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Tax4Fun2 v1.1.5

Welcome to the homepage of Tax4Fun2. Older versions are also available under

Tax4Fun2 requirements

Tax4Fun2 has only one dependency:

  • BLAST (can be installed with the buildDependencies() command)

To use all functions, you might want to install additional packages

  • R packages seqinr and ape (can be installed with the buildDependencies() command)

  • diamond v0.9.24 is needed for functional annotation (pre-compiled binaries for Windows, Mac (Os Catalina) and Linux are downloaded as part of the reference data, Mac users might need to compile diamond themselves. Please see the wiki for instructions.)

Since version 1.1.5, Tax4Fun2 uses vsearch for sequence clustering (vsearch is downloaded as part of the reference data.)

Install the Tax4Fun2 package, build the default reference data and install all dependencies

Download and install Tax4Fun2

1a) Click here to download the latest R package 1b) or run in a terminal window:

  1. Install the package in R using the command below
install.packages(pkgs = "Tax4Fun2_1.1.5.tar.gz", repos = NULL, source = TRUE)

Load the Tax4Fun2 library and create a new folder for the installation


Build the default reference database

In order to provide a straight-forward solution, we implemented a function in Tax4Fun2 v1.1 which will download and build the reference database. This buildReferenceData() command will download and build the default Tax4Fun2 reference database. In addition, it will install the R packages ape and seqinr if requested. Moreover, it will test for the presence of blastn in PATH. To ensure that the download was successful, the function will also automatically check the downloaded data for consistency using md5sums.


  • path_to_working_directory = "." > Path to the folder for Tax4Fun2 installation (Default: Build database in current working directory)
  • use_force = FALSE > Overwrite folder if exists (Default is FALSE)
  • install_suggested_packages = TRUE > Install suggested R packages ape and seqinr (Default is TRUE)
buildReferenceData(path_to_working_directory = ".", use_force = FALSE, install_suggested_packages = TRUE)

The path to the working directory is different from the path to the reference data!!! For instance: path_to_working_directory = "C:/Users/your_name/Desktop/Tax4Fun2" path_to_reference_data = "C:/Users/your_name/Desktop/Tax4Fun2/Tax4Fun2_ReferenceData_v2"

We noticed some issues with the unzip command in Windows. Basically, the data was downloaded but couldn't be unzipped. In case you have issues here, click here to download the full reference data. Simply extract the reference data afterwards. We implemented a function to test the downloaded database for consistency. or run in terminal:

1) Download the data
wget -O

2) Decompress the data

Important For Tax4Fun 1.1.4 and earlier use this link ( or click here

testReferenceData(path_to_reference_data = "Tax4Fun2_ReferenceData_v2")

Install dependencies

This command will download the currently latest version of blast (v2.9.0) and will place the binaries in the Tax4Fun2 reference folder. In addition, it will test for the presence of the R packages ape and seqinr.


  • path_to_working_directory = "." > Path to the folder for Tax4Fun2 installation (Default: Build database in current working directory)
  • use_force = FALSE > Overwrite folder if exists (Default is FALSE)
  • install_suggested_packages = TRUE > Install suggested R packages ape and seqinr (Default is TRUE)
buildDependencies(path_to_reference_data = "./Tax4Fun2_ReferenceData_v2", install_suggested_packages = TRUE)

Note that the path to the directory should point to the folder generated by the buildReferenceData() ['Tax4Fun2_ReferenceData_v2']

Those who wish to install blast on their own or make it available to all users, please check here for the latest version and download the appropiate file for your operating system. Note that Mac users might have issues opening a ftp site in Safari.

For Mac users

# 1) Use curl to list the content of the ftp site

# 2) Select the dmg file (e.g. ncbi-blast-2.9.0+.dmg) and use wget to download the file
# (You need to concatenate '' and 'ncbi-blast-2.9.0+.dmg')

Download the test data

This command will automatically download and build the Tax4Fun2 test data.


  • path_to_working_directory = "." > Path to the folder for Tax4Fun2 installation (Default: Build database in current working directory)
  • use_force = FALSE > Overwrite folder if exists (Default is FALSE)
getExampleData(path_to_working_directory = ".")

Alternativly, check here to download the data.

Step 2: Generate your own reference datasets

1. Extracting SSU seqeunces (16S rRNA and 18S rRNA)

Either select one single genome (see first command below) or select a folder with several genomes or MAGs (see second command below).


