- Reduced examples for lineup_residuals() and lineup_histogram() so passes CRAN automatic check
- Fix to qqplot for standardised residuals
- Updated null_lm to optionally compute leverages and standardized residuals.
- Added a new function, lineup_residuals, for creating four different types of lineup plots for residuals with a single line of code.
- Added two new functions, lineup_histograms and lineup_qq for creating lineup histogram and Q-Q plots to assess distributional assumptions.
- Added two new vignettes.
- Adds Måns Thulin as a co-author, due to the substantial additions.
- CITATION revised to satisfy CRAN check
- And URLs in vignettes change to DOI because the DOI URL is apparently not valid according to the automated checks
- URLs in DESCRIPTION, CITATION, vignettes were causing an error on CRAN checks!
- removed dependency on reshape2
- adjusting other dependencies
- new theme to remove context from plots
- updated roxygen dependency
- CRAN fixes, minor code changes
- CRAN fixes, minor code changes
- Bug fixes, minor
- Added a sample size calculator
- Added time series null generating mechanism
- Fixed a bug in the residual generating mechanism reported by Jan Vanhove
- Changed the encrypt/decrypt to have 2 digits
- Using dplyr and purrr for making lineups now thanks to Stuart Lee
- Fix from Jenny Bryan on tidyverse
- CITATION file added
- vignettes update