The workshop includes multiple elements across local development environment, cloud environment, Laravel configurations and more. To make sure we enjoy all the core knowledge content of the workshop, please finish the Preparations
section before attending the workshop.
I also design a container as the development environment for the workshop, so that you can save lots of time to check all the preparation items before attending the workshop. However, after the workshop, you may still need to setup your own development evnironment on your laptop or any local computers. This Preparations
document will have all the elements that we used in the workshop. You can follow this document to check if you have all the elements in your development environment and ready to build your cool projects. Enjoy :)
Having an IAM user with
policy (or an AWS Root Account (not recommended))- Check: AWS Access Key Id
- Check: AWS Secret Access Key
- Please DO NOT commit your AWS Access Key Id and/or AWS Secret Access Key into version control repository.
Choose one from Method A (Workshop inside a Container) or Method B (Setup on My Local).
- Method A is the best option to attend the workshop. Simple and aligned. (Est. 5 minutes.)
- Method B covers all the elements you need for you to setup your Laravel+AWS development environment on your local computer. Maybe a little complex for the beginners, but no worries, it is step-by-step just like the workshop, so relax and take all the steps, you will be all set :) (Est. 15-60 minutes. It depends.)
This is the best option to attend the workshop. Simple and aligned development environment. All you need to do is follow the Visual Studio Code (vscode) 3-step instruction about <Developing inside a Container>.
- Install and configure Docker for your operating system.
- Install Visual Studio Code.
- Install the Remote Development extension pack.
Once you are all set, git clone the workshop, and ready to go:
❯ git clone
❯ cd laravel-on-aws-ecs-workshops
❯ code .
You will see a message box on the right-bottom corner, click the Reopen in Container
That's all. Enjoy the workshop. Let's start the Section 1!
Having git.
git --version
❯ git --version git version 2.29.1
git clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone [email protected]:dwchiang/laravel-on-aws-ecs-workshops.git
Having GNU Make.
make -v
❯ make -v GNU Make 3.81
Having tree command.
tree --version
❯ tree --version tree v1.8.0 (c) 1996 - 2018 by Steve Baker, Thomas Moore, Francesc Rocher, Florian Sesser, Kyosuke Tokoro
Having AWS CLI v2 installed and configured with at least one profile name.
aws --version
❯ aws --version aws-cli/2.0.59 Python/3.9.0 Darwin/19.6.0 source/x86_64
Tranditional Way
Please create a profile named
for this workshop in your AWS CLI v2. (If you are not using the same profile name, please update the profile name in theexport-variables
file of each section folder or your project repo folder.) -
[laravel-on-aws-ecs-workshops] aws_access_key_id = AKIAxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx aws_secret_access_key =
- Recommended to choose a region that supports EC2
instance type (ARM).
[profile laravel-on-aws-ecs-workshops] region = us-west-2 output = json cli_pager =
- Recommended to choose a region that supports EC2
Enable AWS SSO in AWS Organizations and AWS SSO in AWS Management Console. Create an SSO user and grant admin permissions on the user.
Then you can login with this SSO account in AWS CLI:
# configure AWS SSO in your AWS CLI ❯ aws configure sso --profile laravel-on-aws-ecs-workshops SSO start URL [None]: SSO Region [None]: us-west-2 #please change to use the corresponding region of your AWS SSO Attempting to automatically open the SSO authorization page in your default browser. If the browser does not open or you wish to use a different device to authorize this request, open the following URL: Then enter the code: HRCB-WSLR There are 6 AWS accounts available to you. Using the account ID 123456789012 The only role available to you is: AdministratorAccess Using the role name "AdministratorAccess" CLI default client Region [None]: us-west-2 CLI default output format [None]: json To use this profile, specify the profile name using --profile, as shown: aws s3 ls --profile laravel-on-aws-ecs-workshops
# refrech credentials into your ~/.aws/credentials ❯ ./utils/ laravel-on-aws-ecs-workshops => requesting temporary credentials => updating ~/.aws/credentials as profile laravel-on-aws-ecs-workshops [OK] done
Having jq to parse json outputs from AWS CLI.
jq --version
❯ jq --version jq-1.6
Having Docker on your local machine.
docker -v
❯ docker -v Docker version 19.03.12, build 48a66213fe
Having composer on your local machine to install Laravel.
composer -V
❯ composer -V Composer version 1.10.13 2020-09-09 11:46:34
Having Node.js and npm on your local machine. You may use nvm (Node Version Manager) to easily manage multiple versions.
node -v
❯ node -v v12.19.0
npm -v
❯ npm -v 6.14.8
(Optional) Check:
nvm ls
Having AWS CDK
- Check :
cdk --version
- Check :
Having a domain name you can manage. (e.g adding a new CNAME record for it.)
- Required since section 4.
That's all. Enjoy the workshop. Let's start the Section 1!