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1301 lines (997 loc) · 46.8 KB

File metadata and controls

1301 lines (997 loc) · 46.8 KB

Configuring SDOs in a less error prone way

  • Stage 1: Just be able to automatically set the 0x****:00 index to the number of configured sub-indices

    All we need to be able to do is turn this:

    subdevice.sdo_write(0x1a00, 0, 0u8).await?;
    subdevice.sdo_write(0x1a00, 1, 0x6041_0010u32).await?;
    subdevice.sdo_write(0x1a00, 2, 0x6064_0020u32).await?;
    subdevice.sdo_write(0x1a00, 3, 0x606c_0020u32).await?;
    subdevice.sdo_write(0x1a00, 0, 0x03u8).await?;

    Into this:

    subdevice.sdo_write_array(0x1a00, &[

    Explicit non-goal: supporting different types in the array. If this is desired, the user can go back to using the individual sdo_write calls.

  • Stage 2: Be able to configure input (0x1600) and output (0x1a00) mappings, then pass that to the SM config (0x1c12/0x1c13).

    The API of this is likely to be dictated by what ESI files can give us

    1. First ideas:

      // TODO

Plotting DC/OS time sync

set datafile separator ','
# set xdata time # tells gnuplot the x axis is time data
# set ylabel "First Y " # label for the Y axis
set autoscale fix
set key top right outside autotitle columnhead
set xlabel 'OS time (ns)' # label for the X axis

set y2tics # enable second axis
set ytics nomirror # dont show the tics on that side
set y2label "OS/ECAT delta" # label for second axis

# plot './dc-pi.csv' using 1:3 title "Difference" with lines, '' using 1:4 title "Offset" with lines, '' using 1:5 title "PI out" with lines
plot './dc-pi.csv' using 1:4 title "Offset" with lines, '' using 1:3 title "OS/ECAT delta" with lines axis x1y2

Optimising PDU reservation


  • Must not be able to reuse a PDU index already in flight. Really bad data corruption could occur even when checking command code, etc. E.g. Cyclic LRW is same command code over and over again and would corrupt silently if PDU indices aren't reserved.


  • Current one: Array of AtomicU16
    • Memory inefficient
    • Slow to free reserved PDUs
  • Possible: head and tail AtomicU8
    • Before reserving a new PDU index, check if tail has reached head. If it has, error out - we're sending stuff too fast, or not releasing it fast enough on the other end.
    • Each frame keeps the index of the first PDU pushed into it. This is unique
    • Isn't this a performance issue as it requires earlier PDUs to be freed before newer ones are? Yes it is. Frames can (although usually don't tbf) arrive in any order.
    • What happens if PDU indices within a single frame are not contiguous?
  • Possible: store an array of PDU indices in each frame element
    • This is all internal, so I have control over how many items to have per element.
    • Find frame by first PDU in list as usual
    • How do we make this as small as possible in memory? [u8; N] can't represent unused state. heapless::Vec would work but it contains a usize which is a little large. If we have 4 frames, usize + [u8; 4] is the same as [u16; 4] on 32 bit.
    • We already have a refcount, so we could just do [u8; N].
    • On RX, have to loop through frames to find one with first PDU index equal to what was received. Bummer.

Multiple PDUs per frame (again)

  • One waker per frame

  • A frame is received from the network

    • Multiple PDUs in the frame
    • Write their responses back into the buffer in a loop
    • When this is all done, all PDUs are ready to be used
    • Wait on the FRAME, not any PDU. Should be pretty much the same code as today
  • This can be a safe but fragile API as it's just internal

  • Submit a PDU with (data, len override, more follows, etc whatever)

    • Get back a range into the response frame to drag the data out of
    • Range can also be used to get wkc (just end.. (end+2)).
    let mut frame = pdu_loop.allocate_frame();
    let sub1 = frame.submit(Command::FRMW, 0u64, None, true);
    let sub2 = frame.submit(Command::LRW, &pdi, None, false);
    let result = frame.mark_sent().await;
    let res1 = result.take(sub1);
    let res2 = result.take(sub2);
  • Don't need to store a refcount. If you want the frame data back you gotta take() it while result is still around.

  • Same problem as before: multiple PDUs within the frame contain the index, but the receiving frame itself (which holds the waker) has no way of matching up what was sent. This means that even with a single waker, this is hard to fix.

    • One possible solution would be to store a sum/hash/Range<> of the indices in the PDUs and match against that, but that requires parsing the entire frame first.
  • Another same problem as before is making sure we only have one of each PDU index in flight.

