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Zero (Android)

Zero for Android.

Installation with Android Studio 3 (for developers)

Download Android Studio

Go to and download Android Studio for your OS version. For Linux, unzip the file where you want it to be installed (for example in /opt folder) :

$ sudo cp /opt/
$ cd /opt/
$ unzip

If you have any troubles, please follow the link

Install Android Studio

Run the installer (launcher) :

$ cd android-studio/bin
$ ./

Then, follow the instructions about SDK installation and accept the creation of desktop launcher (otherwise, you have to manualy execute

Checkout from GitHub

You can now clone this repo by clicking in the menu VCS > Checkout from Version Control > GitHub Fill in the repo address: and clone it where you want.

At this time, you must have a Github account with access granted to zero-android repository. We recommended you to create a new token for Android studio (Go to and Settings / Developer settings / Personal access tokens to create a new token with access to repository)

Accept to create a new project from this repo.

Update the project

Globally, accept all recommendations from Android Studio about upgrading Gradle, and downloading requiered SDK tools.

You’re done to start !

[old way] Installation (for developers)

64-bit installation prerequisites

You need to install 32-bit libs:

$ sudo apt-get install libc6-i386 lib32z1 lib32stdc++6

Common installation

  1. Install Android Studio

    go to this site and download android studio :
    make sure the file you downloaded is in the folder you want android studio to be installed in.
    unzip the file you downloaded with :
    $ unzip
  2. Install Android SDK

    $ wget
    $ tar xzvf android-sdk_r23.0.2-linux.tgz -C </path/to/android/sdk>
  3. Set environment variable ANDROID_HOME

    $ export ANDROID_HOME=</path/to/android/sdk>
  4. Adds SDK tools path to PATH

    $ export PATH="$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools:$PATH"
    $ export PATH="$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$PATH"
  5. Launch android and install packages: Android 4.1.2 (API 16) Intel x86 Atom System Image

    $ android
  6. Add an AVD <my-smartphone> based on Galaxy Nexus for example

Build and install a debug APK

  1. In Android studio click on the “run ‘app’” button (or use Maj+F10)

Sign and publish APK on repositories with Android studio

  1. In Android Studio click on Build (alt+b)

  2. Click on “generate build APK”

  3. If you do this for the first time click on “Create new”

    Choose a folder in which will be saved your .jks
    Fill in the information needed and click on "ok"

    If you already have a java keystore, select it by clicking “Choose existing…” Select your .jks in the files and click on “Ok”

  4. Click on “Next”

  5. Make sure the build type “release” is selected

  6. Click on “Finish”

Sign and publish APK on repositories without Android studio

  1. Create a signing key to release your APK in your repository. Create it unless it already exists:

    $ keytool -genkey -v -keystore release.keystore -alias <repository> -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
  2. Build a release APK

    $ make release
  3. Push on repository


Zero is released under the GNU/GPL3 license.