From d3ee53af36f9b7224417ddc15174e79538479671 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: flexlixrup <>
Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2025 18:42:16 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] docs: improve docs for various types

 Sources/Pulsar/Documentation.docc/ |  6 +--
 .../Pulsar/PulsarClient/PulsarClient.swift    | 40 ++++++++++++---
 Sources/Pulsar/PulsarConsumer.swift           | 51 +++++++++++++++++--
 Sources/Pulsar/PulsarProducer.swift           | 48 +++++++++++++++--
 Sources/PulsarExample/PulsarExample.swift     |  8 +--
 5 files changed, 134 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Sources/Pulsar/Documentation.docc/ b/Sources/Pulsar/Documentation.docc/
index 351173a..957252b 100644
--- a/Sources/Pulsar/Documentation.docc/
+++ b/Sources/Pulsar/Documentation.docc/
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ struct PulsarExample {
 	   // Set up a consumer
-	   let consumer = try await client.consumer(
+	   let consumer: PulsarProducer<String> = try await client.consumer(
 		   topic: "persistent://public/default/my-topic",
 		   subscription: "test",
 		   subscriptionType: .shared
@@ -108,13 +108,13 @@ struct PulsarExample {
 		// Set up a producer
-		let producer = try await client.producer(
+		let producer: PulsarProducer<String> = try await client.producer(
 			topic: "persistent://public/default/my-topic1",
 			accessMode: .shared,
 			schema: .string
 		) { _ in
 			print("Producer closed")
-		} as PulsarProducer<String>
+		}
 		// Send messages in a loop
 		Task {
diff --git a/Sources/Pulsar/PulsarClient/PulsarClient.swift b/Sources/Pulsar/PulsarClient/PulsarClient.swift
index 4b3107b..7285e3d 100644
--- a/Sources/Pulsar/PulsarClient/PulsarClient.swift
+++ b/Sources/Pulsar/PulsarClient/PulsarClient.swift
@@ -17,14 +17,42 @@ import NIO
 import NIOSSL
 @_exported import SchemaTypes
-/// The core Pulsar Client used to connect to the server.
+/// The core Pulsar Client used to establish and manage connections to an Apache Pulsar server.
-/// This actor manages the connection to a Pulsar server and provides functionality
-/// for creating and managing producers and consumers. It also handles configuration
-/// of connection parameters and retry mechanisms.
+/// This actor is responsible for handling communication with the Pulsar server, including
+/// establishing and managing connections, handling authentication, and providing an interface
+/// for creating producers and consumers. It also implements reconnection logic, secure TLS handling,
+/// and resource management for active connections.
-/// All interactions with the Pulsar messaging system, such as sending or receiving messages,
-/// are controlled through this client.
+/// ## Features
+/// - Supports secure (TLS) and non-secure connections.
+/// - Manages a pool of active connections.
+/// - Handles automatic reconnections in case of network failures.
+/// - Supports configuration of connection parameters including hostname, port, and reconnection limits.
+/// - Provides an event-driven interface for message producers and consumers.
+/// - Closes all active channels gracefully when the client shuts down.
+/// ## Usage
+/// ```swift
+/// let config = PulsarClientConfiguration(host: "", port: 6650)
+/// let client = try await PulsarClient(configuration: config) { error in
+///     print("Client closed: \(error)")
+/// }
+/// ```
+/// Once initialized, the `PulsarClient` can be used to create producers and consumers to send and receive messages.
+/// ## Connection Management
+/// - The client maintains a `connectionPool` to track open connections.
+/// - If the connection is lost, it attempts to reconnect based on the `reconnectLimit` configuration.
+/// - TLS settings can be specified through `PulsarClientConfiguration` to establish a secure connection.
+/// ## Closing the Client
+/// When the client is no longer needed, it should be closed using:
+/// ```swift
+/// try await client.close()
+/// ```
+/// This ensures that all resources are released and all connections are closed cleanly.
 public final actor PulsarClient {
 	let logger = Logger(label: "PulsarClient")
 	let group: EventLoopGroup
diff --git a/Sources/Pulsar/PulsarConsumer.swift b/Sources/Pulsar/PulsarConsumer.swift
index 5ef7210..bc40255 100644
--- a/Sources/Pulsar/PulsarConsumer.swift
+++ b/Sources/Pulsar/PulsarConsumer.swift
@@ -14,9 +14,54 @@
 /// A Pulsar consumer used to asynchronously consume messages from a specific topic.
-/// This class provides support for consuming messages from a Pulsar topic using various subscription types.
-/// It conforms to `AsyncSequence`, enabling iteration over received messages in an asynchronous context.
-/// Generic `T` represents the type of payload for the messages, conforming to `PulsarPayload`.
+/// This class provides functionality for consuming messages from an Apache Pulsar topic.
+/// It supports different subscription types and conforms to `AsyncSequence`, allowing
+/// messages to be iterated over in an asynchronous context using Swift's `for await` syntax.
+/// ## Features:
+/// - Conforms to `AsyncSequence`, enabling structured and idiomatic message consumption.
+/// - Handles message acknowledgment automatically (if `autoAcknowledge` is enabled).
+/// - Supports schema-based payload deserialization.
+/// - Provides explicit error handling mechanisms.
