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58 lines (46 loc) · 2.8 KB

Installing CleverTap React Native

  1. npm install --save clevertap-react-native
  2. react-native link clevertap-react-native or follow the manual linking instructions below.

iOS with podspec

  • Add pod 'clevertap-react-native', :path => '../node_modules/clevertap-react-native' as a dependency in your ios/Podfile.
  • Run pod install from your ios directory.

iOS without podspec

  • Add pod 'CleverTap-iOS-SDK' as a dependency in your ios/Podfile. See an example Podfile here.
  • cd ios; pod install --repo-update
  • Note that after pod install, open your project using [MyProject].xcworkspace instead of the original .xcodeproj.


  • Add the clevertap-android-sdk and firebase-messaging (if you wish to support push notifications) packages in your android/app/build.gradlefile.
dependencies {
    compile ''
    compile ''
    compile ''
    compile '' //Optional for Audio/Video
    compile '' //Optional for Audio/Video
    compile '' //Optional for Audio/Video
    compile 'com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:4.9.0' //Mandatory for App Inbox
    compile '' //Mandatory for App Inbox
    compile "" //Mandatory for App Inbox

    //Note - ExoPlayer dependencies are optional but all 3 are required for Audio/Video Inbox and InApp Messages

Manual Linking


  • Drag and Drop node_modules/clevertap-react-native/ios/CleverTapReact.xcodeproj into the Libraries folder of your project in XCode (see Step 1 here).

  • Drag and Drop the libCleverTapReact.a product in CleverTapReact.xcodeproj into your project's target's "Link Binary With Libraries" section (see Step 2 here).

  • Add a Header Search Path pointing to $(SRCROOT)/../node_modules/clevertap-react-native/ios (see Step 3 here).



include ':clevertap-react-native'
project(':clevertap-react-native').projectDir = new File(settingsDir, '../node_modules/clevertap-react-native/android')


dependencies {
    compile project(':clevertap-react-native')

Now move on to integrating the SDK.