    Some solutions:

    1. Keep an array of PDU statuses that index back to the in-flight frame.

      • A map, essentially, where array index is PDU index, and the value in that cell is the frame index
      • Don't need to store anything else because we're staying with the single future per frame thing
      • Types
        • [u8; 256]? How do we represent "available" state?
        • [u16; 256]? A bit wasteful but we have a whole byte to play with for state bits. Only 512 bytes or a third the nomal MTU so not awful tbh...
        • [AtomicU16; 256] for thread safety. Don't have to mess around with mut. u16::MAX can be "not occupied" sentinel.
      • When we try to reserve an index in CreatedFrame::submit(), if its slot is occupied, error out - stuff is either too small or too fast.
      • When a frame is received, we parse the first PDU header, look its index up in the array, and match that through to the frame index, then claim_receiving.
        • We should assert every PDU in that same frame after has the same frame index because it's a logic bug if it isn't, but in prod we can assume they're the same.
        • Can't have multiple receiving claims either, so it's ok to assume that all PDUs have the same frame index.
      • What happens to the index mappings when the backing frame is dropped due to error/timeout/finished with result?
        • Keep the frame's index in the FrameElement/FrameBox/whatever
        • Loop through array, do a compare_exchange(u16::from(this_frame.index), u16::MAX).ok(). An error means it's not our PDU, success means yay reset.
    2. For the first PDU pushed into the frame, store its index in the FrameElement/FrameBox/whatever. When parsing the frame back, we can match up based on that expected index.

      • Store command too for tighter matching?
      • No way to check if index is already in flight :(
        • Also no way to free them all on drop. I think solution 1. might have to be the way to go
        • Actually what about a tail counter? Eugh then I have to do overflowy maths and stuff. Maybe I cba.

Multi-frame design

  • Storage: Change from a list of PDUs to a list of Ethernet frames.

    • Slightly higher memory overhead (14 bytes more. Not that bad lol)
    • But a little more performant because the Ethernet header can be reused without writing to it all the time
      • io_uring can be zero copy!
    • A cleaner API around sending multiple PDUs per frame
  • Problem: How do we free an Ethernet frame up for reuse if multiple PDUs are in it.

    • Maybe a solution: Keep a counter of PDUs that have been added to the frame, and when one is complete the counter is decremented? Then when it reaches zero we can drop the Ethernet frame. It's basically a RefCell!
  • A trait to abstract over single sends and multiple sends? Would mean we don't need send_receive/send_receive_deferred, etc

  • Scenarios:

    • Send a single command immediately (e.g. subdevice status, init commands, EEPROM, etc)
    • Send PDI that fits in a single frame
    • Send PDI that spans multiple frames
    • Send DC sync frame plus PDI that all fits in one frame
    • Send DC sync frame plus PDI that spans multiple frames
  • Send single command

    • Claim frame
    • Write frame data
    • Async send/receive
    • Done
    • If single command doesn't fit in a single frame, bad times, tell the user to increase frame payload size or decrease data len. We won't try to cater for this case. Single command TX/RX is meant for tiny stuff like status checks, EEPROM reads, etc.
  • Send multiple commands

    • If all commands don't fit in a single frame, error out. This is not something we want to cater to.
    • Use case is e.g. slave status and status code
    • Closure-based, returns a try_zip like I wrote the other day.
  • Send PDI

    • One frame or spans multiple, doesn't matter
    • Get frame payload length
    • If we want to send DC sync PDU
      • Don't use closure-based API as we need to hold the DC response future along with pushing the first chunk fut to the receive vec/map. This means we can't just use the single returned future as they may complete at different times.
      • Reserve a frame
      • Enqueue DC sync PDU to reserved frame, store fut in Some(dc_sync_fut)
      • Split off PDI to min(pdi.len(), remaining frame payload length)
      • Write PDI chunk into frame and push returned future into vec/map
    • Chunk PDI into that length
    • For each chunk
      • Claim frame
      • Write PDI chunk into frame payload
      • Mark as sendable
      • Wake sender so frames are sent as fast as possible
      • Push frame future into a heapless::Vec::<MAX_FRAMES>, maybe with address and length so it can be matched up back into the PDI?
      • Read-back data is read into the beginning of the PDI, but we probably want to await every frame response to make sure it was all returned and nothing errored out.
    • poll_fn
      • If take Some(dc_sync_fut), poll it and if it's ready, don't replace back, and set response to Some(dc_response).
        • If it's None, nothing to do.
      • If futures vec/map/queue is empty and Some(dc_response), return Poll::Ready(())
      • Iterate through futures and poll each one
      • If it's ready, insert that result back into the passed-in &mut pdi
      • Remove future from vec (maybe it should be a map keyed by index or start address instead actually?)
    • PDI has been sent and returned completely, so return the response portion and optional DC response.



  • Download npcap installer AND SDK from
    • Or install npcap with the Wireshark installer
  • Copy npcap SDK to ./npcap-sdk-1.12
  • Make sure you install with "winpcap compatibility mode" option checked
  • $env:LIBPCAP_LIBDIR = 'C:\Windows\System32\Npcap' - yes, the 32 bit version for some reason
  • $env:LIB = 'C:\Users\jamwa\Repositories\ethercrab\npcap-sdk-1.12\Lib\x64' otherwise it fails to link
  • cargo run --example write-garbage-packet or whatever

Windows TwinCAT Wireshark capture (EK1100)

  • Connect EK1100 through switch
  • Connect USB ethernet to switch as well
  • Tell TwinCAT to use USB ethernet
  • Sniff traffic using motherboard NIC

