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150 lines (110 loc) · 5.63 KB


This tuil pits ower wirds and phrases atween Scots and English.

It only haes a few hunder wirds the noo but the functionality is maistly thare.


  1. Leuk up vocabular in English or Scots uisin the ae text kistie
  2. See results as ye teep
  3. Inpit wirds uisin mair estaiblisht spellings alang wi some common mis-spellings
  4. Returns baith the Scots, and the English translate (or, whiles, a definition in Scots)
  5. Gies recommendit spelling(s), basic pronunciation and grammar, some info anent wird origin, alang wi ony common alternative spellings
  6. Audio o the wirds bein spoken in sindry byleids
  7. Twa-three example sentences for tae gie a idea of the wird in context
  8. URL per results set for easy skairin on social media, in messaging apps etc.
  9. Lichtwecht and accessible on dasktap, tablet and mobile.

Audience: Scots speakers, scrievers and learners.

# Dependencies

  • terser (optional; for JS minification)
  • sass

Install and big

npm install

Rin for tae big the JS bundle (glossar-bundle.min.js) and index.php. Eik argument css tae compile CSS and update query string when calling CSS, or min for tae minifee the JS. requires sass and, optionally, terser (for minification).

Whan testin on or deployin tae production at, index.php, glossar-bundle.min.js,, app.css and shoud be uplaidit, as weel as app.js and ./data (sae as the source mapping wirks). app.js and ./data shoud be pitten in the folder cried src.

In the jsmin script in package.json, mak siccar that the ruit is pyntit at either live or dev as relevant: --source-map "root='',url=''"

Mind and redd the wab host’s cache an aw.

Testing locally

Rin php -S localhost:8000 and gae tae http://localhost:8000 in the brouser.

Testing audio

Rin this script in the brouser console:

GLOSSAR.dict.forEach(item => {
    if ( {
        [].concat( => {
            document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', `<audio id="${item}" class="audio d-none" src="/audio/${item.charAt(0)}/${item}.mp3" preload="auto"></audio>`);

console.log('Checking duin');

Dev and eikin items tae the GLOSSAR.dict object

Mak chenges tae template and app.scss.

Trigger wirds (tr), pronunciations (pr) and alternative spellings (sc_alt) will be hielichtit in the UI by defaut. Ye can uise the hielicht property (hl) tae owerride this. See, for instance, hoo depute (Scots) vs deputy (English) is haundelt. For a mair complex example, sicht the verbs tae gae and tae gie.

Whan pushin past tenses and past participles tae G.dict (by gate of properties pt, pp and pt_pp), merk that baith the English and trigger wirds shoud be eikit tae the tr property — thare isna a separate en property.

Anent hielichting in verbs, haud is a guid example tae leuk at (tak tent o haud and hold baith bein in the tr property). That wey, if the uiser teeps hauden, only hauden will be hielichtit, and no haud an-aw.



This will gie a wird a heeze tae the tap o the results unner a couple o conditions: ony heezed items that’s hielichtit and that marras the wird bein searched for will be shiftit tae the tap. This wirks aboot an issue whaurin ‘haud’ and ‘hae’ haes the same score whan the uiser searches for ‘have’. We likely want tae hae ‘hae, hiv’ at the tap o the results. In anither instance, searchin for ‘dae’ will return results for ‘dae’ and ‘dae’, whaur the seicont means ‘dinna’. We’d want the first tae be at the tap as it’s mebbe mair likely tae be what the uiser wad expect.

On the ither haund, ye coud eik a heeze tae the ither ‘dae’ (heeze: 'deh') sae that ‘deh’ is pitten at the tap, as fowk is likely tae be leukin for the negative 'dae' if thay search for ‘deh’ (‘I dae ken’ is common). I’v actually insteid eikit ‘deh’ as a trigger, but ye coud hae duin it either wey.


Trigger wirds (tr) ar hielichtit by defaut. The hl property owerrides tr hielichting in cases whaur we dinna want aw the tr wirds bein hielichtit.

    sc: ['takkin', 'taein'],
    en: 'taking',
    tr: ['take', 'teuk', 'took', 'taen', 'takken', 'teuken', 'taken', 'tane', 'tooken', 'tookin'],
    hl: ['takken', 'tane', 'taen'], // Stops aw [tr] wirds frae bein hielichtit; wirds in [sc], [en] and [pr] will be hielichtit by defaut, sae need tae pit thaim here an aw. Allocate a tuim array if ye’r wantin nane o the 'tr' items tae cause hielichting
    ex: 'I wis takkin the dug for a walk whan it stertit smirrin',
    gr: 'pres participle o the v <span>tae tak</span>'

Error messages

fuse.basic.min.js:9 Uncaught TypeError: e.trim is not a function

Undefined property (e.g. relatit tae tr) (check complex verbs first). Stert by remuivin individual data files frae biggin process.


Full item template:

    sc: '',
    sc_alt: '',
    pr: '',
    def: '',
    en: '',
    pt: {
        sc: '',
        tr: ''
    pp: {
        sc: '',
        tr: ''
    pt_pp: {
        sc: '',
        tr: ''
    tr: '',
    hl: '',
    gr: '',
    or: [
        [, ''
        [G.notes.or.xx, ''
    ex: G.ex.,
    au: ''

Basic template

    sc: '',
    en: '',
    gr: '',
    or: [
        [, ''],
        [G.notes.or.xx, '']
    ex: G.ex.,