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2333 lines (1484 loc) · 110 KB

File metadata and controls

2333 lines (1484 loc) · 110 KB

Release notes

KeyboardKit tries to honor semantic versioning:

  • Only deprecate code in minor versions.
  • Only remove deprecated code in major versions.
  • Avoid introducing breaking changes in minor versions.

Breaking changes can still occur in minor versions and patches, though, if the alternative is to not be able to release new critical features or fixes.


This version makes the library build on more platforms and removes old, deprecated code.

📺 Platform support

  • KeyboardKit now supports iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS.

✨ New Features

  • ActionCalloutContext has a new, static shared property.
  • ActionCalloutContext has a new verticalOffset that can be used to move the callout up and down.
  • AudioFeedbackConfiguration is now mutable.
  • HapticFeedbackConfiguration is now mutable.
  • InputCalloutContext has a new, static shared property.
  • KeyboardInputViewController has a new didMoveToParent property, which is used to avoid calling needsInputModeSwitchKey when it generates a warning.

💡 Behavior changes

  • Autocomplete now only applies autocorrections for pure space actions and not character actions with a single space.
  • ActionCallout uses the new ActionCalloutContext verticalOffset to offset the callout bubble.
  • ActionCalloutContext applies a vertical offset to iPad devices, and adjust the demo toolbar to be 50 on iPad as well.
  • StandardKeyboardBehavior now has a 0.5 double tap threshold instead of 0.2, and also handles caps lock better.
  • StandardKeyboardFeedbackHandler now triggers the haptic feedback for long press on space, not the SpaceCursorDragGestureHandler.
  • SystemKeyboard initializers now use nil as default value for the controller and width, to avoid Swift errors in binary framework builds.

🐛 Bug fixes

  • UITextDocumentProxy isCursorAtNewSentenceWithSpace has been adjusted to handle non-empty space content.

💥 Breaking changes

  • All previously deprecated code has been removed.

  • ActionCalloutContext verticalOffset has been moved to ActionCalloutStyle.

  • Bundle isExtension has been made internal.

  • Color.standardButtonBackgroundColor(for:) has been renamed to standardButtonBackground(for:).

  • Color.standardButtonForegroundColor(for:) has been renamed to standardButtonForeground(for:).

  • Color.standardButtonShadowColor(for:) has been renamed to standardButtonShadow(for:).

  • Color.standardDarkButtonBackgroundColor(for:) has been renamed to standardDarkButtonBackground(for:).

  • Color.standardDarkButtonForegroundColor(for:) has been renamed to standardDarkButtonForeground(for:).

  • KeyboardAction isKeyboardType has been removed.

  • KeyboardAction isSpace has been removed.

  • KeyboardAction standardTextDocumentProxyInputAction has been merged with standardTextDocumentProxyAction.

  • KeyboardAppearance systemKeyboardButtonStyle(for:) has been renamed to buttonStyle(for:).

  • KeyboardFeedbackHandler no longer has any action provider-based logic and no typealiases.

  • KeyboardInputViewController needsInputModeSwitchKeyOverride has been removed.

  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler GestureAction has been removed.

  • StandardKeyboardFeedbackHandler triggerFeedbackForLongPressOnSpaceDragGesture has been removed.

  • StandardKeyboardFeedbackHandler shouldTriggerFeedback has been moved to StandardKeyboardActionHandler.

  • SystemKeyboardButtonStyle has been renamed to KeyboardButtonStyle.

  • SystemKeyboardButtonBorderStyle has been renamed to KeyboardButtonBorderStyle.

  • SystemKeyboardButtonShadowStyle has been renamed to KeyboardButtonShadowStyle.


This version adjust orientation change handling further.

💡 Behavior changes

  • KeyboardInputViewController now wraps the context sync in a DispatchQueue.main.async block. This seems to improve the behavior quite a bit.


This version adjust orientation change handling further.

💡 Behavior changes

  • KeyboardInputViewController re-adds sync for layout change, but only once after viewDidLayoutSubviews if orientation changes.


This version polishes the action callout on iPad further and fixes a layout bug.

✨ New Features

  • ActionCalloutContext has a new verticalOffset property.

💡 Behavior changes

  • ActionCallout is now pushed down a bit on iPad devices.
  • KeyboardInputViewController no longer syncs context on viewWillLayoutSubviews.

