layout | title | permalink | subheader |
markdown |
Staking Hardware |
/staking-hardware |
More info available on []( |
{% include partials/content/hardware/diagram.html %}
{% include partials/content/hardware/ %}
These are EthStaker's rotating recommendations for validator hardware but these are not your only options! Availability varies depending on your region. Not all SSDs will work for a validator - if you're thinking of purchasing a different SSD, look for it on this gist of known compatibilities maintained by EthStaker's Yorickdowne.
{% include partials/components/callout.html
title="Purchase plug-and-play staking hardware!"
content="For a more stream-lined solution, DappNode offers a pre-built computer with an easy to use staking GUI pre-installed. Use the code ethstaker100
at checkout for a 100 EUR discount!"
btn_text="Buy Now"
{% include partials/content/hardware/product-availability-checker.html %}
Check out the #StakeFromHome gallery to view other node operator setups or share your setup with others by tweeting out an image with the #StakeFromHome hashtag!