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g0v mef-ap

"In order to let computers to work for us, they must understand data: not just the grammar and the syntax, but the real meaning of things" [KEES].

g0v mef-ap is a Semantic Web application profile, that is a trimmed down version existing formal vocabularies (ontologies) to trades some expressive power for the efficiency of reasoning.

g0v mef-ap builds on the MEF vocabulary to capture the specific Italian budget semantic.

g0v mef-ap provides a mapping to a Bubble Graph Ontology (BGO) for data exploration concepts. In order to get a manageable number of bgo:Accounts, mef-ap considers the fourth level of the italian budget taxonomy (i.e. "azioni") as the focus for the Bubble Graph Ontology; the financial facts (i.e. mef:capitoli) are modeled as bgo:Account breakdowns.

Additional restrictions

Following axioms are added to mef ontology ones:

  • mef:Budget should be related (dct:source) with some documents described with DCAT (according with DCAT-AP_IT v1.0 profile) vocabulary.
  • the bgo:accountId must be defined as the distinguish part of the account uri.
  • mef:Accoung has foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf attribute pointing to the URL of a visualization tool (e.g.

Bubble Graph Ontology mapping

In this release only budget expense with a reduced taxonomy is used. The following axioms should be used to derive a Bubble Graph Ontology:

  • the BGO Domain is the newest known MEF Financial Report ;
  • each mef:Azione is a bgo:HistoryRec having bgo:versionLabel equals to the referred mef:Budget mer:versionId property ;
  • bgo:account a sub-property of mef:competenza;
  • mef:CapitoloDiSpesa that are parts of a bgo:Account are bgo:Amount that are used to compose the account breakdown perspective;
  • the account history perspective is composed by all bgo:HistoryRec sharing the same bgo:versionLabel of the account ;
  • the bgo:referenceValue, if present, is the amount of the newest history rec in the ccount history perspective ;

URIs and naming convention

g0v mef-ap defines a set of naming convention for:

  • notation
  • identifiers
  • URIs

**Naming conventions for notations **

Every struttural component must have a notation. Following rules apply:

  • two concepts with the same notation are related with the skos:closeConcept property.
  • all concept related with the same budget ( qb:dataset) mus have an unique notation.

As corollary, the notation is used to infer links between different budget reports.

base type notation template esempio
mef:Spesa s s
mef:Entrata e e
mef:Ministero a{codice MEF ministero} a12
mef:CentroResponabilita a{codice MEF ministero}r{id centro responsabilità} a1r123
mef:MissioneMinistero a{codice MEF ministero}m{codice MEF missione} a1m1
mef:Programma a{codice MEF ministero}m{codice MEF missione}p{codice MEF programma} a1m1p1
mef:Azione a{codice MEF ministero}m{codice MEF missione}p{codice MEF programma}a{codice MEF azione} a1m1p1a1
mef:CapitoloDiSpesa a{codice MEF ministero}c{codice MEF capitolo} a1c123
mef:PianoDiGestione a{codice MEF ministero}c{codice MEF capitolo}p{codice MEF piano} a1c123p1
mef:Missione m{codice MEF missione} m1
mef:TitoloSpesa s{codice MEF titolospesa} s1
mef:CategoriaSpesa s{codice MEF titolospesa}c{codice MEFcategoria} s1c1
mef:TitoloEntrata e{codice MEF titolo entrata} e1
mef:Natura e{codice MEF titolo entrata}n{codice MEF natura} e1n1
mef:Tipologia e{codice MEF titolo entrata}t{codice MEF tipologia} e1t1
mef:Provento e{codice MEF titolo entrata}t{codice MEF tipologia}p{codice MEF provento} e1t1p1
mef:CapitoloEntrata e{codice MEF titolo entrata}c{codice MEFcapitolo} e1c1123
mef:Articolo e{codice MEF titolo entrata}c{codice MEFcapitolo}a{codice MEF articolo} e1c1123a1

**Identifies (dct:identifier) naming convention **

base type regexp esempio
mef:Budget \d\d(L|D|P|R)* 19B
mef:StructuralComponent {mef budgetid}[SE]{skos:notation} 19A1Sa1m1p1a1

**URIs naming convention **

Following convention should apply in URI generation to encode parsable information:{identifier}



From this fact :

@prefix : <> .
	mef:competenza 200000000000.00  ;
	mef:cassa 200000000000.00 ;
	mef:residui 0.00 .

here are some of the new rdf triples that a g0v mef-ap reasoner should be able to derive looking to the fact, ontology, axioms and conventions:

:19La1c123p1 a mef:PianoDiGestione ;
	mef:notation "a1c123p1";
    mef:inBudget :19L ;
	mef:inTaxonomy :19LTSMMPACP, :19LTSTCCP ;
    mef:isPartOf :19La1c123 

:19L a mef:LeggeBilancio ;
	mef:versionId "19L" ;
	mef:esercizio 2019 ;
	mef:hasSchemeSMMPACP :19LTSMMPACP ;
	mef:hasSchemeSMRMP :19LTSMRMP ;
	mef:hasSchemeSMTC :19LTSMTC ;
	mef:hasSchemeSTCCP :19LTSTCCP ;
	mef:hasSchemeSMP :19LTSMP ;
	mef:hasSchemeETNT :19LTETNT ;
	mef:hasSchemeETTPCA :19LTETTPCA ;
	mef:spese :19LSs 
:19LTSMMPACP a mef:Taxonomy .
:19LTSMRMP a mef:Taxonomy .
:19LTSMTC a mef:Taxonomy .
:19LTSTCCP a mef:Taxonomy .
:19LTSMP a mef:Taxonomy .
:19LTETNT a mef:Taxonomy .
:19LTETTPCA  a mef:Taxonomy .

:19Ls a mef:Spesa ;
    mef:inBudget :19L ;
	mef:competenza 200000000000.00  ;
	mef:cassa 200000000000.00 ;
	mef:residui 0.00 ;
	mef:notation "s" 
:19La1 a mef:Ministero ;
    mef:inBudget :19L ;
	mef:competenza 200000000000.00  ;
	mef:cassa 200000000000.00 ;
	mef:residui 0.00 ;
	mef:inTaxonomy :19LTSMMPACP ;
	mef:notation "a1" 

:19La1c123 a mef:CapitoloDiSpesa ;
    mef:inBudget :19L ;
	mef:competenza 200000000000.00  ;
	mef:cassa 200000000000.00 ;
	mef:residui 0.00 ;
	mef:inTaxonomy :19LTSMMPACP, :19LTSTCCP ;
	mef:notation "a1c123" 


# Bgo related inferences:

:19L a bgo:Domain .
:19La1c123 a bgo:Amount ; bgo:amount 200000000000.00 .
