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Salsa Cosm Body Classer

Pages rendered by Salsa Labs' venerable platform, now known as Cosm, often need significant styling for particular clients. While traditional templates offered by the platform allow for significant customization, often styling needs to be present that targets a particular page type: just action alerts, or just donation forms, for example.

Targeting elements that live on just these pages can be difficult, but adding a CSS class to the element can make it much easier. The challenge? Figuring out the page type in order to insert the proper body class.

That's what this script does.

How to use it

Cosm Body Classer requires jQuery in order to work; thankfully, Salsa loads jQuery by default so you shouldn't need to add it. Yes, Salsa's version of jQuery is ancient, but it's all this script needs.

I'd recommend uploading this script to your Salsa instance and then putting a reference to it in your template just before the closing </body> tag:

<script src="/path/to/cosm-body-classes.min.js"></script>

Even better: reduce the number of HTTP connections in your template by inlining the code or at least appending it to some other JS file the template's already loading.

The script mostly works by parsing the URL and setting a body class based on what it's found. There is, however, some extra complexity present for trying to identify the specific type of action page being displayed.

What it identifies

Here's the complete list of classes this script might add to the <body> element depending on what it found:


If you've got a page type you need identified that's not listed here, please submit an issue and I'll try to add it.


For the simpler "add a class based on the URL string" logic, you can define your own mappings to extend or override what's already present. Simply declare a global object named salsaClasses, and use property/value pairs to set the string to look for in the URL and the class name to add to the body. Like so:

salsaClasses = {
	'/c/533': 'california-chapter',
	'public/content': 'content-page'

Note that this script looks just at the path, so things like the domain name and querystring (anything after the question mark) it ignores. If you need to set behaviors based on the querystring, I recommend using SalsaScript directly.


This works pretty well for most cases, but actions are an exciting beast. Cosm actually loads most of the information about an action via AJAX, so the details that identify what sort of action the page is aren't actually present in the markup when the page is first loaded. Ironically, it's actually easier to identify the action type by looking at the AJAX response than it is to wait until the AJAX call is completed and inspect the DOM; this is because multi-targeted and regular single targeted actions are indistinguishable on the first page once the AJAX is done.

This script is agnostic about the approach: If it thinks the AJAX request is already completed, it'll try inspecting the DOM to determine the action type the best it can. If it looks like the AJAX hasn't finished, it'll try "listening in" to the response and use that to set the class.

If for some reason you really need to be able to differentiate between targeted and multi-targeted actions, you may need to put the <script> tag for this someplace other than the footer; I've had good luck with it being the first child element of the <body>; however, since it's wrapped in a jQuery.ready() trigger that may not be sufficient for your needs.

Definitely don't include this script in your template's <head> as then it will load before Salsa injects jQuery onto the page, which will cause errors. Unless, of course, you're loading your own copy of jQuery in the head as well — in which case just make sure this comes after jQuery, as you would with any plugins.