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Releases: eternalcodes/EternalJK


16 Jul 19:00
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  • Added jaPRO cgame for Mac OS X and Linux x86_64.

  • All fonts are now ratio fixed.

  • Added ctrl+backspace word deletion in console and chatfield.

  • Chatfield now parses % into / and " into ' when sending chat messages.

  • Changed messagemode3 chatfield label to "Whisper:" instead of "Say:"

  • messagemode3 sends message to person you are spectating instead of who they are aiming crosshair at.

  • DynamicGlow texture is now scaled to 1/2 screen resolution, and can be adjusted with cvar r_dynamicGlowScale.

  • con_notifywords crash fix.

  • in_mouserepeat only repeats every other frame.

  • Enabled notifyvote by default.

  • added strafehelper_source.cfg to japro assets.

  • Fix UI border width at high resolutions.

  • Fixed reborn sounds. (jaPRO-assets)

  • Added RGB Sliders to in-game profile menu.

  • Added RGB skins for (non-Twi'lek) hoth outfits, imperial_worker, jan, and rebel_pilot.

  • RGB/JA+ Saber colors/blades are now hidden on non-JA+/JAPro servers.

  • Pressing enter in password field now joins server immediately.

  • Added multiprotocol support for JKA v1.00 servers.

  • Added cl_idrive 2 setting which only overrides jump and duck inputs.

  • Added master /volume cvar which controls all sound volume.

  • Fixed jan/default skin, added nopicmip to all light saber blade textures.

  • Added missing reborn skins from JK2 (Artemis)

  • Demos/cfgs/chatlogs are now always written to the EternalJK folder by default (fs_globalcfg).

  • Added WIP help descriptions for many jaPRO cgame cvars (from NewJK adapted to new mod API).

  • Enabled command line console output for Windows (from JK2MV)

jaPRO cgame:

  • Global VGS response/compliment/taunt bug fix.

  • Fixed running animation when player is disarmed.

  • Added cvar cg_drawTimerMsec

  • Replaced default player models with randomly selected base player models, and randomly picked customizable jedi characters.

  • Default female models now use mp_generic_female soundset.

  • Added cvar cg_noRGBSabers that replaces JA+ line sabers with a baseJKA equivalent.

  • Moved following player visual-related cvars into cg_stylePlayer (configurable with /stylePlayer command):

  • Fullbright skins no longer override player RGB setting.

  • LOD is no longer applied to current player, or opponent in duels (can be toggled back with /stylePlayer).

  • Pressing enter in password field now immediately connects to the selected server.

  • Private duel shell no longer tints entire character.

  • Moved following speedometer-related cvars into cg_speedometerSettings (configurable with /speedometer command):

  • Speedometer is now enabled by default.

  • Added optional vertical speed counter (/speedometer 4).

  • Added HUD from Jedi Outcast. (cg_hudFiles 2)

  • Added Elegance HUD by Darth NormaN.

  • Added new crosshair graphic. (cg_drawCrosshair 10)

  • Added cvar cg_crosshairSizeScale, which can disable crosshair graphic scaling to screen resolution (so cg_crosshairSize 24 is actually 24x24px, regardless of your actual resolution).

  • Added cg_jumpSounds 3 setting to only play jump sounds from local client.

  • Fixed jaPRO grapple lines showing in duels.

  • Fixed /saberColor console command.

  • Added cg_miniMapScale to resize in-game and cg_spechud radar.

  • First person viewmodel is now hidden while using buttons.

  • Multiple kill messages are now stacked in center print.

  • Improved visibility with underwater screen tint.

  • Added score counter to simple HUD.

  • Added team score and team score bias to the HUD (cg_drawScore 2)

  • Score counter shows win loss in duel mode if a frag limit is set.

  • Loading screen levelshots are now cropped for widescreen resolutions.

  • Added +duck command which crouches without rolling.

  • Added pmove and event checks to accommodate version 1.00.


26 Feb 04:59
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-r_showtris fixed
-new loadmod command
-con_notifyname changed to con_notifywords
-new con_notifyvote cvar flashes window/icon when vote is called
-console scroll crash fixed
-brackets added to time for console copy (ctrl + s)

jaPRO cgame:

-Predicted running animations with weapons other than lightsaber no longer depend on the type of saber equipped (melee running animation is now also fixed).
-Fixed +zoom in first person not hiding weapon model.

-Added new shader effects for duelers/racers with cg_drawRacerShell or cg_drawRacers set to 3
-Added cg_drawUpperRight cvar to easily toggle teamoverlay, FPS counter, timer, radar, and score read-out (does not save).

-Added /weaplast command, which switches immediately to last selected weapon.
-Added /weapon stun command.

-cg_chatBox 0 now prints chat to top left like in jk2
-Chatlogs are now saved separately each month into the eternlajk/chatlogs folder.

