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Every now and then I find myself writing PowerShell. I do it infrequently enough so that I have the time to forget the syntax and have to spend hours looking for things I've done many times over. This guide contains the common operations I perform in PowerShell.


PowerShell 7.2

Use PowerShell 7.2 as it is a Long Term Support version. Since PowerShell Core 6, PowerShell is cross-platform (Windows, macOS and Linux) and has better defaults (i.e. Out-File used to use UTF-16 with the little-endian byte order and now uses UTF8 by default).

Always use a Cmdlet

param (


$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

In this case the Cmdlet is taking 2 parameters ($VpcStackName and $NodeCountMax). You can also create Cmdlets that don't take any parameters. This approach has the following benefits:


Parameters can:

  • Be strongly-typed
  • Be made mandatory
  • Be validated against a set
  • Have a default value when optional

Let's create the Deploy.ps1 script with the below content:

param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] # This is a mandatory parameter
    [ValidateSet('DEV', 'UAT', 'PROD')] # The provided parameter has to match a value from the set
    [string]$Environment, # This is a `string` parameter

    [securestring]$AzureSqlServerAdministratorPassword, # This is a `securestring` parameter

    [Parameter()] # This is an optional parameter
    [Int16]$SqlDatabaseBackupRetentionDays = 1 # Optional parameters can have a default value when they're not provided by the user

The script will throw an error when a parameter does not match the expected set:

> .\Deploy.ps1 -Environment PreProd
Deploy.ps1: Cannot validate argument on parameter 'Environment'. The argument "PreProd" does not belong to the set "DEV,UAT,PROD" specified by the ValidateSet attribute. Supply an argument that is in the set and then try the command again.

When you don't provide a value for a securestring parameter, PowerShell will prompt you for the value and obfuscate the characters as you type them. This has the added benefit that the secret will not be recorded in your shell history.

securestring Parameter


If I create the following PowerShell script named Trace-Verbose.ps1:

param (

Write-Verbose 'Hello from Verbose!'

I can execute it in the following fashion:

> ./Trace-Verbose.ps1

But if I add the the -Verbose Switch, I'll get a different output:

> ./Trace-Verbose.ps1 -Verbose
Hello from Verbose!


In most scenario I want scripts to stop at the first encountered error. Setting $ErrorActionPreference to 'Stop' does exactly this:

$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

This only impacts the lines below $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'.


Create a script named Get-Help.ps1:


A one-liner describing what the script does.

A longer description. Explain what the script is trying to achieve, call out behaviour that might seem odd at first glance.

The name for the CloudFormation stack that deploys the VPC.

The maximum number of nodes (EC2 instances) in your cluster.

./Get-Help.ps1 -VpcStackName nonprod-eks-vpc

./Get-Help.ps1 -VpcStackName nonprod-eks-vpc -NodeCountMax 3

You can include more than one example. Helpful to illustrate optional parameters.

Include things such as pre-requisites. This could be the required PowerShell version, PowerShell modules that need to be installed... Also call out any command the user needs to run before calling the script

- PowerShell 7 (
- Azure PowerShell (

Before running this script you need to invoke 'Connect-'zAccount` to sign-in and you need to select the subscription you want to operate on.

A URI where the user can get more information. In this case it could be:


param (

    [int]$NodeCountMax = 8
> Get-Help ./Get-Help.ps1


    A one-liner describing what the script does.

    C:\t\Get-Help.ps1 [-VpcStackName] <String> [[-NodeCountMax] <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]

    A longer description. Explain what the script is trying to achieve, call out behaviour that might seem odd at first glance.

    A URI where I can get more information. In this case it could be:

    To see the examples, type: "Get-Help C:\t\Get-Help.ps1 -Examples"
    For more information, type: "Get-Help C:\t\Get-Help.ps1 -Detailed"
    For technical information, type: "Get-Help C:\t\Get-Help.ps1 -Full"
    For online help, type: "Get-Help C:\t\Get-Help.ps1 -Online"

Break down long lines

You can use the backtick character to split a long line over multiple lines:

Invoke-Executable aws --region $AwsRegion cloudformation create-stack `
    --stack-name $VpcStackName `
    --role-arn $DeploymentServiceRoleArn `
    --template-body file://eks/eks-vpc.yaml


Another way of avoiding long lines is to use splatting. This is more idiomatic than using backticks.

Copy-Item -Path 'test.txt' -Destination 'test2.txt' -WhatIf

# The command above can be rewritten as:

$copyParameters = @{
  Path = 'test.txt'
  Destination = 'test2.txt'
  WhatIf = $true # You need to set the `Switch` parameter to `$true` or `$false`

Copy-Item @copyParameters

This example is borrowed from About Splatting in the official PowerShell documentation.


Create an array

> @(1, 2, 3)

Add an element to an array

$a = @()
$a += 'First element in array'


Pipe the output of a command into the input of another command

> 'Write me to a file!' | Out-File './output.log'

Discard command output

mkdir tmp | Out-Null

Working with JSON

> '{"Greeting": "Hello!"}' | ConvertFrom-Json

By default PowerShell serialises only 2 levels deep. The below script:

$model = @{
    One = @{
        Two = @{
            Three = @{
                Text = 'Hello'

Write-Host "`nWithout -Depth parameter:`n"
ConvertTo-Json $model | Write-Host

Write-Host "`nWith -Depth 3 parameter:`n"
ConvertTo-Json $model -Depth 3 | Write-Host

Will output:

Without -Depth parameter:

WARNING: Resulting JSON is truncated as serialization has exceeded the set depth of 2.
  "One": {
    "Two": {
      "Three": "System.Collections.Hashtable"

With -Depth 3 parameter:

  "One": {
    "Two": {
      "Three": {
        "Text": "Hello"


Create a custom object

    Name = 'Balloon'
    Sum = 15

Selecting an object property

> '{"Greeting": "Hello!"}' | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Greeting

String interpolation for object properties

Write-Verbose "Created '$($eksAuthConfigurationMapTemporaryFile.FullName)' to store the EKS authentication configuration map"


$phases = @(
        Name = 'Lord'
        Sum = 9
        Name = 'Bucket'
        Sum = 3
        Name = 'Head'
        Sum = 6

$importantPhases = $phases | Where-Object { $_.Sum -gt 5 }

Require a minimum version of PowerShell

At the top of the script:

#Requires -Version 7.0

Requires also allows to specify modules that should be available on the machine:

#Requires -Modules Az

File operations

Read file

$eksAuthConfigurationMapTemplate = Get-Content .\eks\eks-auth-configuration-map.yaml -Raw

Write to file

> 'Write me to a file!' | Out-File './output.log'


Compress a directory that excludes the root directory:

Compress-Archive -Path C:\Api\* -DestinationPath C:\Api\

Get stderr from external process

There is not yet a way to do this across platform, you will have to handle Windows and Unix differently.

The Unix command needs to be surrounded by single quotes.

if ($IsWindows) {
    $deleteContextOuput = cmd /c kubectl config delete-context $kubectlContext '2>&1'
} else {
    $shellCommand = "'{ kubectl config delete-context $kubectlContext; } 2>&1'"
    $deleteContextOuput = sh -c $shellCommand

if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
    Write-Warning "Could not delete context '$kubectlContext', error message was: $deleteContextOuput"

Based on an answer to the Stack Overflow question PowerShell: Capture the output from external process that writes to stderr in a variable.

Most useful automatic variables

$PSScriptRoot contains the full path of the executing script's parent directory.

$LASTEXITCODE contains the exit code of the last native program or PowerShell script that was run. I use it only for native programs.
