Seek within partition
20 mins
Inspect file : src/main/java/x/lab05_offsets/
Fix the TODO-1
Disable auto commit like this
props.put("", "false");
Run the consumer in Eclipse, by
- Right click on file
- Run as 'Java Application'
You will see consumer processing messages.
Pay special attention to OFFSETs.
Now stop the consumer program
Note: It may take a few seconds to establish connection to Kafka (because we didn't do a clean shutdown)
Observe the consumer output, you will see the same messages. Can you explain why?
Stop the consumer
Uncomment the following line to enable commitSync
- Re-run consumer again
- Observe what data it is getting
- stop the consumer
- Start the consumer again.
- Observe the data. What do you see? Is it still getting 'old data'?
Use kafkacat to send a couple of new messages into the topic
$ kafkacat -P -b localhost:9092 -t test
Type in some data
You should see it comes out via consumer.