TwinCAT - finding topology

Double click device and go to EtherCAT tab in main view

TwinCAT - see ports

Go to Online tab of any device

SOEM on Windows

  • Install VSCode CMake Tools extension

  • Install nmake through Build Tools for Visual Studio 2022 from here

    • I think it's the "C++ development tools" package or something
  • Do this to the top level so the Windows slaveinfo builds:

    +   # add_subdirectory(test/linux/slaveinfo)
    -   add_subdirectory(test/linux/slaveinfo)
    +   # add_subdirectory(test/linux/simple_test)
    -   add_subdirectory(test/linux/simple_test)
    +   add_subdirectory(test/win32/slaveinfo)
    +   add_subdirectory(test/win32/simple_test)
  • Copy and paste CMakeLists.txt from test/linux/{test}/ to test/win32/{test}/.

  • To squelch warnings as errors, find a line like the following, and remove /WX:

  • nmake only works in the "Visual Studio Powershell" or whatever, not vanilla powershell:

    • Open "Developer PowerShell for VS 2022" from the start menu
    • Follow instructions in SOEM readme:
      • mkdir build
      • cd build
      • cmake .. -G "NMake Makefiles"
      • nmake

Windows and L2 sockets


Windows doesn't support L2 networking out of the box - a driver is required, e.g. libpcap or WinPcap

Because libpnet isn't really conducive to async, we pretty much can't do async on Windows at all.

Let's just use async stuff with an "in flight packets" queue for now

Embassy async raw sockets

you can easily wrap them into async like this though

poll_fn(|cx| {
    if device.is_transmit_ready() {
    } else {

or for receive

let received_pkt = poll_fn(|cx| match device.receive() {
     Some(pkt) => Poll::Ready(pkt)
     None => {

Note however:

ah, but receive() and register_waker() are separate calls, so an irq can definitely sneak in between them

So to fix:

async fn transmit(&mut self, pkt: PacketBuf) {
    poll_fn(|cx| {
        match self.device.is_transmit_ready() {
            true => Poll::Ready(()),
            false => Poll::Pending,

async fn receive(&mut self) -> PacketBuf {
    poll_fn(|cx| {
        match self.device.receive() {
            Some(pkt) => Poll::Ready(pkt),
            false => Poll::Pending,

Can only register one waker for both TX + RX, so the suggestion is to have a device task and have channels to send PacketBufs between it and whatever else is waiting for them.

PacketBuf is just ptr+length so it's fine to do a Channel, you won't be actually copying packets around

I can then have a single poll_fn that handles both TX and RX, using the channels appropriately.

Can't bind a task to an interrupt in Embassy, but I could do:

async fn my_task(..) {
    loop {
        let pkt = device.receive().await;
        // process pkt

But note:

or a channel receive if you want to do tx/rx from separate tasks, because you can't share/split the Device itself

ways to share stuff

  • put() in a Forever<Cell<Thing>> in main, send &'static Cell<Thing> as an argument to tasks
  • put() in a Forever<RefCell<Thing>> in main, send &'static RefCell<Thing> as an argument to tasks -- warning make sure not to hold a Ref across an await
  • Global ThreadModeMutex, if all tasks run in thread mode, which is the default
  • Global CriticalSectionMutex if not (if using InterruptExecutor or raw irq handlers)
  • Channels kinda
  • async Mutex (this is best for stuff you need to call async methods on, like shared spi/i2c buses)

Some rough pseudocode by @dirbaio on Element:

struct Client {
    state: RefCell<ClientState>,

struct ClientState {
    waker: WakerRegistration,
    requests: [Option<RequestState>; N],

struct RequestState {
    waker: WakerRegistration,
    state: RequestStateEnum,

enum RequestStateEnum {
    Created{payload: [u8;N]},
    Done{response: [u8;N]},

async fn client_task(device: Device, client: &'static Client) {
    poll_fn(|cx| {
        let client = &mut *self.client.borrow_mut();

        // process tx
        for each request in client.requests{
            match request.state {
                Created(payload) => {
                    // if we can't send it now, try again later.
                    if !device.transmit_ready() {
                    request.state = Waiting
                _ => {}

        // process rx
        while let Some(pkt) = device.receive() {
            // parse pkt
            let req = // find waiting request matching the packet
            req.state = Done{payload};

impl Client {
    async fn do_request(&self, payload: [u8;N]) -> [u8;N] {
        // braces to ensure we don't hold the refcell across awaits!!
        let slot = {
            let client = &mut *self.client.borrow_mut();
            let slot: usize = // find empty slot in client.requests
            client.requests[slot] = Some(RequestState{
                state: Created(payload),

        poll_fn(|cx| {
            let client = &mut *self.client.borrow_mut();
            match client.requests[slot].state {
                Done(payload) => Poll::Ready(payload),
                _ => Poll::Pending

the key is you share just data

so instead of txing from the task doing the req, you just set some state saying "there's this request pending to be sent"

and then the client_task sends it

Cross platform logging

Support defmt as well as log (no_std and std) with this

It has feature flags and macros to select between them.

