Current repository is opened for any suggestions and modifications. Please create an issue if you find something wrong or not honest in queries. You can also create a PR with suggested fixes
We tried to get best queries from each library, but may have missed something. If you know how to improve any of queries we have - we are open to modify them
You can also add any other ORM you'd like to see here
You can also add any query you wan to benchmark
contains prepared data for benchmarks. All data was taken fromNorthwind Traders database
Current database has:
- 8 entitiescustomer
- 91 entitiesemployee
- 9 entitiesorder
- 16_818 entitiesorder_detail
- 621_883 entitiesproduct
- 77 entitiesregion
- 4 entitiesshipper
- 3 entitiessupplier
- 29 entitiesterritory
- 53 entities
Current repository has separate folders for each library to run benchmarks
Main folder where all benchmarks were run against are in
folder. It has a set of groups divided by query that should be executed to get info from database
pnpm i && pnpm run start
After that you'll get terminal output with results. You can check sample output here
Machine specs
CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 7900X 12-Core Processor
Runtime: node v16.14.2 (x64-linux)