Please demo this example, and do the lab together with students, step by step
Run simple Producer / Consumer
30 mins
IF you haven't done before, let's create a test
$ ~/apps/kafka/bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 \
--create --topic test --replication-factor 1 --partitions 2
In a terminal
$ ~/apps/kafka/bin/ \
--bootstrap-server localhost:9092 \
--property print.key=true --property key.separator=":" \
--topic test
or if you have Kafkacat
$ kafkacat -q -C -b localhost:9092 -t test -f 'Partition %t[%p], offset: %o, key: %k, value: %s\n'
- Inspect file :
. - Run the Producer
In Eclipse,
- Right click on 'src/main/java/x/lab03_api_intro/'
- Run as 'Java Application'
In Eclipse console, you should see output as follows:
sending : ProducerRecord(topic=test, partition=null, key=1, value=Hello world, timestamp=null)
The messages should show up in Kafka console terminal !
Yay !!
- Inspect file
- Run the Consumer
In Eclipse,
- Right click on 'src/main/java/x/lab03_api_intro/'
- Run as 'Java Application'
This will keep running.
- Right click on
- Run as 'Java Application'
=> In Eclipse, monitor output from two of these programs
Hint : you may need to switch to Debug view
=> Also what is happening in Kafka console consumer?
Stop the running consumer first (in Eclipse)
Leave console consumer running.
Run two instances of the Simple Consumer
(from Eclipse)
Also run SimpleProducer
from Eclipse.
How many messages each consumer get? Can you explain? 😄
Look at partition based consumption for test
topic from Kafka manager. See screenshots below
Instructor, please explain the stats
Stop the running consumers first (in Eclipse)
Leave console consumer running.
Run three instances of the Simple Consumer
(from Eclipse)
Also run SimpleProducer
from Eclipse.
How many messages each consumer get? Can you explain? 😄