dirbaio says:

paste this into your crate, it allows using either defmt or log directly depending on Cargo features

so you use log directly, you don't need a defmt->log adapter

defmt needs linker hax to compile for linux targets, and doesn't compile for windows, mac, ios targets at all

EEPROM read abstraction

EEPROM is word-based, but I want to read bytes so let's make an abstraction:

  • EEPROM section iterator
  • Start address as u16
  • Length limit
  • next().await gives me a byte at a time
    • Read 4/8 byte chunk, split off the first element until error, then increment address by chunk len / 2 and read another chunk
  • skip(n) takes number of BYTES to skip
    • next u16 read address = current byte address / 2
    • replace chunk
    • if n is odd, call next() once to discard initial byte
  • take_vec()
    • while vec can be pushed AND address is less than start + len, next().await
    • return vec on push error
    • Can be optimised with chunked pushes:
      • Read chunk, increment byte counter by chunk len, address by chunk len /2
      • Check remaining bytes in section and clip chunk
      • If chunk len is 0, return buffer, else:
      • Write chunk into return buffer
        • If write fails,
          • If we have space left, push partial chunk
          • Return buffer


  • Send PDI in chunks of MAX_PDU_DATA

  • Core concept for thread safety: Slaves must be grouped

    • I can provide a nice API to get a single default group maybe
  • Each group has its own PDI with a start address and length or whatever

  • Iteration looks like this:

    let interval = Interval::new(Duration::from_millis(2));
    while let Some(_) = {
        // Or whatever
        group.slave_by_index(0).outputs()[0] = 0xff;
        for slave in group.slaves_mut() {
            // Whatever
  • Because each group is non-overlapping, we don't need to lock in group.tx_rx().await

  • Groups are Send but not Sync; they can be moved to a thread but NOT shared.

  • Sharing data between groups is up to the user, e.g. SPSC or other means to keep things safe. A bit of a copout but it means we don't get data races by default.

  • Assign a group ID to each discovered slave before init, using a closure and maybe make group IDs generic to the user. Or maybe not; a group ID should map to a number for indexing reasons. Maybe just Into<usize> for the user's type? That would allow nice enums like Safety, Servos, IO, etc

  • Groups should be separate from client - the list of slaves should store enough info to be useful to users. client should only be used for tx/rx

Another idea for slave config/grouping

struct Groups {
    io: SlaveGroup<16>,
    servos: SlaveGroup<3>

// Closure must return a reference to a SlaveGroup to insert the slave into
let groups = client.init::<Groups>(|&mut groups, slave, idx| {
  if == 0xwhatever {
  } else if slave.manu == 0xwhatever {
    Some(&mut groups.servos)
  } else {
    // Might want to ignore a detected slave - maybe it's not a recognised device. Add config option
    // to make this an error?

// init()
// - Detect all slaves
// - TODO: Add some basic info to them like manufacturer ID, name, etc so people can identify them
//   - For now I'll just return an index
// - Loop through them all, passing into closure to get the group to insert into
// - While we have a ref to the group, initialise the slave in it and update its PDI map
// - Return groups when we're done

struct SlaveGroup<const N: usize> {
    slaves: heapless::Vec<Slave, N>

impl SlaveGroup {
    fn new() -> Self {
        // This could probably impl default
        Self { slaves: heapless::Vec::new() }

    async fn init_from_eeprom_and_push(&mut self, &client, slave) -> Result<(), Error> {
        // What the client already does, but scoped to a group.
        // Needs to also return the PDI offset ready for the next group to use.

    pub async fn tx_rx(&self, &client) -> Result<(), Error> {

Group configuration without Box dyn

Forget hotplug and dynamic reconfig for now so we don't have to store a closure in each group. This can be added back in when stable has the right features to make it not-box. Errors will either mean looping back to the top of the program or just panicking I'm afraid...

Perhaps we can refactor the groups using typestates like e.g.

let groups = client.assign_slaves(Groups::default(), |g, s| { ... }).await?;

// Groups are in PreOp at this point
let Groups { fast, slow } = client.init(...);

// These could move into their respective tasks/threads if they don't use outside data, or make sure
// outside data is `Sync` or whatever.
let fast: SlaveGroup<Op> = fast.start_op(|slave| { ... }).await?;
let slow: SlaveGroup<Op> = slow.start_op(|slave| { ... }).await?;

impl SlaveGroup<PreOp> {
    // Individual phases can be opened up in the future, like `into_safe_op`, `into_op`, etc

    /// Put the group all the way to PreOp -> SafeOp -> Op
    pub async fn into_op(self, hook: F) -> Result<SlaveGroup<Op>>, ()> {
        // Do group stuff in PreOp

        // Call hook

        // Do more group stuff or whatever

        // Put group into SafeOp

        // Internal methods which we could make pub in the future
        let g = Self { ..., _state: GroupState::SafeOp }

        // Put group into Op, wait for state

        // All good
        Ok(Self { ..., _state: GroupState::Op })

impl SlaveGroup<Op> {
    async fn tx_rx(&self) -> Result<(), Error> {
        // ...

