- Changes for the POST /patron for patron registration API (MODUSERS-493)
- Added PUT /staging-users/{externalSystemId} (MODUSERS-494)
- Pass externalSystemId when patron account is created or updated from staging record (MODUSERS-495)
- Published created and updated event after merging staging user and expiration of user (MODUSERS-478)
- Refix for Sorting users by patron group with applied filters changes number of found records (MODUSERS-486)
- Sorting users by patron group with applied filters changes number of found records (MODUSERS-486)
- Consume and handle patron update domain events (MODUSERS-451)
- Publish domain events for patron groups (MODUSERS-449)
- Sorting users by patron group with applied search displays no found records (MODUSERS-479)
- UI generates search for middle name without supporting index (MODUSERS-455)
- Create a Patron Group Remote Non-circulating (2 years) (MODUSERS-456)
- Add optional field "preferredEmailCommunication" in user schema (MODUSERS-459)
- Make encryption key field non-updatable in profile picture configuration (MODUSERS-458)
- User schema fix (PR #356)
- Slow search in the Users app (MODUSERS-457)
- MODUSER_ENUM_FIX-Fixed Enum (PR #358)
- Change Service to Services. (MODUSERS-463)
- Remove unused orderBy and order parameters from GET /users API (MODUSERS-480)
- testcontainers.kafka.KafkaContainer, apache/kafka-native:3.8.0 (MODUSERS-481)
- New GET API for retrieving the staging users from the new staging record table. (MODUSERS-475)
- API docs: Create permissions record before creating user record (PR #375)
- Delete Staging record (MODUSERS-477)
- Review and cleanup Module Descriptor for mod-users (MODUSERS-465)
- Slow search in the Users app (MODUSERS-457)
- Make username as required field for staff user type for ECS mode (MODUSERS-393)
- ECS | Username uniqueness validation should be case insensitive for usernames from different tenants (MODUSERS-408)
- Update to latest folio-custom-fields (FCFIELDS-44)
- Forbid request to ECS tenant if it soft deleted (MODUSERS-408)
- Unable to add custom fields fix (MODUSERS-413)
- GET POST apis for profile_picture (MODUSERS-405)
- Update Profile Picture API for Database Storage (MODUSERS-418)
- Disable username uniqueness validation for system users (MODUSERS-421)
- Added integration with minio/s3 (MODUSERS-406)
- Delete Profile Picture API for Database Storage (MODUSERS-419)
- Add migration script for custom fields (MODUSERS-426)
- Put and delete API for profile pictures for Object storage (MODUSERS-422)
- Added encryption/decryption for DB (MODUSERS-402)
- Added cleanup job, maxFileSize Validation (MODUSERS-423)
- Add fields to filtering in user tenants endpoint (MODUSERS-412)
- Disabling profile pic functionality for shadow users (MODUSERS-427)
- Updating interface version from 16.0 to 16.1 (MODUSERS-437)
- Upgrading dependencies for Quesnelia (MODUSERS-441)
- Upgraded folio-custom-fields to 1.10.0
- Upgraded folio-service-tools-test to 3.1.0
- Upgraded folio-kafka-wrapper to 3.0.0
- Add DCB user type (MODUSERS-388)
- Add check to produce user updated event if user type changed (MODUSERS-389)
- Fix unit tests instability in mod-users (MODUSERS-387)
- Populate system users with type='system' in different modules (MODCON-92)
- Filter out patron users for Consortia pipeline (MODUSERS-384)
- Add externalSystemId, barcode to user-teant for SAML login (MODUSERS-377)
- provides custom-fields version 2.1(MODCON-83)
- Add check for username uniqueness across consortium (MODUSERS-368)
- "Username" field on "Log in" page is case-sensitive for "member" user on "Consortia" environment (MODUSERS-376)
- ECS - Do not display shadow users in search results (MODUSERS-373)
- Add support of Forgot Password/Forgot Username for Consortia functionality (MODUSERBL-169)
- Consume PRIMARY_AFFILATION_USERDETAILS_UPDATED to update username, email and phoneNumber for Consortia needs (MODUSERS-362)
- Implement sending USER_UPDATED event using Transaction Outbox Pattern (MODUSERS-360)
- Update to Java 17 mod-users (MODUSERS-369)
- User with invalid date value will break /users/expire/timer API (MODUSERS-320)
