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Configure a running Bugzilla system using Docker

  • Running latest Fedora (20)
  • Preconfigured with initial data and test product
  • Running Apache2 and MySQL Community Server 5.6
  • Openssh server so you can ssh in to the system to make changes
  • Code resides in /home/bugzilla/devel/htdocs/bugzilla and can be updated using standard git commands
How to build

If you need to build the base image for yourself, just change to the directory containing the checked out files and run the below command:

$ docker build -rm -t <my_name>/docker-bugzilla .

The -rm switch removes any interim containers automatically while the image is being created.

How to start
$ docker run -d -t \
    --name bugzilla \
    --hostname bugzilla \
    --publish 8080:80 \
    --publish 2222:22 \

This will pull down the docker image from the Docker Registry and start it for you

To stop and remove the container, you can do:

$ docker stop bugzilla
$ docker rm bugzilla

You can point your browser to http://localhost:8080/bugzilla to see the the Bugzilla home page. You can ssh into the container using ssh bugzilla@localhost -p2222. The password is bugzilla. The above command that starts the container is also in the file. Once the image is cache locally, starting the container should happen very quickly. You can run multiple containers but you will need to give each one a different name/hostname as well as non-conflicting ports numbers for ssh and httpd.