    // Future stuff. Neat!
    // Maybe INIT instead of PREOP?
    pub async fn shutdown(self) -> Result<SlaveGroup<PreOp>>, Error>

This requires that slaves can be put into different states as groups, not all at once, but I think this is fine as EtherCrab does this already.

SlaveGroup<SafeOp> and SlaveGroup<Op>.

Remote packet capture on Linux

Allow root login with PermitRootLogin yes in /etc/ssh/sshd_config (then restart sshd service).

ssh root@ethercrab tcpdump -U -s0 -i enp2s0 -w - | sudo wireshark -k -i -

Jitter measurements

All run with --release on Linux 5.15.0-1032-realtime #35-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT_RT, i3-7100T.

just linux-example-release jitter enp2s0
Test case standard deviation (ns) mean (ns) comments
5ms tokio timer 361909 4998604
5ms tokio-timerfd 4264* 4997493 std. dev. jumped from 2646 to 4508ns during test
5ms tokio-timerfd + pinned tx/rx thread 14315* 4997157 std. dev. jumped from 2945 to 15280ns during test
5ms tokio-timerfd + pinned tx/rx thread + pinned loop thread 117284 4997443 std. dev. jumps around a lot but max is huge
5ms smol::Timer 5391* 4997841 std. dev. jumped to 11558ns during test
1ms smol::Timer 21218* 997581 Highest std. dev. I saw was 21k ns
1ms smol::Timer, another run 19224* 997483 Just under 2% jitter at 1ms

Results from oscilloscope

This is running the "1ms smol::Timer, another run" case from above, measuring output 1 of an EL2004 hooked up to an EK1100.

Measurement Value
Mean (software) 997456ns
std. dev. (software) 72038ns (~7%)
Period std. dev. (oscope) ~15us
Frequency std. dev. (oscope) ~3.5Hz

The display flickers occasionally showing some occasional glitches in the output stream which isn't great. I'm not sure where those might be coming from...

Kernel/OS/hardware tuning

A good looking guide at

tokio is awful, smol is much better for jitter. Tokio has 17us SD jitter (oscope) or 347246ns jitter (34.72) (SW).

tokio-timerfd makes things a little better at ~18-23% SW jitter or 11us SD jitter (oscope).

Single threaded tokio-timerfd is a little better still at ~10% SW jitter or 4us oscope jitter.

smol still seems better.

List threads, priority and policy with

ps -m -l -c $(pidof jitter)

First changeset

  • tuned-adm profile latency-performance
  • Disable hyperthreading at runtime with echo off > /sys/devices/system/cpu/smt/control

Run 1

Promising results. 4500ns SD (software), saw a jump up to 16360ns. Seems happy at 15000ns (1.54%) SD.

Oscope shows 600ns SD (but is shrinking all the time).

I think there was one hiccup at the beginning of the test which skewed the results.

Run 2

650ns SW SD, 20ns oscope SD, but reducing continuously.

Saw a jump up to 1156 SW SD not long after startup again, but reducing all the time during run.

Saw a 5676ns (SW) jump, pushed oscope SD up to ~300ns.

Saw a 9265ns (SW) jump, pushed oscope SD up to ~350ns.

Saw a 19565ns (2%) SW jump, pushed oscope SD up to 772ns.

Saw a 28264ns (2.8%) SW jump, pushed oscope SD up to 700ns.

Second changeset

Setting thread priority in code.

Without thread prio:

❯ ps -m -l -c $(pidof jitter)
4 -  1000   25164   25158 -     - - 35337 -      pts/5      0:01 ./target/release/examples/jitter enp2s0
4 S  1000       -       - TS   19 -     - -      -          0:00 -
1 S  1000       -       - TS   19 -     - -      -          0:00 -
1 S  1000       -       - TS   19 -     - -      -          0:00 -

Started at ~5% SW jitter, shrank down to <1% after about 2 mins of runtime. Oscope shows 6ns SD BUT jumped up to 1us from one enormous glitch. SW SD went to 1.21%.

With this thread prio code:

let thread_id = thread_native_id();

This gives:

❯ ps -m -l -c $(pidof jitter)
4 -  1000   23969   23904 -     - - 35340 -      pts/5      0:01 ./target/release/examples/jitter enp2s0
4 S  1000       -       - FF  139 -     - -      -          0:01 -
1 S  1000       -       - FF  139 -     - -      -          0:00 -
1 S  1000       -       - FF  139 -     - -      -          0:00 -
Run 1

Max 0.06% SW SD jitter (561ns). Oscope SD showing ~6ns SD jitter. Wow!

After a few minutes of running it's a little worse with max 0.99% SW SD (10000ns) but still not bad.