- update user_tenant schema (MODCON-42)
- Modify users dtos to include source field (MODUSERS-370)
- Create Post user-tenant endpoint (MODUSERS-364)
- Consume Primary Affiliation Deleted event and delete record from local persistence (MODUSERS-355)
- Consume Primary Affiliation Created event and store in local persistence (MODUSERS-354)
- Implement sending USER_DELETED event using transactional outbox pattern (MODUSERS-350)
- Integrated Kafka for real-time event processing and messaging (MODUSERS-347)
- Upgrading tenant resets reference and sample records (MODUSERS-335)
- Add the buildMvn GitHub Action workflow (FOLIO-3629)
- Add condition to disable profile picture functionality for user's type SHADOW
- Added custom fields index in users table to make user search faster (MODUSERS-338)
- Upgraded RMB to 35.0.0 (MODUSERS-330)
- Made AddressTypeId field required for all user addresses (MODUSERS-212)
- Removes users facets API (MODUSERS-308)
- Provides
users 16.0
- POST or PUT user without addressTypeId throws silent HTTP 500 (MODUSERS-232)
- Increased delay in disabling expired users when running in non-UTC timezone (MODUSERS-318)
- Added index to search by perferredFirstName (MODUSERS-310)
- Fixed issue posting user with text custom field with null values (MODUSERS-306)
- Upgrade to RMB 33.2.4 and Folio Service Tools 1.7.2. (CVE-2021-44228) (MODUSERS-295, MODUSERS-301)
- Update RMB to 33.1.1 and Vert.x to 4.1.4 (MODUSERS-272)
- Move helper methods to bottom of UsersAPIIT (MODUSERS-267)
- Build fails with LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 (MODUSERS-259)
- Characters in department name and code now properly saved (MODUSERS-260)
- Creation of new user with invalid addresstype id now results in 422 error (MODUSERS-262)
- Added delete by cql endpoint for users (MODUSERS-122)
command line option is no longer supported (MODUSERS-255)- Upgrades to RAML Module Builder 33.0.0 (MODUSERS-255)
- Upgrades to 4.1.0.CR1 (MODUSERS-255)
- Groups can define a default period after which a user should expire (MODUSERS-234)
- Uses a
interface to periodically expire users every minute (MODUSERS-244) - Updates Vert.x to version 4 (MODUSERS-242)
- Provides
users 15.3
- Provides
_tenant 2.0
- Allows users to be assigned to departments (MODUSERS-158)
- Provides
users 15.2
(MODUSERS-158) - Requires JDK 11 (MODUSERS-215)
- Upgraded to RAML Module Builder 31.1.0 (MODUSERS-214, MODUSERS-220)
- updated mod-custom-fields version to 1.4.1
- MODUSERS-196 - BE - Preferred name field on user record
- MODCFIELDS-46 - Custom Field Option: Provide an indication that an option has been saved to a record
- Custom fields can have multiple values (MODUSERS-201)
- Selectable options for custom fields must be uniquely identified (MODUSERS-201)
- Provides
custom-fields 2.0
- No longer provides
- No longer provides
- Upgrades to RAML Module Builder 30.0.2 (MODUSERS-195)
no longer required when creating a new user (MODUSERS-187)- Removes custom field values when custom field is deleted (MODUSERS-172)
- Stores patron block conditions (MODUSERS-174, MODUSERS-176)
- Stores patron block limits (MODUSERS-175, MODUSERS-177, MODUSERS-180)
- Streams responses to get users (MODUSERS-114, MODUSERS-171, MODUSERS-173)
- Upgrades to
RAML Module Builder 29.3.0
(MODUSERS-164, MODUSERS-168) - Upgrades to
mod-custom-fields 1.3.0
(MODUSERS-179, MODUSERS-183) - Provides
custom-fields 1.2
- Provides
patron-block-conditions 0.1
- Provides
patron-block-limits 0.1
- MODUSERS-118 Reject duplicate user barcode
- MODUSERS-126 MODUSERS-131 MODUSERS-142 Upgrade to RMB 25, RMB 26, RMB 27
- MODUSERS-138 POST requests to /users fail - syntax error at or near ")"
- MODUSERS-143 PUT and POST requests fail with an error related to a null metadata field
- MODUSERS-147 "Username already exists" error when creating second user with null username
- MODUSERS-151 Exclude whitespace in the username when creating a new user
- MODUSERS-134 MODUSERS-146 MODUSERS-149 Add Custom fields to user schema
- MODUSERS-153 Calculate custom field usage on User records
- MODUSERS-129 Use PgUtil / refactor
