Alacritty with tmux configuration on macOS. Setup brew install cask alacritty brew install tmux Put config file alacritty.yml into alacritty config location - ~/.config/alacritty/ Put themes folder with color themes from into ~/.config/alacritty/. Put tmux.conf to ~/.tmux.conf Configured keys Key Action ResetFontSize, IncreaseFontSize, DecreaseFontSize Create a new window (Tab) Select the next/previous window Select window 0-9 (window 0 is mapped to key 1) Split window (create pane) horizontally (left/right) Split window (create pane) vertically (top/bot Go to the next pane left/right/top/bottom Move current pane to the next position Resize current pane by 1 row/column Move current pane into a new window (‘break pane’) Zoom/unzoom current pane