-Spectating players on jaPRO servers now match their 1st/3rd person state and camera settings (including TPR/VertOffset).
-Binocular overlay is now removed in racemode.
-cg_raceTimer 3 now counts miliseconds.

-Player name is now shown in the top left during demo playback.


07 Feb 07:15
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-Added con_scale from JK2MV from mvdevs/jk2mv@20de49f
-Disabled engine chat logs by default. Changed chat log timestamps to localtime.
-Moved spectator timenudge to engine, and removed cvar cg_timeNudge.
-Right clicking a server in the server list now shows its server info.
-Disabled loading non-pk3 DLLs by default on Win32 and added toggle-able cvar fs_loadpakdlls

jaPRO cgame:

-Smoothed movement prediction on edges.
-Added proper 3rd person camera duck prediction.
-Chat logs are now written to cg_chat.log (to fix the conflict with engine chat logging).
-Chat log timestamps are now local time (and not UTC).
-Added /sabercolor console command to set RGB saber colors.
-Reworked new VGS system for jaPRO.
-Added cg_raceSounds and shader-based saber trail option to setup menu.
-Added cvar cg_corpses to fade bodies immediately.
-cg_saberClash now removes the screen flash only (effects are still triggered).


30 Jan 03:46
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-Fixed in-game server browser password popup.
-Added RGB color selection to custom character menu.
-Added Hoth suit to custom character menu (by Artemis)
-Added widescreen splash startup logo which is used on widescreen resolutions.
-Player menu no longer resets char_color cvars when selecting an RGB skin.
-Added some new characters to chars grid (µ).
-Included patched SDL2 that fixes in_mouse 2 which broke after W10 FCU

jaPRO cgame:

-Loading screen now shows server mod under MOTD.
-Ascii characters are now stripped from non jaPRO server names on loading screen.
-Added JA++ grapple lines.
-Added cg_newFX 32 lightsabers from JA++ (cg_saberTrail 3).
-Added cvar cg_saberClash by pivot's request.
-Lowjump command is now executed asynchronously.
-Ratiofix no longer affects aspect ratios narrower than 4:3.
-Gib event now properly plays death sound with cg_blood 0.
-RGB skins can now be used for team modes (if there's no team variants available).


29 Jan 23:20
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Delete eternaljk-assets-x86.pk3 from your eternaljk folder.
eternaljk-assets-x86.pk3 has been split and renamed to japro-assets.pk3 and japro-win-x86.pk3.


-Alt+tabbing and minimizing now triggers chat bubble.
-Raw mouse input can now be disabled with in_mouse 2 (requires in_restart to take effect).
-UI mouse input is now scaled by screen resolution (r_mode -2 matches desktop mouse with 6/11 Windows sensitivity).
-Added previously removed r_dlightbacks cvar (default 1), which enables continuous lighting around corners.
-Con_CopyLink checks for manually typed website URLs (www.*)
-Added French sounds for some JK2 characters (so they don't fall back to the English ones).

jaPRO cgame:

-Fixed Siege movement prediction in Siege mode on non-jaPRO.
-Show radar in spectator mode if enabled.
-Always hide teamoverlay in spectator as it's broken on pure base (non-OpenJK) servers.
-Removed 'waiting to play' text when spectating in duel mode.
-cg_drawDuelShell 2 no longer re-tints the player model (custom char colors are kept).
-FPLS camera now works with melee and switches off when equipping a weapon.
-Chatbox can use FONT_SMALL2 with cg_newFont 2.
-Replaced previously unused cg_newDrainFX cvar with cg_drainFX, 1 uses JA+/jaPRO drain effect while 2 uses base JKA drain effect.
-Added cvar cg_screenTints for first person camera tinting (caused by water/active force powers).
-Added cg_raceSounds to let players disable timer_start beep/go.
-New autocompleted commands:


-Merged japro server from videoP/master

-Fixed r_smartpicmip cvar and added a description.
-Restricted range on r_smartpicmip to 16 (matching r_picmip).
-Changed r_gammaShaders default to 1 and added a description.
-Custom r_lodscale values now save to cfg.
-Changed default ui_selectedModelIndex value to select Kyle.
-Added new default models.
-Changed team size callvote to only show up on JAPro servers.
-Added clientlist from OpenJK to jaPRO cgame.

-Added cg_timeNudge cvar in jaPRO cgame.
-cl_timeNudge is now set to 0 when spectating, and is reset to desired value (cg_timeNudge) when joining.
-Player and server names are now colored on the loading screen. (cg_cleanMotd 1 for old behavior)
-cg_cleanChatbox cvar now saves to cfg.
-Added cg_drawDuelShell 2 setting to disable duel shell recoloring.
-Added interpolation/extrapolation counter to cg_lagometer 2.
-Player graphics in duel mode are now hidden with cg_drawEnemyInfo 0.

