- Objective-Specific Corpuses (named per objective)
- Good documentation
- More informative outputs, deeper introspection (monitor, what mutation did x, etc.)
- Timeout handling for llmp clients (no ping for n seconds -> treat as disconnected)
- Heap for signal handling (bumpallo or llmp directly?)
- Frida support for Windows
- LAIN / structured fuzzing example
- LLMP compression
- AFL-Style Forkserver Executor
- "Launcher" example that spawns broker + n clients
- QEMU based instrumentation
- AFL++ LLVM passes in libafl_cc
- LLMP Cross Machine Link (2 brokers connected via TCP)
- Conditional composition of feedbacks (issue #24)
- Other objectives examples (e.g. execution of a given program point)
- Restart Count in Fuzzing Loop
- Minset corpus scheduler
- Win32 shared mem and crash handler to have Windows in-process executor
- Other feedbacks examples (e.g. maximize allocations to spot OOMs)
- A macro crate with derive directives (e.g. for SerdeAny impl).
- Restarting EventMgr could use forks on Unix
- Android Ashmem support
- Errors in the Fuzzer should exit the fuzz run
- Timeouts for executors (WIP on Windows)