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Lab: Install Confluent


Install and run Confluent platform

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Run time

15 mins

Step 1: Shutdown any running Kafka instance

Run the following in a terminal

$   ~/apps/kafka/bin/

$   ~/apps/kafka/bin/ 

Verify the services have stopped by doing a jps command

$   jps

If the above commands fail, send kill signal to kafka and zookeeper pids. Here is an example

$   jps
1111  QuroumPeerMain
2222  Kafka
3333  Worker

Then send kills signal as follwos

# kill kafka first
# TODO: Adjust PID to match yours
$   kill 2222

Use jps to make sure kafka process is terminated.

Then kill zookeeper

# TODO: Adjust PID to match yours
$   kill 1111

And also kill Worker

$   kill 3333

Make sure the output doesn't have QuroumPeerMain or Kafka or Worker

Also cleanup storage directories

$   rm -rf  /tmp/zookeeper*
$   rm -rf  /tmp/kafka-logs*

Step 2 : Download confluent

$   cd   ~/apps

$   wget

# alternate download
# $   wget

$   tar xf  confluent-7.2.0.tar.gz

$   mv  confluent-7.2.0    confluent

Now Confluent is installed under ~/apps/confluent

Step 3 : Run Confluent Stack

Start the following components. You need to open new terminals, run the commands and leave them running:

3.1: Start zookeeper (terminal-1 )

# be in confluent directory
$   cd  ~/apps/confluent

$   ./bin/zookeeper-server-start  ./etc/kafka/

Leave this terminal-1 running, do not close it!

3.2: Start Kafka (terminal-2)

# be in confluent directory
$   cd  ~/apps/confluent

$   JMX_PORT=9999   ./bin/kafka-server-start  ./etc/kafka/

Leave this terminal-2 running, do not close it!

3.3: start Schema Registry (terminal-3)

# be in confluent directory
$   cd  ~/apps/confluent

$   ./bin/schema-registry-start  ./etc/schema-registry/

Leave this terminal-3 running, do not close it!


Schema registry uses port 8081. Sometimes other programs like 'Spark worker' may be using the same port. If that's the case use the following to stop Worker

$   jps
5555   Worker

Now send a kill signal to Spark worker

# TODO: Adjust the PID to match yours!
$   kill 5555

And then restart Schema registry again.

Step-4: Verify Confluent Stack is Running

Open a new terminal and run this command

$   jps

You might see output like this:

2812156 QuorumPeerMain
2815132 SchemaRegistryMain
2813284 Kafka
2817717 Jps

Step-5: Register Cluster in Kafka Manager

You can optionally register the cluster in Kafka Manager

(Optional) Step-6: Confluent Control Center

Open another terminal and run the following:

$   cd ~/apps/confluent

$   ./bin/control-center-start  ./etc/confluent-control-center/ 

Leave this terminal up

And from VNC, launch a browser and go to localhot:9021 to see confluent control center UI