Run 2

1800s duration (went to the shops lol)

1800 s: mean 0.998 ms, std dev 0.010 ms (0.99 % / 2.18 % max)

Pretty darn good. To summarise, this is with:

  • i3-7100T / 8GB DDR4 (Dell Optiplex 3050 micro)
  • Realtek somethingsomething gigabit NIC
  • EK1100 + EL2004 slave device
  • smol
  • 4 total threads
    • ❯ ps -m -l -c $(pidof jitter)
      4 -  1000   23969   23904 -     - - 35340 -      pts/5      0:01 ./target/release/examples/jitter enp2s0
      4 S  1000       -       - FF  139 -     - -      -          0:01 -
      1 S  1000       -       - FF  139 -     - -      -          0:00 -
      1 S  1000       -       - FF  139 -     - -      -          0:00 -
  • tuned-adm profile latency-performance
  • Hyperthreading disabled with echo off > /sys/devices/system/cpu/smt/control (2 cores on i3-7100T)
  • 1ms cycle time
  • Setting thread priority to 99 and FIFO policy.

Distributed clocks (again)

A different way of sending commands

The target here is reducing code size hopefully with less monomorphisation when sending/receiving slices. We'll see.

enum Writes {

enum Reads {

enum Command {

impl Command {
    pub fn brd() -> Self {

    // etc...

impl Writes {
    /// Send data and ignore the response
    pub fn send<T>(client: u8, value: T) -> Result<(), Error> {
        // ...

    /// Send a slice and ignore the response
    pub fn send_slice(client: u8, value: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Error> {
        // ...

    pub fn send_receive<T>(client: u8, value: T) -> Result<T, Error> {
        // ...

    pub fn send_receive_slice<T>(client: u8, value: &[u8]) -> Result<RxFrameDataBuf, Error> {
        // ...

impl Reads {
    pub fn receive<T>(client: u8) -> Result<T, Error> {
        // ...

    pub fn receive_slice(client: u8, len: u16) -> Result<RxFrameDataBuf, Error> {
        // ...


To profile an example:


# Ubuntu
apt install linux-tools-common linux-tools-generic linux-tools-`uname -r`
# Debian
sudo apt install linux-perf

RUSTFLAGS="-C force-frame-pointers=yes" cargo build --example <example name> --profile profiling

# <>
# To get kernel symbols in the perf output
echo 0 | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/kptr_restrict
# OR
sudo sysctl -w kernel.kptr_restrict=0

# Read current value
sudo sysctl kernel.kptr_restrict

# This should show non-zero addresses now. Will show zeros without sudo.
sudo cat /proc/kallsyms

# Might need sudo sysctl kernel.perf_event_paranoid=-1
# Might need sudo sysctl kernel.perf_event_mlock_kb=2048
sudo setcap cap_net_raw=pe ./target/profiling/examples/<example name>
sudo perf record --call-graph=dwarf -g ./target/profiling/examples/<example name> <example args>

# To record benchmarks
sudo perf record --call-graph=dwarf -g -o ./target/release/deps/pdu_loop-597b19205907e408 --bench --profile-time 5 'bench filter here'

# Ctrl + C when you're done

# Must use sudo to get kernel symbols
sudo perf report -i

# This won't show kernel symbols (possibly only when over SSH?)
sudo chown $USER
samply import

# Forward the port on a remote machine with
ssh -L 3000:localhost:3000 ethercrab
# Otherwise symbols aren't loaded


Other templates can be listed with xctrace list templates

Distributed clocks investigation


  • Two LAN9252s
  • Oscilloscope attached to IRQ pin (also has LATCH0 and LATCH1 broken out).
  • RUST_LOG=info,ethercrab::dc=debug just linux-example-release dc enp2s0


Running RUST_LOG=info,ethercrab::dc=debug just linux-example-release dc enp2s0 shows a measured delay of 720ns between slaves. The oscilloscope shows a mean of 725ns, min/max 705/745ns, std dev 11.6ns so EtherCrab's measured value seems to work well.

LATCH0 and LATCH1 give no outputs as the dc example hasn't configured anything yet. I think...

Master sync

  • A decent explanation: discusses "DCM" (Distributed Clocks Master Synchronization)
  • First DC slave can be used as reference, and the master syncs FROM it. Also the option to sync the master to the first slave.

SOEM sync01()

  • IRQ pins show network propagation delay as expected - around 700ns. This is even with sync0 enabled for the first slave.

Sync time

Using the MainDevice clock as the network reference is not a thing

  • Even with DCM, this is just syncing with the first DC-supporting MainDevice in the network.


Showing dropped packets on Linux

  • ip -s link show enp2s0

  • Or netstat -i

  • Or ethtool -S enp2s0

  • Or cat /sys/class/net/enp2s0/statistics/rx_dropped

  • Setting:

    net.core.rmem_max = 12500000
    net.core.wmem_max = 12500000

    greatly increases the number of rx_errors and align_errors.

  • Doesn't seem to be dependent on switching threads or executors. smol::spawn, tokio::spawn and smol::block_on in a thread pinned to core 0 make no difference.

  • Wireshark shows the last packet not being received so I don't think it's my weird impl.

  • The lost packet appears eventually!