  • genome_file or genome_folder > Specify a single file or a folder with several genomes. Multiple genomes must be placed in one folder (one file per genome) and all end with the same file extension
  • file_extension = "fasta" > Fasta extension of the single genome file or multiple genome files (default is 'fasta')
  • path_to_refernce_data = "" > Specifiy the path to the folder with the reference data
# Option A) Extracting SSU sequences from a single genome
extractSSU(genome_file = "OneProkaryoticGenome.fasta", file_extension = "fasta", path_to_reference_data = "Tax4Fun2_ReferenceData_v2")

# Option B) Extracting SSU sequences from multiple genomes
extractSSU(genome_folder = "MoreProkaryoticGenomes", file_extension = "fasta", path_to_reference_data = "Tax4Fun2_ReferenceData_v2")

Note that genomes must have at least a single 16S or 18S rRNA gene sequences in thier genome. Check output after running the command to remove 'empty' genomes (those where the file size is 0)

2. Assigning functions to prokayotic genomes


  • genome_file or genome_folder > Specify a single file or a folder with several genomes. Multiple genomes must be placed in one folder (one file per genome) and all end with the same file extension
  • file_extension = "fasta" > Fasta extension of the single genome file or multiple genome files (default is 'fasta')
  • path_to_refernce_data = "" > Specifiy the path to the folder with the reference data
  • num_of_threads = 1 > Number of parallel threads for diamond
  • fast = TRUE > Run diamond using the default way, FALSE would call diamond with --sensetive (might increase the sensetivity but is much slower)

Linux and Windows users

# Option A) Assigning function to a single genome
assignFunction(genome_file = "OneProkaryoticGenome.fasta", file_extension = "fasta", path_to_reference_data = "Tax4Fun2_ReferenceData_v2", num_of_threads = 1, fast = TRUE)

# Option B) Assigning function to multiple genomes
assignFunction(genome_folder = "MoreProkaryoticGenomes/", file_extension = "fasta", path_to_reference_data = "Tax4Fun2_ReferenceData_v2", num_of_threads = 1, fast = TRUE)

Mac users

Mac users might need to compile diamond first (see wiki for help)

Additonal options:

  • path_to_diamond_binary_mac = "" > Specifiy the path to the compiled diamond executable
# Option A) Assigning function to a single genome
assignFunction(genome_file = "OneProkaryoticGenome.fasta", file_extension = "fasta", path_to_reference_data = "Tax4Fun2_ReferenceData_v2", num_of_threads = 1, fast = T, path_to_diamond_binary_mac = "diamond")

# Option B) Assigning function to multiple genomes
assignFunction(genome_folder = "MoreProkaryoticGenomes/", file_extension = "fasta", path_to_reference_data = "Tax4Fun2_ReferenceData_v2", num_of_threads = 1, fast = T, path_to_diamond_binary_mac = "diamond")

3. Generate the reference data

After extraction of SSU sequences and functional assignments, you will have at least two files for each genome: one with the SSU sequences and one with the functional profile In order to generate the final dataset, select the folder where these files and provide the correct file extensions (removing the respective file extensions will result in the same filename)


  • path_to_refernce_data = "" > Specifiy the path to the folder with the reference data
  • path_to_user_data = "" > Specifiy the path to the folder with your genomes (after runnung them through the extractSSU and assignFunction command
  • name_of_user_data = "" > Specify a name for your data. a folder will be generated in the folder with your data haing this name
  • SSU_file_extension = "_16SrRNA.ffn"
  • KEGG_file_extension = "_funPro.txt"
# 1) Generate user-defined reference data without uclust from a single genome
generateUserData(path_to_reference_data = "Tax4Fun2_ReferenceData_v2", path_to_user_data = ".", name_of_user_data = "User_Ref0", SSU_file_extension = "_16SrRNA.ffn", KEGG_file_extension = "_funPro.txt")

# 2) Generate user-defined reference data without uclust
generateUserData(path_to_reference_data = "Tax4Fun2_ReferenceData_v2", path_to_user_data = "MoreProkaryoticGenomes", name_of_user_data = "User_Ref1", SSU_file_extension = "_16SrRNA.ffn", KEGG_file_extension = "_funPro.txt")

# 3) Generate user-defined reference data without uclust
generateUserDataByClustering(path_to_reference_data = "Tax4Fun2_ReferenceData_v2", path_to_user_data = "MoreProkaryoticGenomes", name_of_user_data = "User_Ref2", SSU_file_extension = "_16SrRNA.ffn", KEGG_file_extension = "_funPro.txt", use_force = T)

I recommend to use the second command which includes a uclust clustering step and thus removes redundancy in your data.

Step 3: Making functional predictions

Note that you should format your otu table in the same way as the otu tables in the test data are formated.

1. Making functional predictions using the default reference data only


  • path_to_otus = "" > Specifiy the path to the fasta file containing your otu seqeunces
  • path_to_otu_table = "" > Specifiy the path to the otu table
  • path_to_refernce_data = "" > Specifiy the path to the folder with the reference data
  • path_to_temp_folder = "" > Specifiy the path to the tempory folder. Results will be stored here.
  • database_mode = "Ref99NR" > Run either with 'Ref99NR' or 'Ref100NR' as database mode. The number refers to the clustering threshold used in uclust (99% and 100%, respectively)
  • num_threads = 6 > Number of parallel threads for diamond
  • use_force = TRUE > > Overwrite folder if exists (Default is FALSE)
  • normalize_by_copy_number = TRUE > normalize by the average number of 16S rRNA copies calculated for each sequence in the reference database
  • normalize_pathways = FALSE will affiliate the rel. abundance of each KO to each pathway it belongs to. By setting it to true, the rel. abundance is equally distributed to all pathways it was assigned to.)
# 1. Run the reference blast
runRefBlast(path_to_otus = "KELP_otus.fasta", path_to_reference_data = "Tax4Fun2_ReferenceData_v2", path_to_temp_folder = "Kelp_Ref99NR", database_mode = "Ref99NR", use_force = T, num_threads = 6)

