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Lab 9: Set Up Event-Based Messaging Between Microservices Using Spring Cloud Bus (Spring Boot 3.4.1)


Learn how to use Spring Cloud Bus with Spring Boot 3.4.1 to propagate configuration changes (and other events) among microservices in real time. By integrating Spring Cloud Config Server, Kafka, and Spring Cloud Bus, you’ll enable multiple microservices to automatically refresh updates without manual restarts.

Lab Steps

Part 1: Setting Up the Configuration Server

  1. Generate a new Spring Boot project for ConfigServer.

    • Go to
    • Configure:
      • Spring Boot Version: 3.4.1
      • Group Id: com.microservices
      • Artifact Id: config-server
      • Name: ConfigServer
      • Dependencies:
        • Spring Cloud Config Server
        • Spring Boot Actuator
        • Spring Cloud Bus
        • Spring Cloud Stream Kafka
    • Extract into a folder named ConfigServer.
  2. Import the project into your IDE.

  3. Enable Spring Cloud Config Server.

    • In
      package com.microservices.configserver;
      import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
      import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
      public class ConfigServerApplication {
          public static void main(String[] args) {
    , args);
  4. Configure the Config Server in

    • In src/main/resources/, add:
    • Replace <your-username> with your GitHub name if needed.
  5. Run the Config Server.

    • From ConfigServer:
      ./mvnw spring-boot:run
    • The server starts on port 8888.

Part 2: Setting Up the Kafka Broker

  1. Download and install Apache Kafka.

  2. Start Zookeeper.

    • In one terminal:
      cd /opt/kafka
      ./bin/ config/
  3. Start Kafka.

    • In another terminal:
      ./bin/ config/
  4. Verify Kafka is running.

    • Use:
      ./bin/ --list --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
    • If no topics are listed, Kafka is running but with no custom topics yet.

Part 3: Setting Up a Client Service (UserService)

  1. Generate a new Spring Boot project for UserService.

    • Configure:
      • Artifact Id: user-service
      • Dependencies:
        • Spring Web
        • Spring Cloud Config Client
        • Spring Cloud Bus
        • Spring Cloud Stream Kafka
    • Extract into UserService.
  2. Import the project into your IDE.

  3. Configure the UserService to use the Config Server.

    • In src/main/resources/
    • The application name user-service helps the config server locate the right properties file.
  4. Create a REST controller to display configuration values.

    • In src/main/java/com/microservices/userservice/
      package com.microservices.userservice;
      import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
      import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
      import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
      public class ConfigController {
          @Value("${message:Default message}")
          private String message;
          public String getMessage() {
              return message;
  5. Run UserService.

    • From the UserService folder:
      ./mvnw spring-boot:run
  6. Verify configuration retrieval.

    • In a browser:
    • It should show the message property from your Git config repo (e.g., application.yml or user-service.yml).

Part 4: Testing Event-Based Messaging

  1. Update the configuration file in the Git repo.

    • For instance, if you have message=Hello from Config Server! in, change it to:
      message=Updated message from Config Server
    • Commit and push:
      git add .
      git commit -m "Updated message property"
      git push origin main
  2. Trigger a refresh event.

    • Post a request to the Config Server’s /actuator/bus-refresh endpoint:
      curl -X POST http://localhost:8888/actuator/bus-refresh
    • This publishes an event over Spring Cloud Bus via Kafka.
  3. Verify the updated config in UserService.

    • Reload:
    • Confirm the new "Updated message from Config Server" is displayed without restarting UserService.

Part 5: Adding Another Client Service (ProductService)

  1. Generate a new project for ProductService.

    • Similar to UserService:
      • Artifact Id: product-service
      • Server port: 8082
      • Dependencies:
        • Spring Web
        • Spring Cloud Config Client
        • Spring Cloud Bus
        • Spring Cloud Stream Kafka
  2. Check config sync between services.

    • After configuring ProductService similarly (application name product-service), trigger /actuator/bus-refresh again.
    • Both services (UserService and ProductService) should reflect updated properties from your Git config repo.

Optional Exercises

  1. Add a new property to the configuration.

    • e.g., service.version=1.0. Test that it appears in both services after a bus refresh.
  2. Manually test Kafka messaging.

    • Use Kafka CLI to produce/consume on the topics that Spring Cloud Bus uses, verifying message flows.
  3. Scale services.

    • Run multiple instances of UserService. All instances automatically get updated configs after a single bus refresh event.


In this lab, you:

  • Set up a Spring Cloud Config Server (with Bus + Kafka) on port 8888.
  • Configured one or more microservices (UserService, ProductService) to fetch config from the server and auto-refresh changes.
  • Leveraged Spring Cloud Bus (via Kafka) to broadcast configuration updates, ensuring real-time changes with minimal overhead.

This architecture significantly simplifies config management across distributed services, enabling near-instant synchronization of property changes without restarts.