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Django examples

A Django project with example apps.

This repo will be updated when new apps are added to it.

The current list of apps include:

  1. app_users An app to demonstrate using a custom user model in Django.

  2. user_payment An app to receive user payments through Stripe.

  3. edit_photo An app that converts JPEG images into sketch using Celery.

  4. flashcards An app that uses MongoDB to store flashcards.

Running this project

  • start by installing the requirements:
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • the following environment variables need to be exported prior to use:
export SECRET_KEY='your django secret key'

export STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY_TEST='pk_test_12345...'
export STRIPE_SECRET_KEY_TEST='sk_test_12345...'
export STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET_TEST='whsec_12345..'
export PRODUCT_PRICE='price_12345...'

export MONGO_USER='user'
export MONGO_PASSWORD='password'
export MONGO_HOST=''
export MONGO_DB='flashcard_db'
export MONGO_COLLECTION='cards'
  • to run the photo editing app you need to have rabbitmq and a Celery worker running as follows:
## run the rabbitmq docker container
docker run -d -p 5672:5672 rabbitmq

## start the Celery worker
cd django-example
celery -A django_examples worker --loglevel=INFO
  • to run the flashcards app you need to have a mongodb container running:
docker run --rm -d -p 27017:27017 --name mongodb -v 001_initial.js:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/001_initial.js:ro -v mongodb:/data/db -e MONGO_INITDB_DATABASE=flashcard_db mongo --auth
  • after that you can run the following:
python makemigrations
python migrate
python runserver