- No need for editable habit lines
- A journal suffices for that and doesn't have any shenanigans
- Implement a migration and then remove it altogether
- Observation-Event migration
- Migrate observations to have their own ObservationMade/ObservationClosed events
- Remove
on observations - Fix event_stream_id on habittracked
- Implement signals event_stream_id saving on change etc for JournalAdded, HabitTracked...
- Drop closed observations (migration + replace view in code)
- Add
page showing for example, past observations - Check if migrations are really reversible
- Bring back tasks view
- Quick notes
- Can add via mobile (URL: /q, for example)
- Removed after 24 hours
- Add autoreload for celery
- Use standard Python images for celery
- Celery does not need to wait on PostgreSQL
- Can be put into a journal comment as list of points quote before comment section
- Move tools from random-tools to tasks-collector-tools
- Bug: Habits tracked on journal save have no event set to published of the journal
- Add taskadd Inbox
- Add ability to go to
- Add ability to go to
- Allow for archiving (leave delete)
- Oftentimes, tasks are not loaded, when working on multiple tabs
- use window.onfocus to reload tasks
- Add a special symbol in journal to add a line to a reflection
- Symbols: [x] [~] [^]
- How about [ ] for Plan?
- Need to rethink that / possible to use other input method
- Add a Journal archive view set
- Add an event archive view set
- Remove add_published from templatetags
- Check #253 – is ObservationMade done here?
- a weekly report could list out count and a summary of all items as email (for example)
- Add ell and personality cores to summary
- Add journal to the
view - Add
to the project and set it up with a dummy password for development (done in https://github.com/dragonee/tasks-collector-tools) - add
to events and allow for setting different day (yesterday) than now for events affecting a specific date (e.g. HabitsTracked) - Add post-it boards for ideas
- Use the tasks backend
- Add another view (with two components – a "shelf" and a "board")
- Put things from shelf to board
- Coordinates update
- Put things back from board to shelf
- Coordinates remove
- ability to move board around
- Observation Closed History View
- Merge View
- Event timeline component
- Better styling
- Habit summaries
- Quick summary - since / from
- Lines (days)
- Calendar
- Remove empty plans/reflections (these should not save)
- Dump database before automatic migration / deployment
- Quests: merge them with journals
- (draft) Use journal for journalling, and quest object as a side to it
- JournalQuestMeta: quest_id, journal_id, stage
- where to differentiate logic for stage: Null?
- (draft) Use journal for journalling, and quest object as a side to it
- Ability to create a task on Google Tasks API from the board
- PoC: https://developers.google.com/tasks/quickstart/python
- Board action
- Board status - scheduled
- Implement $ on tasks, so that only part of information is shown on the task list, all can be edited
- Make events out of reflections and plans
- A single event suffices?
- Add autocommit mechanism
- Remove on autocommit?
- Add manual commit
- Habits – shift around
- Add slug field
- Define a list of habits I'd like to track
- Possible integrations:
- Internal with events
- External with GH API
- Add Expectation model to Habit to track redline/greenline, goal, etc.
- Add a description to Habit
- Show plan on the tasks utility and journal so that focus/want is more visible
- Add a view to show today's plans (done with a ViewSet)
- Weekly plan?
- Habit: plan satisfied?
- Threads / split into threads and scopes
- Journal with reflections from daily reflection from past 7 days
- Split/merge observations
- fixme: seems like situation field needs to be validated for changes with strip()
- + add a migration removing recontextualized
- create a view that can migrate all observation updates into journal
- Allow text in parsing triplets if no hashtag is found
- Add ObservationMentioned event
- Add tags to journals
- Add plan templates for a day (e.g. Cleaning: ..., Writing: ..., etc.)
- Add Breakthroughs Plan
- Add [ ] to journal processing so that it can be used to add a plan for tomorrow
- Ideally if journal add, etc. returned in their json additional objects that were created, so that can be printed out as a summary then on the frontend
- Plan from tasks
- Add daily endpoint that shows all events for a day + plans, reflections, etc.
- The same view as eventdump but on web
- migrate distractions to integrity? true-to-self
- Make good summary view for weeks, etc
- Looks like perdiodical must go
- ell / use that for a quantified satori element
- on a scale 1-10 how was I close to the "true-to-self" (breakthrough) goal? Was there some task that was connected to the projected outcome elements?
- Enable login on every page and request
- Random: Three events and and "find a connection"
- Pseudorandom -> navigate left/right/top (leave one item, add two random)
- A graph / network of connections between events
- Better weekly summarization
- Either show something like in tasks-collector-tools (summary of each day with plan/reflection/etc.)
- Or make a console tool
- Print a weekly plan on daily page, monthly on weekly page