"]], "Execution on multiple GPUs": [[1, "execution-on-multiple-gpus"]], "Graph neural networks": [[0, "graph-neural-networks"]], "Graphs": [[0, "graphs"]], "Haiku": [[0, "haiku"]], "Hamiltonian": [[1, "hamiltonian"]], "Hyperparameters": [[1, "hyperparameters"]], "Install DeepQMC": [[3, "install-deepqmc"]], "Installation": [[3, null]], "Instantiate a sampler": [[5, "instantiate-a-sampler"]], "Logging": [[5, "logging"]], "Optimization": [[1, "optimization"]], "Optimize the ansatz": [[5, "optimize-the-ansatz"]], "Optimizers": [[0, "module-deepqmc.optimizer"]], "Optimizing electronic excited states": [[5, "optimizing-electronic-excited-states"]], "Optional dependencies": [[3, "optional-dependencies"]], "Pseudopotentials": [[5, "pseudopotentials"]], "Python version": [[3, "python-version"]], "References": [[4, null]], "Sampling": [[0, "sampling"], [1, "sampling"]], "Task": [[1, "task"]], "Training and evaluation": [[0, "training-and-evaluation"]], "Tutorial": [[5, null]], "Update Features": [[0, "update-features"]], "User guide": [[2, "user-guide"]], "Virtual environments": [[3, "virtual-environments"]], "Wave functions": [[0, "wave-functions"]], "Welcome to DeepQMC": [[2, null]]}, "docnames": ["api", "cli", "index", "installation", "refs", "tutorial"], "envversion": {"sphinx": 64, "sphinx.domains.c": 3, "sphinx.domains.changeset": 1, "sphinx.domains.citation": 1, "sphinx.domains.cpp": 9, "sphinx.domains.index": 1, "sphinx.domains.javascript": 3, "sphinx.domains.math": 2, "sphinx.domains.python": 4, "sphinx.domains.rst": 2, "sphinx.domains.std": 2, "sphinx.ext.intersphinx": 1, "sphinx.ext.todo": 2, "sphinx.ext.viewcode": 1}, "filenames": ["api.rst", "cli.rst", "index.rst", "installation.rst", "refs.rst", "tutorial.rst"], "indexentries": {"ansatz (class in deepqmc.types)": [[0, "deepqmc.types.Ansatz", false]], "apply() (deepqmc.types.ansatz method)": [[0, "deepqmc.types.Ansatz.apply", false]], "as_pyscf() (deepqmc.hamil.molecularhamiltonian method)": [[0, "deepqmc.hamil.MolecularHamiltonian.as_pyscf", false]], "batch (in module deepqmc.types)": [[0, "deepqmc.types.Batch", false]], "chain() (in module deepqmc.sampling)": [[0, "deepqmc.sampling.chain", false]], "combine_samplers() (in module deepqmc.sampling)": [[0, "deepqmc.sampling.combine_samplers", false]], "combinededgefeature (class in deepqmc.gnn.edge_features)": [[0, "deepqmc.gnn.edge_features.CombinedEdgeFeature", false]], "compute_mean_overlap() (in module deepqmc.loss.overlap)": [[0, "deepqmc.loss.overlap.compute_mean_overlap", false]], "compute_mean_overlap_tangent() (in module deepqmc.loss.overlap)": [[0, "deepqmc.loss.overlap.compute_mean_overlap_tangent", false]], "compute_psi_ratio() (in module deepqmc.loss.overlap)": [[0, "deepqmc.loss.overlap.compute_psi_ratio", false]], "compute_single_sample_psi_ratios() (in module deepqmc.loss.overlap)": [[0, "deepqmc.loss.overlap.compute_single_sample_psi_ratios", false]], "compute_wave_function_values() (in module deepqmc.loss.overlap)": [[0, "deepqmc.loss.overlap.compute_wave_function_values", false]], "convolutionelectronupdatefeature (class in deepqmc.gnn.update_features)": [[0, "deepqmc.gnn.update_features.ConvolutionElectronUpdateFeature", false]], "datadict (in module deepqmc.types)": [[0, "deepqmc.types.DataDict", false]], "decorrsampler (class in deepqmc.sampling)": [[0, "deepqmc.sampling.DecorrSampler", false]], "deepqmc.fit": [[0, "module-deepqmc.fit", false]], "deepqmc.gnn.edge_features": [[0, "module-deepqmc.gnn.edge_features", false]], "deepqmc.gnn.electron_gnn": [[0, "module-deepqmc.gnn.electron_gnn", false]], "deepqmc.gnn.graph": [[0, "module-deepqmc.gnn.graph", false]], "deepqmc.gnn.update_features": [[0, "module-deepqmc.gnn.update_features", false]], "deepqmc.hamil": [[0, "module-deepqmc.hamil", false]], "deepqmc.hkext": [[0, "module-deepqmc.hkext", false]], "deepqmc.loss.overlap": [[0, "module-deepqmc.loss.overlap", false]], "deepqmc.molecule": [[0, "module-deepqmc.molecule", false]], "deepqmc.optimizer": [[0, "module-deepqmc.optimizer", false]], "deepqmc.sampling": [[0, "module-deepqmc.sampling", false]], "deepqmc.train": [[0, "module-deepqmc.train", false]], "deepqmc.wf.nn_wave_function": [[0, "module-deepqmc.wf.nn_wave_function", false]], "differenceedgefeature (class in deepqmc.gnn.edge_features)": [[0, "deepqmc.gnn.edge_features.DifferenceEdgeFeature", false]], "distancepoweredgefeature (class in deepqmc.gnn.edge_features)": [[0, "deepqmc.gnn.edge_features.DistancePowerEdgeFeature", false]], "edge_factory() (deepqmc.gnn.electron_gnn.electrongnn method)": [[0, "deepqmc.gnn.electron_gnn.ElectronGNN.edge_factory", false]], "edgefeature (class in deepqmc.gnn.edge_features)": [[0, "deepqmc.gnn.edge_features.EdgeFeature", false]], "edgesumelectronupdatefeature (class in deepqmc.gnn.update_features)": [[0, "deepqmc.gnn.update_features.EdgeSumElectronUpdateFeature", false]], "electronembedding (class in deepqmc.gnn.electron_gnn)": [[0, "deepqmc.gnn.electron_gnn.ElectronEmbedding", false]], "electrongnn (class in deepqmc.gnn.electron_gnn)": [[0, "deepqmc.gnn.electron_gnn.ElectronGNN", false]], "electrongnnlayer (class in deepqmc.gnn.electron_gnn)": [[0, "deepqmc.gnn.electron_gnn.ElectronGNNLayer", false]], "electronsampler (class in deepqmc.sampling.base)": [[0, "deepqmc.sampling.base.ElectronSampler", false]], "from_file() (deepqmc.molecule.molecule class method)": [[0, "deepqmc.molecule.Molecule.from_file", false]], "from_name() (deepqmc.molecule.molecule class method)": [[0, "deepqmc.molecule.Molecule.from_name", false]], "gaussianedgefeature (class in deepqmc.gnn.edge_features)": [[0, "deepqmc.gnn.edge_features.GaussianEdgeFeature", false]], "glu (class in deepqmc.hkext)": [[0, "deepqmc.hkext.GLU", false]], "graphedgebuilder() (in module deepqmc.gnn.graph)": [[0, "deepqmc.gnn.graph.GraphEdgeBuilder", false]], "graphupdate() (in module deepqmc.gnn.graph)": [[0, "deepqmc.gnn.graph.GraphUpdate", false]], "identity (class in deepqmc.hkext)": [[0, "deepqmc.hkext.Identity", false]], "init() (deepqmc.optimizer.optimizer