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Lab 11.2: Spark Structured Streaming with Kafka


Use Spark to process data in Kafka in real time as streams.

Depends On

Lab 11.1 - Spark Kafla batch processing

Run time

40 mins

Step-1: Create Clickstream Topic

If you don't have the topic, create it as follows

$   ~/apps/kafka/bin/  --bootstrap-server localhost:9092   \
    --create --topic test --replication-factor 1  --partitions 10

Step-2: Inspect code

Inspect file: python/

We will work through TODO items in this file

ACTION: Inspect Kafka connection options

Step-3: Run Spark Consumer Code

Open a terminal and execute these commands:

$   cd  ~/kafka-labs/python

$  ~/apps/spark/bin/spark-submit  --master local[2] \
    --driver-class-path .  \
    --packages org.apache.spark:spark-sql-kafka-0-10_2.12:3.0.1 \

This will initialize Spark session and connect to Kafka. You will output like following

 |-- key: string (nullable = true)
 |-- value: string (nullable = true)
 |-- topic: string (nullable = true)
 |-- partition: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- offset: long (nullable = true)
 |-- timestamp: timestamp (nullable = true)

ACTION: Observe how Spark reads from Kafka and the data types

ACTION: Keep this code running and this terminal open

Step-4: Install Kafka Python Library

$   pip install confluent_kafka

Step-5: Run Clickstream Producer

Open a terminal and execute the producer

$   cd  ~/kafka-labs/python

$   python

Step-6: Observe Spark Consumer Output

ACTION: Watch outupt as batches

The output may look like this:

Batch: 2
|         key|               value|      topic|partition|offset|           timestamp|
||{"timestamp": 164...|clickstream|        9|  1988|2022-01-22 04:37:...|
||{"timestamp": 164...|clickstream|        9|  1989|2022-01-22 04:37:...|
||{"timestamp": 164...|clickstream|        9|  1990|2022-01-22 04:37:...|

Step-7: TODO-1 - Extract Kafka Data into Dataframes

Now let's extract JSON data into Spark dataframe, so we can process it easily.

# code for TODO-1

# first we need a schema
schema = StructType(
        StructField('timestamp', StringType(), True),
        StructField('ip', StringType(), True),
        StructField('user', StringType(), True),
        StructField('action', StringType(), True),
        StructField('domain', StringType(), True),
        StructField('campaign', StringType(), True),
        StructField('cost', IntegerType(), True)

# extract value from JSON string and populate into another df
df2 = df.withColumn("value", from_json("value", schema))\
    .select(col('key'), col('value.*'))


# Print out incoming data
query2 = df2.writeStream \
    .outputMode("append") \
    .format("console") \
    .trigger(processingTime='3 seconds') \
    .queryName("query 2") \

# run query

ACTION: Comment out query1

ACTION: Use the code below

ACTION: Stop the streaming code, by hitting Ctrl+C, and run it again

ACTION: Also run the clickstream producer again to send data

Batch: 17
|         key|    timestamp|       ip|   user| action|      domain|   campaign|cost|
||1642826798006||user-33|blocked||campaign-59|  93|
||1642826796603||user-18| viewed||campaign-17|  66|
||1642826796803||user-67| viewed||campaign-88|  78|

Step-8: TODO-2 : Run a Spark-SQL Query on the Data

we are going to run a SQL query on Kafka data! How cool is that?

# code for TODO-2

## Let's do a SQL query on Kafka data!

# calculate avg spend per domain
sql_str = """
SELECT domain, count(*) as impressions, MIN(cost), AVG(cost), MAX(cost)
FROM clickstream_view
GROUP BY domain

domain_cost = spark.sql(sql_str)

# TODO: try 'update' and 'complete' mode
query3 = domain_cost.writeStream \
    .outputMode("complete") \
    .format("console") \
    .trigger(processingTime='3 seconds') \
    .queryName("domain cost") \


ACTION: Comment out previous queries

ACTION: Use the code below

ACTION: Stop the streaming code, by hitting Ctrl+C, and run it again

ACTION: Also run the clickstream producer again to send data

Batch: 7
|      domain|impressions|min(cost)|         avg(cost)|max(cost)|
||         25|        1|             53.36|       97|
||         21|        5|48.476190476190474|       97|
||         15|       16| 52.86666666666667|       98|
||         16|        2|           31.8125|       79|
||         17|        2| 44.11764705882353|       96|