    Logged with

    tshark --interface enp2s0 -f 'ether proto 0x88a4' -T fields -e frame.number -e frame.time_relative -e frame.time_delta -e eth.src -e frame.len -e ecat.idx -e ecat.cmd -e ecat.adp -e ecat.ado

    Nearly a minute later:

    212171  229.185843925   0.001081760     10:10:10:10:10:10       0x06    0x0e    0x1000  0x0910
    212172  229.185851399   0.000007474     10:10:10:10:10:10       0x07    0x0c
    212173  229.185881114   0.000029715     12:10:10:10:10:10       0x06    0x0e    0x1000  0x0910
    212174  283.980272341   54.794391227    12:10:10:10:10:10       0x07    0x0c

    Another less drastic example:

    286913  792.417020063   0.001086499     10:10:10:10:10:10       0x19    0x0e    0x1000  0x0910
    286914  792.417028279   0.000008216     10:10:10:10:10:10       0x1a    0x0c
    286915  792.417051592   0.000023313     12:10:10:10:10:10       0x19    0x0e    0x1000  0x0910
    286916  795.080750017   2.663698425     12:10:10:10:10:10       0x1a    0x0c

    12 seconds this time

    50367   15.443982363    0.002090013     10:10:10:10:10:10       0x00    0x0c
    50368   15.443990028    0.000007665     10:10:10:10:10:10       0x1f    0x0e    0x1000  0x0910
    50369   15.444012700    0.000022672     12:10:10:10:10:10       0x00    0x0c
    50370   15.444020715    0.000008015     12:10:10:10:10:10       0x1f    0x0e    0x1000  0x0910
    50371   15.446105098    0.002084383     10:10:10:10:10:10       0x01    0x0e    0x1000  0x0910
    50372   15.446112552    0.000007454     10:10:10:10:10:10       0x02    0x0c
    50373   15.446140353    0.000027801     12:10:10:10:10:10       0x01    0x0e    0x1000  0x0910
    50374   27.842931439    12.396791086    12:10:10:10:10:10       0x02    0x0c
    1705    0.852359273     0.002079843     10:10:10:10:10:10       36      0x09    0x0e    0x1000  0x0910
    1706    0.852366577     0.000007304     10:10:10:10:10:10       28      0x0a    0x0c
    1707    0.852395721     0.000029144     12:10:10:10:10:10       60      0x09    0x0e    0x1000  0x0910
    1708    58.197952942    57.345557221    12:10:10:10:10:10       60      0x0a    0x0c

    New record: 2 minutes!

    39151   9.952622248     0.001104738     10:10:10:10:10:10       36      0x17    0x0e    0x1000  0x0910
    39152   9.952626089     0.000003841     10:10:10:10:10:10       28      0x18    0x0c
    39153   9.952637403     0.000011314     12:10:10:10:10:10       60      0x17    0x0e    0x1000  0x0910
    39154   130.431369768   120.478732365   12:10:10:10:10:10       60      0x18    0x0c

    cat /sys/class/net/enp2s0/statistics/rx_dropped hasn't changed between running these tests. I guess because it wasn't really dropped huh...

    Works fine on i210 in moreports.

  • Allow receive of all packets, bad FCS or not: sudo ethtool -K eth0 rx-fcs on rx-all on This allows Wireshark to capture all packets. Packet size goes up by 4 bytes (32 bit CRC at end).

    Checksums seem fine; nothing changes if I do sudo ethtool -K eth0 rx-fcs off rx-all on.

  • Kernel upgrade and a switch to Debian made no difference


    ❯ sudo ethtool -i enp2s0
    driver: r8169
    version: 5.15.0-1032-realtime
    firmware-version: rtl8168h-2_0.0.2 02/26/15
    bus-info: 0000:02:00.0
    supports-statistics: yes
    supports-test: no
    supports-eeprom-access: no
    supports-register-dump: yes
    supports-priv-flags: no


    ❯ sudo ethtool -i enp2s0
    driver: r8169
    version: 6.1.0-18-rt-amd64
    firmware-version: rtl8168h-2_0.0.2 02/26/15
    bus-info: 0000:02:00.0
    supports-statistics: yes
    supports-test: no
    supports-eeprom-access: no
    supports-register-dump: yes
    supports-priv-flags: no

DC first pulse investigation

  • Two LAN9252
  • Oscilloscope to see relative SubDevice 1/2 SYNC0 pulses
  • Sipeed logic analyser to capture first pulse

Initial results show that something is not right - the second SubDevice SYNC0 starts at 950ms, whereas the first SubDevice starts at 650ms. These values are due to 5% pre-trigger in PulseView.

Second and third runs happens at 945ms. This doesn't correlate with power-on time of the second SubDevice, so it's not relative to that.

950 - 650 = 300 though, and the device times (in a subsequent run, so subject to a bit of clock drift) are

  • 2110377260481
  • 2110693458806

With a delta of 316198325ns, or 316.1983ms. This is probably where the discrepancy is coming from.

  • Theory: We need to let the clocks synchronise and start sending FRMWs before we can set the first SYNC0 start time.

    Result: No change when moving the first pulse calculation after the clock sync.

Something I did notice though is the first pulse of the second SubDevice is 26us before the nearest SYNC0 from the first SubDevice, which may just be clock drift, meaning we are actually aligned, just 300ms later.