method)": [[0, "deepqmc.optimizer.Optimizer.init", false]], "init() (deepqmc.sampling.base.electronsampler method)": [[0, "deepqmc.sampling.base.ElectronSampler.init", false]], "init() (deepqmc.types.ansatz method)": [[0, "deepqmc.types.Ansatz.init", false]], "init_sample() (deepqmc.hamil.molecularhamiltonian method)": [[0, "deepqmc.hamil.MolecularHamiltonian.init_sample", false]], "langevinsampler (class in deepqmc.sampling)": [[0, "deepqmc.sampling.LangevinSampler", false]], "laplacianfactory (class in deepqmc.hamil)": [[0, "deepqmc.hamil.LaplacianFactory", false]], "log (deepqmc.types.psi attribute)": [[0, "deepqmc.types.Psi.log", false]], "metropolissampler (class in deepqmc.sampling)": [[0, "deepqmc.sampling.MetropolisSampler", false]], "mlp (class in deepqmc.hkext)": [[0, "deepqmc.hkext.MLP", false]], "module": [[0, "module-deepqmc.fit", false], [0, "module-deepqmc.gnn.edge_features", false], [0, "module-deepqmc.gnn.electron_gnn", false], [0, "module-deepqmc.gnn.graph", false], [0, "module-deepqmc.gnn.update_features", false], [0, "module-deepqmc.hamil", false], [0, "module-deepqmc.hkext", false], [0, "module-deepqmc.loss.overlap", false], [0, "module-deepqmc.molecule", false], [0, "module-deepqmc.optimizer", false], [0, "module-deepqmc.sampling", false], [0, "module-deepqmc.train", false], [0, "module-deepqmc.wf.nn_wave_function", false]], "moleculargraphedgebuilder() (in module deepqmc.gnn.graph)": [[0, "deepqmc.gnn.graph.MolecularGraphEdgeBuilder", false]], "molecularhamiltonian (class in deepqmc.hamil)": [[0, "deepqmc.hamil.MolecularHamiltonian", false]], "molecule (class in deepqmc.molecule)": [[0, "deepqmc.molecule.Molecule", false]], "moleculeidxsampler (class in deepqmc.sampling)": [[0, "deepqmc.sampling.MoleculeIdxSampler", false]], "multielectronicstatesampler (class in deepqmc.sampling.combined_samplers)": [[0, "deepqmc.sampling.combined_samplers.MultiElectronicStateSampler", false]], "multinucleargeometrysampler (class in deepqmc.sampling)": [[0, "deepqmc.sampling.MultiNuclearGeometrySampler", false]], "neuralnetworkwavefunction (class in deepqmc.wf)": [[0, "deepqmc.wf.NeuralNetworkWaveFunction", false]], "no_scaling() (in module deepqmc.loss.overlap)": [[0, "deepqmc.loss.overlap.no_scaling", false]], "nodeattentionelectronupdatefeature (class in deepqmc.gnn.update_features)": [[0, "deepqmc.gnn.update_features.NodeAttentionElectronUpdateFeature", false]], "nodeedgemapping (class in deepqmc.gnn.utils)": [[0, "deepqmc.gnn.utils.NodeEdgeMapping", false]], "nodesumelectronupdatefeature (class in deepqmc.gnn.update_features)": [[0, "deepqmc.gnn.update_features.NodeSumElectronUpdateFeature", false]], "nucleiembedding (class in deepqmc.gnn.electron_gnn)": [[0, "deepqmc.gnn.electron_gnn.NucleiEmbedding", false]], "opt (deepqmc.types.trainstate attribute)": [[0, "deepqmc.types.TrainState.opt", false]], "optimizer (class in deepqmc.optimizer)": [[0, "deepqmc.optimizer.Optimizer", false]], "overlapgradientscalefactory (class in deepqmc.loss.overlap)": [[0, "deepqmc.loss.overlap.OverlapGradientScaleFactory", false]], "parametrizedwavefunction (in module deepqmc.types)": [[0, "deepqmc.types.ParametrizedWaveFunction", false]], "params (deepqmc.types.trainstate attribute)": [[0, "deepqmc.types.TrainState.params", false]], "params (in module deepqmc.types)": [[0, "deepqmc.types.Params", false]], "physicalconfiguration (class in deepqmc.types)": [[0, "deepqmc.types.PhysicalConfiguration", false]], "psi (class in deepqmc.types)": [[0, "deepqmc.types.Psi", false]], "resampledsampler (class in deepqmc.sampling)": [[0, "deepqmc.sampling.ResampledSampler", false]], "residualconnection (class in deepqmc.hkext)": [[0, "deepqmc.hkext.ResidualConnection", false]], "residualelectronupdatefeature (class in deepqmc.gnn.update_features)": [[0, "deepqmc.gnn.update_features.ResidualElectronUpdateFeature", false]], "sample() (deepqmc.sampling.base.electronsampler method)": [[0, "deepqmc.sampling.base.ElectronSampler.sample", false]], "sampler (deepqmc.types.trainstate attribute)": [[0, "deepqmc.types.TrainState.sampler", false]], "samplerstate (in module deepqmc.types)": [[0, "deepqmc.types.SamplerState", false]], "scale_by_energy_gap() (in module deepqmc.loss.overlap)": [[0, "deepqmc.loss.overlap.scale_by_energy_gap", false]], "scale_by_energy_std() (in module deepqmc.loss.overlap)": [[0, "deepqmc.loss.overlap.scale_by_energy_std", false]], "scale_by_max_gap_std() (in module deepqmc.loss.overlap)": [[0, "deepqmc.loss.overlap.scale_by_max_gap_std", false]], "sign (deepqmc.types.psi attribute)": [[0, "deepqmc.types.Psi.sign", false]], "ssp() (in module deepqmc.hkext)": [[0, "deepqmc.hkext.ssp", false]], "stats (in module deepqmc.types)": [[0, "deepqmc.types.Stats", false]], "step() (deepqmc.optimizer.optimizer method)": [[0, "deepqmc.optimizer.Optimizer.step", false]], "sumpool (class in deepqmc.hkext)": [[0, "deepqmc.hkext.SumPool", false]], "symmetrize_overlap_with_clipped_geometric_mean() (in module deepqmc.loss.overlap)": [[0, "deepqmc.loss.overlap.symmetrize_overlap_with_clipped_geometric_mean", false]], "train() (in module deepqmc.train)": [[0, "deepqmc.train.train", false]], "trainstate (class in deepqmc.types)": [[0, "deepqmc.types.TrainState", false]], "update() (deepqmc.sampling.base.electronsampler method)": [[0, "deepqmc.sampling.base.ElectronSampler.update", false]], "updatefeature (class in deepqmc.gnn.update_features)": [[0, "deepqmc.gnn.update_features.UpdateFeature", false]], "wavefunction (in module deepqmc.types)": [[0, "deepqmc.types.WaveFunction", false]]}, "objects": {"deepqmc": [[0, 0, 0, "-", "fit"], [0, 0, 0, "-", "hamil"], [0, 0, 0, "-", "hkext"], [0, 0, 0, "-", "molecule"], [0, 0, 0, "-", "optimizer"], [0, 0, 0, "-", "sampling"], [0, 0, 0, "-", "train"]], "deepqmc.gnn": [[0, 0, 0, "-", "edge_features"], [0, 0, 0, "-", "electron_gnn"], [0, 0, 0, "-", "graph"], [0, 0, 0, "-", "update_features"]], "deepqmc.gnn.edge_features": [[0, 1, 1, "", "CombinedEdgeFeature"], [0, 1, 1, "", "DifferenceEdgeFeature"], [0, 1, 1, "", "DistancePowerEdgeFeature"], [0, 1, 1, "", "EdgeFeature"], [0, 1, 1, "", "GaussianEdgeFeature"]], "deepqmc.gnn.electron_gnn": [[0, 1, 1, "", "ElectronEmbedding"], [0, 1, 1, "", "ElectronGNN"], [0, 1, 1, "", "ElectronGNNLayer"], [0, 1, 1, "", "NucleiEmbedding"]], "deepqmc.gnn.electron_gnn.ElectronGNN": [[0, 2, 1, "", "edge_factory"]], "deepqmc.gnn.graph": [[0, 3, 1, "", "GraphEdgeBuilder"], [0, 3, 1, "", "GraphUpdate"], [0, 3, 1, "", "MolecularGraphEdgeBuilder"]], "deepqmc.gnn.update_features": [[0, 1, 1, "", "ConvolutionElectronUpdateFeature"], [0, 1, 1, "", "EdgeSumElectronUpdateFeature"], [0, 1, 1, "", "NodeAttentionElectronUpdateFeature"], [0, 1, 1, "", "NodeSumElectronUpdateFeature"], [0, 1, 1, "", "ResidualElectronUpdateFeature"], [0, 1, 1, "", "UpdateFeature"]], "deepqmc.gnn.utils": [[0, 1, 1, "", "NodeEdgeMapping"]], "deepqmc.hamil": [[0, 1, 1, "", "LaplacianFactory"], [0, 1, 1, "", "MolecularHamiltonian"]], "deepqmc.hamil.MolecularHamiltonian": [[0, 2, 1, "", "as_pyscf"], [0, 2, 1, "", "init_sample"]], "deepqmc.hkext": [[0, 1, 1, "", "GLU"], [0, 1, 1, "", "Identity"], [0, 1, 1, "", "MLP"], [0, 1, 1, "", "ResidualConnection"], [0, 1, 1, "", "SumPool"], [0, 3, 1, "", "ssp"]], "deepqmc.loss": [[0, 0, 0, "-", "overlap"]], "deepqmc.loss.overlap": [[0, 1, 1, "", "OverlapGradientScaleFactory"], [0, 3, 1, "", "compute_mean_overlap"], [0, 3, 1, "", "compute_mean_overlap_tangent"], [0, 3, 1, "", "compute_psi_ratio"], [0, 3, 1, "", "compute_single_sample_psi_ratios"], [0, 3, 1, "", "compute_wave_function_values"], [0, 3, 1, "", "no_scaling"], [0, 3, 1, "", "scale_by_energy_gap"], [0, 3, 1, "", "scale_by_energy_std"], [0, 3, 1, "", "scale_by_max_gap_std"], [0, 3, 1, "", "symmetrize_overlap_with_clipped_geometric_mean"]], "deepqmc.molecule": [[0, 1, 1, "", "Molecule"]], "deepqmc.molecule.Molecule": [[0, 2, 1, "", "from_file"], [0, 2, 1, "", "from_name"]], "deepqmc.optimizer": [[0, 1, 1, "", "Optimizer"]], "deepqmc.optimizer.Optimizer": [[0, 2, 1, "", "init"], [0, 2, 1, "", "step"]], "deepqmc.sampling": [[0, 1, 1, "", "DecorrSampler"], [0, 1, 1, "", "LangevinSampler"], [0, 1, 1, "", "MetropolisSampler"], [0, 1, 1, "", "MoleculeIdxSampler"], [0, 1, 1, "", "MultiNuclearGeometrySampler"], [0, 1, 1, "", "ResampledSampler"], [0, 3, 1, "", "chain"], [0, 3, 1, "", "combine_samplers"]], "deepqmc.sampling.base": [[0, 1, 1, "", "ElectronSampler"]], "deepqmc.sampling.base.ElectronSampler": [[0, 2, 1, "", "init"], [0, 2, 1, "", "sample"], [0, 2, 1, "", "update"]], "deepqmc.sampling.combined_samplers": [[0, 1, 1, "", "MultiElectronicStateSampler"]], "deepqmc.train": [[0, 3, 1, "", "train"]], "deepqmc.types": [[0, 1, 1, "", "Ansatz"], [0, 4, 1, "", "Batch"], [0, 4, 1, "", "DataDict"], [0, 4, 1, "", "ParametrizedWaveFunction"], [0, 4, 1, "", "Params"], [0, 1, 1, "", "PhysicalConfiguration"], [0, 1, 1, "", "Psi"], [0, 4, 1, "", "SamplerState"], [0, 4, 1, "", "Stats"], [0, 1, 1, "", "TrainState"], [0, 4, 1, "", "WaveFunction"]], "deepqmc.types.Ansatz": [[0, 2, 1, "", "apply"], [0, 2, 1, "", "init"]], "deepqmc.types.Psi": [[0, 4, 1, "", 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