title | section | header | footer | date |
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User Manual |
show_moon 1.0.0 |
May 01, 2022 |
show_moon - Display the phase of the Moon
show_moon [-d date] [-h] [-L location] [-l lang] [-u]
The show_moon command displays the phase of the Moon in ANSI characters. Command line options can be used to specify the date, location, and language.
-h : indicates show online help message and exit
-d 'date' : specifies the date to use for phase of Moon, specify the 'date' in format 'YYYY-MM-DD'
-L 'location' : specifies the location key to use, specify a location as described in the help document
-l 'lang' : specifies the language code
Supported languages:
am ar af be bn ca da de el et fr fa hi hu ia id it lt mg
nb nl oc pl pt-br ro ru ta tr th uk vi zh-cn zh-tw
-s : indicates use v2 server
-u : indicates show this usage message and exit
show_moon : Without options show_moon will display the current phase of the Moon at your current location as given by your IP address
show_moon -L Paris -l fr : Display the current phase of the Moon in Paris, France. Use French language text description.
show_moon -d 2022-10-31 : Display the phase of the Moon on October 31, 2022 at your current location as given by your IP address
Written by Ronald Record [email protected]
SHOW_MOON is distributed under an Open Source license. See the file LICENSE in the SHOW_MOON source distribution for information on terms & conditions for accessing and otherwise using SHOW_MOON and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
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