  • Theory: While we set up the first sync pulse, the FRMW isn't being sent, allowing the clocks to drift. So, if we run the TX/RX concurrently with the setup, maybe the pulses will at least align, even if the second SubDevice still starts 300ms later.

    Result: Yes, the first sync pulse of the second SD is much closer to the nearest first if we do Command::frmw(0x1000, RegisterAddress::DcSystemTime.into()) with futures_lite::future::or, so this checks out.

Logging the time between each SYNC0 init, it turns out that configuring each slave takes 316ms, exactly the amount of time the second SubDevice's first SYNC0 pulse is delayed by. That explains the delay which is nice.

The next question is to figure out when the process data loop should wait until, based on that first delay.

I think the code as currently written does a modulo on the cycle time, so calculates the start time based on the DC System Time rounded to a multiple of the cycle time. This should mean we can just do modulo everywhere to figure out the offset in the cycle. This holds AS LONG AS the SYNC1 cycle time is zero. I won't bother supporting SYNC1 for now.

With a cycle shift of 0, the IRQ pin of the LAN9252 seems to correlate with the value of dc_time % sync0_cycle_time.

Trying to align the master cycle to exactly the start of the next cycle will mean the PI controller will never stabilise, as there's always the transmission delay.

I'm getting 1ms std-dev on my oscope for a 5ms cycle on ethercrab.

Messing around with the PI parameters makes a huge difference to stability.

Jitter improvements

  • Using pollster::block_on makes no difference to jitter over just using smol. I'm seeing +/-1ms of jitter on a 5ms cycle. Not good enough. cassette::block_on makes no difference either, so it's either in the PI loop or the timer.

  • Commenting out the stats gathering/printing/Ctrl+C hook also makes no difference to the jitter.

  • sudo tuned-adm profile latency-performance, realtime, throughput-performance makes no difference to jitter.

  • Setting main thread prio helps quite a bit

    .expect("Main thread prio");

    Using 90 doesn't make any difference and requires root, so 48 is fine.

    The IRQ converges on SYNC0, but sometimes gets disturbed and takes a while to settle again.

  • Setting core affinity in code doesn't change anything.

  • Disabling HT with noht GRUB option doesn't work on ethercrab due to AMD-ness

  • Setting performance governor from conservative to performance doesn't help

  • Setting processor.max_cstate=0 in grub makes no difference

  • Changing the smol::block_on that wraps the dc example to pollster::block_on or cassette::block_on makes no difference.

  • Putting the PD loop in a FIFO/48 RT thread doesn't help

  • Clock tick tuning like here setting GRUB options idle=mwait processor.max_cstate=0 intel_idle.max_cstate=0 sort of helps. Now down to +/-500us of jitter.

  • Somewhat mercifully, using io_uring over smol does not actually help the jitter

  • moreports exhibits the same ~500us jitter. Maybe slightly more, but not significant.

  • A very quick test with spin_sleep makes things even worse.

  • Feeding an EMA into the PI loop makes things worse

  • Solution found: Get rid of the PI loop and just naively calculate the next delay. ARGH!

    Thanks to Valentin for poking me to actually try this :)

    This gives about 50us of jitter on ethercrab.

Modulo and rounding errors

If the shift time is very close to the start or end of the cycle, it skips cycles. This is bad, so let's fix it.

Plotting dc-pd.csv

set datafile separator ','
# set xdata time # tells gnuplot the x axis is time data
# set ylabel "First Y " # label for the Y axis
set autoscale fix
set key top right outside autotitle columnhead
set xlabel 'ECAT time (ns)' # label for the X axis
set format x "%.0f"
set format y "%.0f"

set ylabel "Value"

plot './dc-pd.csv' using 1:2 title "Data" with lines # , '' using 1:3 title "PI out" with lines axis x1y2

Wtf is AssignActivate in EtherCAT ESI?

Finally, some information!:

You are almost there. In the ESI file the AssignActivate value is 0x0700. This means 0x00 has to be written to ESC register 0x0980 and 0x07 to ESC register 0x0981. This will configure both SYNC0 and SYNC1. You only activate SYNC0.

Uh but also:

Just if anyone is following this thread. Some drivers require to setup a special address to activate Sync0 as the latching time, regardless of ec_dSync0 instuction.

My particular driver is set up by calling

uint16 activate = 1; ec_SDOwrite(1, 0x0300, 0x00, true, sizeof(activate), &activate, EC_TIMEOUTRXM);

Most of the time, the object required to command Sync0 is specified on the xml file in OpMode/Assignactivate: <AssignActivate>#x0300</AssignActivate>

Note int ec_SDOwrite(uint16 Slave, uint16 Index, uint8 SubIndex, boolean CA, int psize, const void *p, int Timeout)

Yeah I figured it out: AssignActivate is the bitmask for register 0x0981 RegisterAddress::DcSyncActive. 0x0700 turns on SYNC1 AND SYNC0. 0x0300 turns on SYNC0 only (both along with the DC sync enable bit).

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