- MODUSERS-130 Updating user without metadata erroneously sets createdDate
- MODUSERS-135 Address index warnings from perf test
- MODUSERS-150 Add indexes to improve performance
- MODUSERS-160 FOLIO-2358 Manage container memory, switch to alpine-jre-openjdk8 Docker container
- FOLIO-2256 Publish container to ci kubernetes when release/snap build
- FOLIO-2234 Add LaunchDescriptor settings
- MODUSERS-138 POST requests to /users fail
- MODUSERS-147 "Username already exists" error when creating second user with null username
- MODUSERS-129 Use PgUtil / refactor
- MODUSERS-131 Upgrade to RMB 26.2.2
- MODUSERS-125 User (sort by group) search slow in 2.1 Bugfest env
- MODUSERS-127 Improve user expiration query performance
- MODUSERS-115 Update to RMB 24 / CQLPG 4.0.0
- MODUSERS-106 Add index for searching by "username"
- MODUSERS-109 Avoid users load sample hack
- MODUSERS-103 use loadSample/loadReference to load sample and reference data
- MODUSERS-108 PUT new User returns 204
- MODUSERS-102 pom.xml: Replace tab by spaces, fixing indentation
- MODUSERS-105 Update to Vert.X 3.5.4 / RMB 23.8.0
- Clean up RAML directory (MODUSERS-84)
- Add missing documentation for fieldnames in schemas (MODUSERS-87)
- Correct exception thrown for CQL errors (MODUSERS-88)
- Correct issue with pagaeable trait in RAML (MODUSERS-89)
- Put numeric username; add schemas for type detection (MODUSERS-90)
- Enforce order in which unit tests fire (MODUSERS-92)
- Correct issue with CQL field name validation (MODUSERS-93)
- Correct issue with database primary key assignment (MODUSERS-94, MODUSERS-95)
- Correct issue with type determination for values in CQL queries (MODUSERS-96)
- Fix issue that causes mod-users to hang when a bad query to /groups is received (MODUSERS-97)
- Expand unit test coverage (MODUSERS-100)
- Upgrade to RMB 21.x.x, use RAML 1.0
- Change user expiration to use the periodic API instead of deserializer.
- Remove 'meta' field from proxyFor schema
- Update raml definitions to include metadata schema
- Add standard metadata field to proxyfor schema
- Define fields in proxyFor schema to replace the use of catch-all 'meta' field
- Allow groups and addresstypes to be supplied an optional id on creation
- Make 'username' field now optional for User records
- Enable standard metadata on AddressType records
- Add custom JSON deserializer to automatically set "active" to false if the user expiration date has passed
- Update RAML traits to raise (to maxint) the number of results that can be requested
- MODUSERS-58: Update shared raml-util. The metadata schema was missing when processing RAML files in a different order.
- Remove required 'desc' field for usergroups
- Implement fix to CQL generation to handle users without patrongroups
- Add standard metadata field support to userdata
- Fix bug allowing for type-less address types
- Add check for deleting nonexistent groups
- Add 'proxyFor' field to userdata
- Fix bug with numeric IDs
- Fix MD to contain implementation number in id
- Update RMB to allow for cross table joins (e.g. sorting by patrongroup names)
- Adjust CQL handling to accommodate cross table queries
- Fix bug causing numeric usernames to be treated as integers
- Enable /addresstypes endpoint for CRUD on address types
- Add restrictions to user data to require that only one address of a given addresstype exist, and that all addresstypeids have a corresponding address type record
- Put implementation version into module descriptor
- Update ModuleDescriptor
- dateCreated and dateUpdated fields are set automatically on POST/PUT
- Return sets use 'totalResults' field instead of 'total_results'
- Change timestamp fields to dateCreated and dateUpdated
- Replace user JSON property 'preferredContact' with 'preferredContactTypeId'
- Add array of addresses in user JSON property 'personal'
- Change dependency to RMB v12.1.3
- Correct interface version in Module Descriptor
- Add optional field to users: externalSystemId
- Change dependency to RMB v12.1.0
- Disallow additional properties in usergroups model.
- Change dependency to RMB v11.0.0. Schema now disallows additional properties.