+/// ## Usage Example:
+/// ```swift
+/// let consumer = PulsarConsumer<MyPayload>(
+///     autoAck: true,
+///     handler: myHandler,
+///     consumerID: 67890,
+///     topic: "persistent://public/default/my-topic",
+///     subscriptionName: "my-subscription",
+///     subscriptionType: .shared,
+///     subscriptionMode: .durable,
+///     schema: mySchema
+/// )
+/// for await message in consumer {
+///     print("Received message: \(message.payload)")
+/// }
+/// try await consumer.close() // Close the consumer when done
+/// ```
+/// ## Lifecycle:
+/// - The consumer is initialized with a handler, topic, subscription details, and schema.
+/// - Messages are received and decoded using the specified schema.
+/// - The consumer continuously yields messages via `AsyncThrowingStream<Message<T>, Error>`.
+/// - The consumer can be explicitly closed using `close()`, ensuring proper resource cleanup.
+/// ## Error Handling:
+/// - If message deserialization fails, the consumer will call `fail(error:)`, terminating the stream.
+/// - If an error occurs while handling messages, the stream finishes with the provided error.
+/// - Closing the consumer ensures proper detachment from the Pulsar client.
+/// - Note: This class is designed to be `Sendable`, meaning it can be safely used in concurrent contexts.
+/// - Parameters:
+///   - T: A type conforming to ``PulsarPayload``, representing the message payload.
+/// - SeeAlso: ``PulsarProducer`` for message publishing.
 public final class PulsarConsumer<T: PulsarPayload>: AsyncSequence, Sendable, AnyConsumer {
 	public let consumerID: UInt64
 	let autoAcknowledge: Bool
diff --git a/Sources/Pulsar/PulsarProducer.swift b/Sources/Pulsar/PulsarProducer.swift
index f504c78..9757b2b 100644
--- a/Sources/Pulsar/PulsarProducer.swift
+++ b/Sources/Pulsar/PulsarProducer.swift
@@ -14,9 +14,51 @@
 /// A Pulsar producer used to publish messages to a specific topic.
-/// This component enables sending messages to a Pulsar topic. It supports configuration
-/// for schema, and other publishing parameters to ensure efficient and reliable
-/// message delivery.
+/// This class provides a mechanism for sending messages to an Apache Pulsar topic.
+/// It supports both synchronous and asynchronous message publishing, allowing
+/// developers to choose between guaranteed delivery with broker acknowledgment
+/// (`syncSend`) and a fire-and-forget approach (`asyncSend`). The producer
+/// is designed to handle different schema types and manage its lifecycle efficiently.
+/// ## Features:
+/// - Publishes messages to a specified Pulsar topic.
+/// - Supports synchronous (`syncSend`) and asynchronous (`asyncSend`) message delivery.
+/// - Manages producer state via `ProducerStateManager`.
+/// - Configurable access mode and schema.
+/// - Provides a closure (`onClosed`) to handle producer shutdown events.
+/// ## Usage Example:
+/// ```swift
+/// let producer = PulsarProducer<MyPayload>(
+///     handler: myHandler,
+///     producerAccessMode: .exclusive,
+///     producerID: 12345,
+///     schema: mySchema,
+///     topic: "persistent://public/default/my-topic"
+/// )
+/// try await producer.syncSend(message: myMessage) // Waits for broker response
+/// try await producer.asyncSend(message: myMessage) // Fire-and-forget
+/// try await producer.close() // Closes the producer
+/// ```
+/// ## Lifecycle:
+/// - The producer is initialized with a handler, schema, topic, and other configurations.
+/// - Messages can be sent using `syncSend` (awaits broker acknowledgment) or `asyncSend` (does not wait).
+/// - The producer can be explicitly closed using `close()`, triggering the `onClosed` handler if provided.
+/// ## Error Handling:
+/// - `syncSend` throws an error if a broker acknowledgment is not received within a timeout.
+/// - `asyncSend` does not throw errors for timeout issues but will throw for major failures.
+/// - `close()` ensures a graceful shutdown of the producer.
+/// - Note: This class is designed to be `Sendable`, meaning it can be used safely in concurrent contexts.
+/// - Parameters:
+///   - T: A type conforming to ``PulsarPayload``, representing the payload schema.
+/// - SeeAlso: ``PulsarConsumer`` for message consumtion.
 public final class PulsarProducer<T: PulsarPayload>: Sendable, AnyProducer {
 	public let producerID: UInt64
 	let topic: String
diff --git a/Sources/PulsarExample/PulsarExample.swift b/Sources/PulsarExample/PulsarExample.swift
index dabfe20..0f93865 100644
--- a/Sources/PulsarExample/PulsarExample.swift
+++ b/Sources/PulsarExample/PulsarExample.swift
@@ -65,13 +65,13 @@ struct PulsarExample {
 		let client = try await PulsarClient(configuration: config) { error in
 			print("Error: \(error)")
-		let consumer =
+		let consumer: PulsarConsumer<String> =
 			try await client.consumer(
 				topic: "persistent://public/default/my-topic2",
 				subscription: "test",
 				subscriptionType: .shared,
 				schema: .string
-			) as PulsarConsumer<String>
+			)
 		Task {
 			do {
 				for try await message in consumer {
@@ -91,10 +91,10 @@ struct PulsarExample {
-		let producer =
+		let producer: PulsarProducer<String> =
 			try await client.producer(topic: "persistent://public/default/my-topic1", accessMode: .shared, schema: .string) { _ in
 				print("Produer closed")
-			} as PulsarProducer<String>
+			}
 		Task {
 			while true {
 				do {