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48 lines (42 loc) · 3.22 KB

File metadata and controls

48 lines (42 loc) · 3.22 KB


React Upload S3


var Upload = require('rc-upload-s3');
var React = require('react');
var AWS = require('aws-sdk');
// use a valid credentials object from aws-sdk
var credentials = new AWS.CognitoIdentityCredentials({
  IdentityPoolId: '<identityPoolId>',
  IdentityId: '<IdentityId>',
  Logins: { '': '<Token>' }
var s3params = {Metadata: { uploader: 'react-upload-s3' }}; // tag upload files with uploader used
React.render(<Upload action="bucketName" credentials={credentials} params={s3params} />, container);



name type default description
name string file file param post to server
style object {} root component inline style
className string - root component className
disabled boolean false whether disabled
component "div" "span" "span"
supportServerRender boolean false whether to support server render
onReady function only call when supportServerRender is true, upload is rendered completely
action string from action url
data object/function(file) other data object to post or a function which returns a data object
headers object {} http headers to post, available in modern browsers
accept string input accept attribute
multiple boolean false only support ie10+
onStart function start upload file
onError function error callback
onSuccess function success callback
onProgress function progress callback, only for modern browsers
beforeUpload function null before upload check, return false or a rejected Promise will stop upload, only for modern browsers
customRequest function null provide an override for the default xhr behavior for additional customization
credentials object/function null should resolve to AWS credential see aws-sdk docs
params object null params passed to AWS.S3({params: params}) see available param options
withCredentials boolean false ajax upload with cookie send