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SGX Remote Attestation

This is a demo of the SGX remote attestation process using Intel's DCAP on a CPU that supports SGX2.

It contains 3 parts: the attesting enclave; the tenant requesting attestation; and the daemon to communicate between the first two until attestation is complete. These can all run on the same machine for the purpose of the demonstration. However, in a production scenario the enclave and daemon would run in a different location, and therefore on a separate machine, than the tenant.

To run this code, you will need to provide the PCK certificate chain you would like to use to validate the enclave's attestation. See the section below on how to obtain this certificate chain.

Checking for SGX2 support

CPUs that support SGX may not support SGX2 with Flexible Launch Control, which is required to run this demo. The known good hardware that supports SGX2 is the Intel NUC Kit model NUC7CJYH, though there may be others. To check if your hardware supports SGX2, you can use the test provided by Fortanix. You will need to have Rust Nightly and the Fortanix EDP components installed before you can run their test with sgx-detect as shown on their page. The result of this test should how a green check mark for SGX Features: SGX2 to indicate that your system supports SGX2.

PACSPull Plugin

Retrieving PCK certificate chain for Intel SGX Remote Attestation

The PCK certificate chain is needed to validate the Quote that contains the enclave's attestation. It is meant to be retrieved separately by the user or tenant (the party requesting attestation) and is assumed to be trusted by the user. It contains the root and any intermediate certificates from Intel; the Quote will contain the leaf certificate, known as the PCK Cert.

The root and intermediate certificates can be retrieved as a chain from Intel's API without registering for an API key. They can be retrieved by using the following command, which parses the response from Intel and places it in a file called pck_chain.pem:

curl -v "{processor}"  
2>&1 | awk -F"SGX-PCK-CRL-Issuer-Chain: " '{print $2}' | sed -e :a -e  
's@%@\\x@g;/./,$!d;/^\n*$/{$d;N;};/\n$/ba' | xargs -0 printf "%b" > pck_chain.pem

The output file, pck_chain.pem, will include the Intermediate and Root PCK certificates from Intel. This chain is used to verify the Quote's PCK Cert, the leaf certificate corresponding to this same certificate chain. There is no need to manually add the root cert to the system's trusted root certs, as the code does not rely on these.

Installing Intel's DCAP driver and components

The specific Intel components needed to run this demo are:

The Intel SGX SDK is not necessary to run the demo.

How to Run the SGX Demo

  1. Make sure your CPU is SGX2-capable and supports Flexible Launch Control (see section above). You should be running Ubuntu 18.04 or Ubuntu 16.04.

  2. Install Intel's DCAP driver and other components from this page (see section above). Note that the Intel's DCAP driver is different from Intel's default SGX driver. The default Intel SGX driver for attestation with the Intel Attestation Service will not work and documentation online suggesting installation of this driver should be ignored.

  3. Install Rust Nightly. After installing Rust, you can use rustup default nightly to use Nightly Rust.

  4. Install the Fortanix EDP, following the steps on this page. These steps will install the x86-64-fortanix-unknown-sgx compilation target.

  5. Install the Fortanix DCAP Quote Provider. Either obtain the crate from this link or clone the Fortanix rust-sgx repo. In either case, navigate to the dcap-provider crate and build it with cargo build --release. Find the file inside dcap-provider/target/release and move it to /usr/local/lib.

  6. Retrieve Intel's PCK certificate chain as described in the section above.

  7. After cloning this repo, run the attestation-enclave with cargo run --target x86_64-fortanix-unknown-sgx and leave it running. Run the attestation-daemon with cargo run and leave it running. These both must be running before the tenant requests attestation (step 8).

  8. Run the attestation-tenant with cargo run <filepath>, where filepath is the path to the PCK certificate chain from Step 6.