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Lab 2.1 : Kafka Command Line Utilities


Use Kafka Command line utils

Depends On


Run time

10 mins

Quick Note: --bootstrap-server or --zookeeper

The older version of Kafka commands used -zookeeper flag.

For example:

$   ~/apps/kafka/bin/ \
        --zookeeper localhost:2181 --list

In newer clients, --zookeeper flag is being replaced by --bootstrap-server option

$   ~/apps/kafka/bin/ \
        --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --list

So going forward please use --bootstrap-server option

Step 1 : Open two terminals to your Kafka node

  • Option 1 : Use Jupyter Labs and open two terminals ( File --> New --> Terminal)
    You can drag the terminal tab to order them

  • Option 2 : Open multiple SSH terminals using Putty or equivalent

Step 2 : Create Topics

Inspect current topics

$   ~/apps/kafka/bin/ \
        --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --list

Let's create a test topic

$   ~/apps/kafka/bin/  --bootstrap-server localhost:9092   \
       --create --topic test --replication-factor 1  --partitions 2


$   ~/apps/kafka/bin/ \
        --bootstrap-server localhost:9092  --list

Describe the topic

$   ~/apps/kafka/bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092  \
        --describe --topic test

Step 3 : Inspect Kafka Manager UI

Step 4: Create a Topic from Kafka Manager

Create a new topic test2 with 10 partitions from KM

See screenshots below

Step 5 : Let's send some messages

On terminal-1 start kafka-console-producer

$    ~/apps/kafka/bin/ \
        --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic test

On terminal-2 start kafka-console-consumer

$   ~/apps/kafka/bin/ \
        --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic test

==> In producer terminal (1) type some data

==> Watch the output on consumer terminal (2)

Click on the image to see larger version.

Step 6 : Try these

Stop the consumer using Ctrl+c.

==> Start consumer with from-beginning flag

$    ~/apps/kafka/bin/ \
    --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic test --from-beginning

=> Is the consumer reading the data 'in-order' as we typed in producer terminal? Why or why not?

Step 7: Find out options for console-producer and console-consumer

Invoke console-producer and console-consumer without any arguments to find out all the options.

$    ~/apps/kafka/bin/

$    ~/apps/kafka/bin/

Step-8: Read From a Particular Offset

Try this:

You need to specify topic, partition and offset

$   ~/apps/kafka/bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 \
    --topic test --partition 1  --offset 2 

Play around with different parameters