Releases: folio-org/mod-users
Releases · folio-org/mod-users
v19.4.5 2025-01-13
19.4.5 2025-01-13
- Changes for the POST /patron for patron registration API (MODUSERS-493)
- Added PUT /staging-users/{externalSystemId} (MODUSERS-494)
- Pass externalSystemId when patron account is created or updated from staging record (MODUSERS-495)
- Published created and updated event after merging staging user and expiration of user (MODUSERS-478)
v19.4.4 2024-12-05
19.4.4 2024-12-05
R bugfix
- Refix for Sorting users by patron group with applied filters changes number of found records (MODUSERS-486)
v19.4.3 2024-12-04
19.4.3 2024-12-04
R bug fix
- Sorting users by patron group with applied filters changes number of found records (MODUSERS-486)
19.4.2 2024-11-30
- Consume and handle patron update domain events (MODUSERS-451)
- Publish domain events for patron groups (MODUSERS-449)
v19.4.1 2024-11-28
19.4.1 2024-11-28
R Bug Fix
- Sorting users by patron group with applied search displays no found records (MODUSERS-479)
v19.4.0 2024-10-30
19.4.0 2024-10-30
Ramsons Release
- UI generates search for middle name without supporting index (MODUSERS-455)
- Create a Patron Group Remote Non-circulating (2 years) (MODUSERS-456)
- Add optional field "preferredEmailCommunication" in user schema (MODUSERS-459)
- Make encryption key field non-updatable in profile picture configuration (MODUSERS-458)
- User schema fix (PR #356)
- Slow search in the Users app (MODUSERS-457)
- MODUSER_ENUM_FIX-Fixed Enum (PR #358)
- Change Service to Services. (MODUSERS-463)
- Remove unused orderBy and order parameters from GET /users API (MODUSERS-480)
- testcontainers.kafka.KafkaContainer, apache/kafka-native:3.8.0 (MODUSERS-481)
- New GET API for retrieving the staging users from the new staging record table. (MODUSERS-475)
- API docs: Create permissions record before creating user record (PR #375)
- Delete Staging record (MODUSERS-477)
- Review and cleanup Module Descriptor for mod-users (MODUSERS-465)
v19.3.2 2024-09-04
19.3.2 2024-09-04
- Slow search in the Users app (MODUSERS-457)
v19.3.1 2024-03-20
Q release
19.3.1 2024-03-20
- Make username as required field for staff user type for ECS mode (MODUSERS-393)
- ECS | Username uniqueness validation should be case insensitive for usernames from different tenants (MODUSERS-408)
- Update to latest folio-custom-fields (FCFIELDS-44)
- Forbid request to ECS tenant if it soft deleted (MODUSERS-408)
- Unable to add custom fields fix (MODUSERS-413)
- GET POST apis for profile_picture (MODUSERS-405)
- Update Profile Picture API for Database Storage (MODUSERS-418)
- Disable username uniqueness validation for system users (MODUSERS-421)
- Added integration with minio/s3 (MODUSERS-406)
- Delete Profile Picture API for Database Storage (MODUSERS-419)
- Add migration script for custom fields (MODUSERS-426)
- Put and delete API for profile pictures for Object storage (MODUSERS-422)
- Added encryption/decryption for DB (MODUSERS-402)
- Added cleanup job, maxFileSize Validation (MODUSERS-423)
- Add fields to filtering in user tenants endpoint (MODUSERS-412)
- Disabling profile pic functionality for shadow users (MODUSERS-427)
- Updating interface version from 16.0 to 16.1 (MODUSERS-437)
- Upgrading dependencies for Quesnelia (MODUSERS-441)
- ECS | Username uniqueness validation should be case insensitive for usernames from different tenants (MODUSERS-408)
- Fix transaction behavior with processing outbox logs (MODUSERS-395)
- Make username as required field for staff user type for ECS mode (MODUSERS-393)