All notable changes to this repository will be documented in this file.
- updates for the latest Notion dashboard @denkiwakame PR#19
- 🚀 New Feature: ACL Anthology URL support (experimental) PR#16
- 🚀 New Feature: support for old arXiv identifier PR#15 @aralsea
- restrict host_permission PR#10
- 🚀 New Feature: check duplicated entry PR#9
- Migration to Notion API version (2022-06-28) PR#8
- integrates arxiv2notionplus PR#6
- add publication date for easier tracking @wangjksjtu
- add comment parser for quick access to the potential project homepage or code link (if available) @wangjksjtu
- Refactor the above codes & fix bugs by @denkiwakame
- @denkiwakame
- @denkiwakame
- Linter / Formatter @denkiwakame
- Replace the author field from
to fully leverage the search/filter in notion @wangjksjtu - Release a public notion database/table here @denkiwakame
- Update UI to improve the navigation to the button @denkiwakame
- Migration to Manifest V3 @denkiwakame PR#7
- initial release from @denkiwakame