# 2) Predicting functional profiles
makeFunctionalPrediction(path_to_otu_table = "KELP_otu_table.txt", path_to_reference_data = "Tax4Fun2_ReferenceData_v2", path_to_temp_folder = "Kelp_Ref99NR", database_mode = "Ref99NR", normalize_by_copy_number = TRUE, min_identity_to_reference = 0.97, normalize_pathways = FALSE)

# or:

makeFunctionalPrediction(path_to_otu_table = "KELP_otu_table.txt", path_to_reference_data = "Tax4Fun2_ReferenceData_v2", path_to_temp_folder = "Kelp_Ref99NR", database_mode = "Ref99NR", normalize_by_copy_number = TRUE, min_identity_to_reference = 0.97, normalize_pathways = TRUE)

2) Making functional predictions using the default database and a user-generated database (unclustered)

Additonal options:

  • include_user_data = T > include user data in the prediction
  • name_of_user_data = "" > Provide a name for your database
  • path_to_user_data = "" > Specifiy the path to the data you would like to build your database from
# 1. Generate user data (specify the path to the user data [here: KELP_UserData]); the database will be generated in the folder with your data
generateUserData(path_to_reference_data = "Tax4Fun2_ReferenceData_v2", path_to_user_data = "KELP_UserData", name_of_user_data = "KELP1", SSU_file_extension = ".ffn", KEGG_file_extension = ".txt")

# 2. Run the reference blast with include_user_data = TRUE and specifiy the path to the user data [here: KELP_UserData/KELP1]
runRefBlast(path_to_otus = "KELP_otus.fasta", path_to_reference_data = "Tax4Fun2_ReferenceData_v2", path_to_temp_folder = "Kelp_Ref99NR_withUser1", database_mode = "Ref99NR", use_force = T, num_threads = 6, include_user_data = T, path_to_user_data = "KELP_UserData", name_of_user_data = "KELP1")

# 3. Making the prediction with your data included
makeFunctionalPrediction(path_to_otu_table = "KELP_otu_table.txt", path_to_reference_data = "Tax4Fun2_ReferenceData_v2", path_to_temp_folder = "Kelp_Ref99NR_withUser1", database_mode = "Ref99NR", normalize_by_copy_number = T, min_identity_to_reference = 0.97, normalize_pathways = F, include_user_data = T, path_to_user_data = "KELP_UserData", name_of_user_data = "KELP1")

3) Making functional predictions using the default database and a user-generated database (clustered with vsearch)

# 1. Generate user data (specify the path to the user data [here: KELP_UserData]); the database will be generated in the folder with your data
generateUserDataByClustering(path_to_reference_data = "Tax4Fun2_ReferenceData_v2", path_to_user_data = "KELP_UserData", name_of_user_data = "KELP2", SSU_file_extension = ".ffn", KEGG_file_extension = ".txt", similarity_threshold = 0.99)

# 2. Run the reference blast with include_user_data = TRUE and specifiy the path to the user data [here: KELP_UserData/KELP1]
runRefBlast(path_to_otus = "KELP_otus.fasta", path_to_reference_data = "Tax4Fun2_ReferenceData_v2", path_to_temp_folder = "Kelp_Ref99NR_withUser2", database_mode = "Ref99NR", use_force = T, num_threads = 6, include_user_data = T, path_to_user_data = "KELP_UserData", name_of_user_data = "KELP2")

# 3. Making the prediction with your data included
makeFunctionalPrediction(path_to_otu_table = "KELP_otu_table.txt", path_to_reference_data = "Tax4Fun2_ReferenceData_v2", path_to_temp_folder = "Kelp_Ref99NR_withUser2", database_mode = "Ref99NR", normalize_by_copy_number = T, min_identity_to_reference = 0.97, normalize_pathways = F, include_user_data = T, path_to_user_data = "KELP_UserData", name_of_user_data = "KELP2")

Step 4: Calculating (multi-)functional redundancy indices (experimental)

calculates phylogentic distributions of KEGG functions (High FRI -> high redundancy, low FRI -> function is less redundant and might get lost with community change)

# 1. Run the reference blast
runRefBlast(path_to_otus = "Water_otus.fna", path_to_reference_data = "Tax4Fun2_ReferenceData_v2", path_to_temp_folder = "Water_Ref99NR", database_mode = "Ref99NR", use_force = T, num_threads = 6)

# 2. Calculating FRIs
calculateFunctionalRedundancy(path_to_otu_table = "Water_otu_table.txt", path_to_reference_data = "Tax4Fun2_ReferenceData_v2", path_to_temp_folder = "Water_Ref99NR", database_mode = "Ref99NR", min_identity_to_reference = 0.97)

Have Fun!