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This section shows the installation process of the FLUIDOS Node components.

There are two ways to install FLUIDOS Node components:

  1. Launching the testbed environment with a script.

  2. Installing the FLUIDOS Node manually on your Kubernetes cluster.

If it's your first time with FLUIDOS Node components, we suggest the testbed environment via script. This allows you to install as many kind clusters as you want to run your experiments.

However, if you want to test FLUIDOS Node on your cluster already setup, we suggest you the manual installation.

Testbed installation

To execute the script, use the following command:

cd tools/scripts
. ./

No options are available through the CLI, but you can choose the installation mode by choosing the right option during the script execution. The option supported are:

  • 1 to install the FLUIDOS Node as the demo testbed through KIND

  • 2 to install the FLUIDOS Node in n consumer clusters and m provider clusters through KIND

For both options, you can choose to install from either the official remote FLUIDOS repository or the local repository, building all the components locally.

Clean Development Environment

If you installed FLUIDOS Node on kind clusters and want to clean up the entire testbed setup, run the following commands:

cd ../../tools/scripts

This script will delete both the kind clusters and their corresponding kubeconfig files.

Manual installation

Please, make sure you have helm installed.

To install the FLUIDOS Node on your Kubernetes cluster already up and running, you must ensure you have Liqo up and running.

If you are not sure you already have Liqo on your Kubernetes cluster, we suggest to check the next sub-section.

Install Liqo on your Kubernetes cluster

To ensure you have Liqo, please run the following script:

cd ../../tools/scripts
./ <provider> <cluster-name> $KUBECONFIG

Please, note that you need to pass a few parameters.

  • "provider": this parameter depends on your Kubernetes installation. We currently test it on the following providers:

    1. kubeadm
    2. k3s
    3. kind
  • "cluster-name": this is the name you want to give to your Liqo local cluster (e.g.: fluidos-turin-1)

  • $KUBECONFIG: it is the typical environment variable that points to the path of your Kubernetes cluster configuration.

For more information, check out Liqo official documentation for all supported providers.

DISCLAIMER: before going ahead, ensure that at least one node is tagged with "true" and, if acting as a provider, choose the nodes that exposes their Kubernetes resources with the label "true".

Once we have Liqo running, we can install the FLUIDOS Node component via helm:

helm repo add fluidos

helm upgrade --install node fluidos/node \
    -n fluidos --version "$FLUIDOS_VERSION" \
    --create-namespace -f consumer-values.yaml \
    --set networkManager.configMaps.nodeIdentity.ip="$NODE_IP" \
    --set rearController.service.gateway.nodePort.port="$REAR_PORT" \
    --set networkManager.config.enableLocalDiscovery="$ENABLE_LOCAL_DISCOVERY" \
    --set networkManager.config.address.thirdOctet="$THIRD_OCTET" \
    --set networkManager.config.netInterface="$NET_INTERFACE" \
    --wait \
    --debug \

Here, the meaning of the various parameters:

  • FLUIDOS_VERSION: The FLUIDOS Node version to be installed
  • NODE_IP: The IP address of your local Kubernetes cluster Control Plane
  • REAR_PORT: The port on which your local cluster uses the REAR protocol
  • ENABLE_LOCAL_DISCOVERY: A flag that enables the Network Manager, which is the component advertising the local FLUIDOS Node into a LAN
  • THIRD_OCTET: This is the third byte of the IP address used by Multus CNI for sending broadcast messages into the LAN. Warning: this parameters should be different for each FLUIDOS Node to be working (e.g. 1 for the 1st cluster, 2 for the 2nd cluster, etc.)
  • NET_INTERFACE: The host network interface that Multus binds to

Broker CR creation

To enable the Network Manager to discover FLUIDOS Nodes outside a LAN, you need to configure and apply a Broker CR. The script simplifies this process by guiding you through the creation of the Broker YAML file.

What you need:

  • Kubeconfig PATH

  • Broker's name (custom name of your choice)

  • Broker's server address

  • Client certificate (.pem)

  • Client private key (.pem)

  • Broker's Root certificate (.pem)

  • Role (publisher ^ subscriber ^ both)

Two Kubernetes Secrets are created from the certificates and key, one containing the client cert and private key, the other containing the root certificate of the remote broker. The script will create and apply the .yaml. To inspect the new Broker: kubectl describe broker my-broker -n fluidos Once applied, the Network Manager Reconcile process starts, enabling message exchange.