Download Solr from and copy it to the Solr module. eg. solr/solr-5.2.1
Download JTS from and copy it to the Solr lib folder: server/solr-webapp/webapp/WEB-INF/lib
Download Saxon to add XSL version 2 support (see src/main/resources/lib).
Start Solr.
Create collection
cd solr/solr-5.2.1/bin
./solr start -p 8984 -c
./solr create -p 8984 -c silk -d ../../src/main/solr-cores/silk/
./solr create -p 8984 -c data -d ../../src/main/solr-cores/data/
./solr create -p 8984 -c dashboard -d ../../src/main/solr-cores/dashboard/
Maven could take care of the installation steps:
- download
- initialize collection
- start
Use the following commands:
cd solr
mvn install -Psolr-download
mvn install -Psolr-init
mvn exec:exec -Dsolr-start
Configure Solr to start on server startup.
Use solr/solr-5.2.1/bin/init.d/solr. Modify the script to start Solr in cloud mode: