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Deploy Google Kubernetes Cluster using Terraform by HashiCorp

Define variables

Copy terraform variables definition file example

cp terraform.tfvars.example terraform.tfvars

Edit terraform.tfvars file and define at least 1 variable project_id of your Google Cloud project

Other variables are optional. Uncomment and define if necessary. Default settings are defined in

cluster name               - cluster-1
number of nodes            - 3
disk size on each node     - 30GB
machine type               - n1-standard-1 / 3.75GB RAM, 1 CPU 

Prepare environment

Initialize terraform:

terraform init

Set up Google Cloud credentials:

gcloud auth application-default login

Deploy cluster

Check with:

terraform plan

Apply settings on Google Cloud:

terraform apply

Done. You are awesome! Google Kuberenetes Cluster has been deployed successfully

Use from local machine

To be able to manage cluster from your PC, use something like:

gcloud container clusters get-credentials my-cluster-name --zone us-central1-a --project my-project-id

Change zone, my-cluster-name and my-project-id accordingly before running a command

To verify you are connected to cluster, type:

kubectl config current-context

That's it. If you want to test and deploy application on this cluster, use Set Up Web Application instructions

If you don't need cluster anymore, type:

terraform destroy