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316 lines (235 loc) · 9.26 KB


A simple interface for converting Swagger v2 JSON Specs to a Postman Collection, with samples of Swagger request models added as JSON request bodies.

Based on the swagger2-to-postman NPM package and Swagger UI JSON example request generator.


  • Import Swagger Spec direct from URL, JSON file, raw JSON string and JavaScript object

  • Export Postman Collection to JavaScript object, raw JSON, JSON file or via a HTTP POST

  • Export Postman Environment with all URL parameters and other variables - can be exported to JavaScript object, raw JSON, JSON file or via a HTTP POST

  • Base URLs for endpoints are made generic with Postman environment placeholders for scheme (HTTP/HTTPS), host ( and port (8080) -> becomes {{scheme}}://{{host}}:{{port}}/api/do/stuff

Base URL parameters are included in any generated postman envrionment file

NPM Package: GitHub:

This package is part of a collection of three Swagger v2 converters I have created:


npm install swagger2-postman-generator


This NPM module returns a single object which is used to access a chain of different import and generate functions. Import the module like so:

var Swagger2Postman = require("swagger2-postman-generator");

    // do more stuff...

Importing Swagger

This can then be followed by an import function

Import Swagger URL


Import Swagger JSON File


Import Swagger JSON String


Import Swagger JavaScript Object

var swaggerSpec = getSwaggerSpecFromSomewhere(); // example


Exporting Postman

Once you have imported a Swagger spec, you have several options for generating the Postman collection output.

Export to Postman JSON

var collectionJson = Swagger2Postman

Export to Postman JSON File


Export to Postman JavaScript object

var collection = Swagger2Postman

Export Postman via HTTP POST

var swaggerSpec = getSwaggerSpecFromSomewhere(); // example


Export Postman Environment

You can export a auto-generated Postman Environment JSON that contains the host, port, scheme and all the distinct parameters found in the Swagger spec.

var swagger2Postman = Swagger2Postman
var options = getOptionsFromSomewhere(); // options for postman collection and environment

var env = swagger2Postman

var json = swagger2Postman

    .toPostmanEnvironmentFile("env.json", options)

    .toPostmanEnvironmentPost("https://some.web.service/api/postman/environments", options)


You can pass an options object to the from and to functions as the last parameter. No specific options are supported yet for from functions.

Note when dealing with a Postman request body, URL or headers you can use the environment variable syntax to add placeholders; e.g. token: {{tokenVariable}}

from and to options

  • debug: set this flag to true to turn on console logging of library calls, for debugging purposes only

to function options

  • requestPreProcessor: function that receives the postman request and swagger spec, called before request URL and body are processed
        requestPreProcessor: (postmanRequest, swaggerSpec) => {
            // postmanRequest - request object from postman collection
            // swaggerSpec - Swagger spec object used to generate postman collection

Postman request objects look like this:

			"name": "OAuth1.0 Verify Signature",
			"dataMode": "params",
			"data": [
					"key": "code",
					"value": "xWnkliVQJURqB2x1",
					"type": "text",
					"enabled": true
			"rawModeData": "{\"some\":\"json\"}",
			"descriptionFormat": null,
			"description": "OAuth1.0a is a specification that defines....",
			"headers": "Authorization: OAuth\n",
			"method": "GET",
			"pathVariables": {},
			"url": "",
			"preRequestScript": "",
			"tests": "responseCode.code === 200",
			"currentHelper": "normal",
			"helperAttributes": {}

In the request rawModeData is the request body as a string, and data is form data. A full schema for Postman v1 collections can be found here

  • globalHeaders: array of literal HTTP headers to add to all requests (useful for authentication headers etc.) e.g. Authorization: Basic {{base64Credentials}}
        globalHeaders: [
            "DNT: 0",
            "Authorization: Basic {{usernamePasswordBase64}}" // you can use postman variables here
  • requestPostProcessor: function that receives the postman request and swagger spec, called after request URL and body are processed
        requestPostProcessor: (postmanRequest, swaggerSpec) => {
            // postmanRequest - request object from postman collection
            // swaggerSpec - Swagger spec object used to generate postman collection

            if (postmanRequest.url.includes("/some/special/route")) {
                // add extra form data and a custom header to a special route (e.g. login)
                    "key": "someFormField",
                    "value": "someFormValue",
                    "type": "text",
                    "enabled": true

                postmanRequest.headers += "Cache-Control: no-cache\n";
  • postJsonBuilder: a function that receives the postman collection as JSON and returns a custom JSON string to use as the POST body (only for toPostmanCollectionPost and toPostmanEnvironmentPost)
    .toPostmanCollectionPost("https://some.web.service/api/postman/collections", {
        postJsonBuilder: (postmanCollectionJson) => {
            // postmanCollectionJson - the postman collection as JSON

            // do some things here...

            return postmanCollectionJson;
  • prettyPrint: boolean which when set to true will pretty print Postman JSON output (does not apply to toPostmanCollection)
        prettyPrint: true

Options for Postman Environments

These options only apply when calling toPostmanEnvironment[Json|File|Post] functions.

  • the name of the Environment shown in Postman UI
        environment: {
            name = "Environment Name"
  • environment.customVariables: list of custom variables to add to Environment
        environment: {
            customVariables = [{ // list of custom variables to add
                name = "accessCode",
                value = "9283928", // optional, default is blank string
                enabled = true, // optional, default is true (shows as check box in Postman UI)
                type = "text" // optional, default is text