-Changed default r_textureMode setting to TRILINEAR.
-Fixed view sway option not saving in setup UI.

-Updated in-game setup menu to use new cg_timeNudge cvar.
-Added interpolation/extrapolation counter to cg_lagometer 2.
-Player graphics in duel mode are now hidden with cg_drawEnemyInfo 0.
-NetUserInfo fix

-Changed lagometer ping font to FONT_SMALL2.
-Lagometer is now hidden during demo playback.
-Playermodel icons are now hidden in when spectating in duel mode with cg_drawEnemyInfo 0.
-Loading screen now displays colored player and jaPRO server hostnames.
-cg_displayCameraPosition and cg_displayNetSettings are now hidden and read-only.
-Changing CamPosition and NetSettings cvars now updates the cg_displayCameraPosition/NetSettings cvar immediately.
-cg_fpls now respect cg_thirdperson cvar and is tied to the player's head.
-cg_fpls 1 hides player head, cg_fpls 2 hides all but the saber hilt.
-Removed some unused asset references we aren't including at the moment.
-Removed menu file not found message with cg_hudFiles being set to 1 or 0.
-Gib sounds no longer play with cg_blood 0.
-Added Quake 3 awards sounds and graphics with cg_DrawRewards 2.

-Fixed trip mine lines from disappearing
-Demos can now be paused using /timescale 0


Delete eternaljk-assets-x86.pk3 from your eternaljk folder.
eternaljk-assets-x86.pk3 has been split and renamed to japro-assets.pk3 and japro-win-x86.pk3.


30 Dec 07:32
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EJK Client:
-Remove space and . from beginning of server names
-Replace characters with hex codes for filtered server names
Filtered Characters:
0xac '¬'
0x82 '‚'
0xe2 'â'
0xa2 '¢'
0x80 '€'

TnG Modelfix:
-Adds hidden base skins to Profile menu
-Restores missing taunts/misc sounds for characters from JK2.
Credit to TNG Jacen

jaPRO cgame:
-Fixed fuel bars for jetpack, cloak, & E-WEB turret.
-Fixed 2D flag icon width in scoreboard.
-Colored saber style in simple HUD with cg_hudColors 1.


29 Dec 04:08
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-Fix soundspam alt tab on windowed mode
-Added r_smartpicmip which controls texture detail on players separately.
-Added cg_drawRacerShell to jaPRO cgame.
-Fixed fault shaders on crates around the X-Wing on ffa3.

1.3.8: Merge pull request #7 from Bucky21659/master

11 Dec 02:52
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Locked cg_smoothClients to 0 in jaPRO cgame as it was causing some interpolation issues on non-jaPRO servers.

-Re-added spot->air support to voice chat menu.
-Fixed shaders for the following base player models

1.3.7: Merge pull request #6 from Bucky21659/master

06 Dec 22:10
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Fix multiple master (globalservers 0) support & re-added vid_x/ypos cvars (sort of)

1.3.6: Merge pull request #4 from Bucky21659/master

06 Dec 03:45
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Added jaPRO bins to assets (Windows only for now).
-Adjusted X position of new FPS counter for 5:4 resolutions.
-Added UI options for cl_drawRecording 2-4.
-Changed default cg_smoothClients to 0 (was causing interp bugs with jaPRO cgame).
-Added jaPRO game and cgame bins (Windows only for now).

jaPRO changes/updates:
-Added widescreen aspect ratio correction for HUD and UI with cl_ratioFix (defualt 1).
-Added cg_fovAspectAdjust from OpenJK for widescreen FOV correction (default 1).
-Fixed aspect corrected skyportal FOV.
-Added cg_fovViewmodel from OpenJK (default 80).
-Aspect corrected cg_fovViewmodel.
-Added cg_fovViewmodelAdjust from OpenJK (default 1).
-Fixed forcemodels being used when cg_forcemodels was set to 0.
-Added cvar cg_drawNonDuelers for base servers (defaults to 1, but is ignored on JA+/JAPRO servers).
-Added cvar cg_drawDuelShell (default 0).
-Added MS counter to cg_drawTimer 1.
-Added cvars cg_lagometerX and cg_lagometerY to adjust lagometer position.
-Added cvar cg_chatboxCutOffLength to adjust max length of chatbox lines before they're linewrapped (defaults to 350).
-Changed default cp_pluginDisable to avoid bugged animations on JA+ servers.
-Changed several misc cvar default to match some base/OpenJK behavior.
-Added ui_isJAPro so certain UI elements only show up on JAPRO servers.
-Added Abyssmod to cgs.isJAPlus check.
-Changed jaPRO grapple to +button12 frrom 14 to match JA+.
-Added lowjump command.
-Various updates from discontinued jasdk_modbase.

NOTICE: Delete japro3.pk3 to avoid conflicts.