🐛 Bug fixes

  • KeyboardInputViewController could get stuck in a loop due to syncing context in viewWillLayoutSubviews.


This version polishes the action callout on iPad and makes the core library build on macOS.

📺 Platform support

  • This version makes the core library build on macOS. KeyboardKit Pro will add macOS support in 6.0.

✨ New Features

  • ActionCalloutStyle has a new maxButtonSize property.

💡 Behavior changes

  • ActionCallout now renders differently on iPad devices.
  • ActionCalloutContext now requires a little less swiping to change action.


This version adds new locales and makes the library build on more platforms.

📺 Platform support

  • This version makes the library build on tvOS and watchOS.

🌐 New locales

  • 🇧🇬 Bulgarian
  • 🇦🇩 Catalan
  • 🇫🇴 Faroese
  • 🇵🇭 Filipino
  • 🇬🇪 Georgian
  • 🇲🇰 Macedonian
  • 🇲🇹 Maltese
  • 🇲🇳 Mongolian
  • 🇷🇸 Serbian
  • 🇷🇸 Serbian (Latin)
  • 🇸🇰 Slovak

✨ New features

  • DeviceSpecificInputSetProvider has new row functions.
  • DeviceType is a new enum that can be used to determine device type without having to use the real platform-specific device type.
  • DisabledHapticFeedbackPlayer is a new feedback player that is used on tvOS and watchOS.
  • InputSetProvider has new row functions.
  • StandardHapticFeedbackPlayer is now open to subclassing.
  • StandardKeyboardLayoutProvider has a new fallbackProvider that is used when device is not iPhone or iPad.
  • StandardSystemAudioPlayer is now open to subclassing.
  • StaticKeyboardBehavior is a new behavior type that is used on watchOS.

💡 Behavior changes

  • DeviceSpecificInputSetProvider no longer requires a UIDevice.
  • EnglishInputSetProvider no longer requires UIKit.
  • The iPhone and iPad keyboard layout provides have been adjusted to provide better layouts.

🐛 Bug fixes

  • Some iPad incorrect layouts have been adjusted.

🗑 Deprecations

  • SystemAudioPlayer playSystemAudio has been renamed to play.
  • All input set providers have the UIDevice-based initializer replaced by a device-agnostic one.


This version fixes an iPad layout bug that was introduced by 5.8.1.


This version adds tap behavior to the margin next to character inputs.

✨ New features

  • KeyboardAction has a new characterMargin action.

💡 Behavior changes

  • iPadKeyboardLayoutProvider and iPhoneKeyboardLayoutProvider now only adjust input sets with three rows.
  • iPhoneKeyboardLayoutProvider will now add characterMargin to the empty surrounding space around a character key.

🗑 Deprecations

Despite the aim described in the release notes header, this patch contains some deprecations, that will only affect devs who create their own system keyboard layouts.

  • SystemKeyboardLayoutProvider has new margin action functions.
  • SystemKeyboardLayoutProvider has been redesigned to let all functions that take multiple parameters with an initial context, place the context parameter last. This gives a cleaner and more harmonized public api.
  • SystemKeyboardLayoutProvider inputs(for:) has been renamed to inputRows(for:).


This version adds new locales and renames a bunch of types, properties and parameters to make things nicer in preparation for 6.0.

This version also harmonizes KeyboardLocale naming to put the language first and the optional country second. This means that the new Belgian locales are called french_belgium and dutch_belgium and brazilian has been renamed to portuguese_brazil.

🌐 New locales

  • 🇭🇷 Croatian
  • 🇧🇪 Dutch (Belgium)
  • 🇧🇪 French (Belgium)
  • 🇨🇭 French (Switzerland)
  • 🇦🇹 German (Austria)
  • 🇨🇭 German (Switzerland)
  • 🇬🇷 Greek
  • 🇭🇺 Hungarian
  • 🇸🇮 Slovenian

✨ New features

  • SystemKeyboard has a new, static standardButtonContent function.
  • SystemKeyboard has a new, static standardButtonView function.

💡 Behavior changes

  • SystemKeyboard now explicitly applies a leftToRight layout direction.

🗑 Deprecations

  • AlphabeticKeyboardInputSet has been renamed to AlphabeticInputSet
  • BaseSecondaryCalloutActionProvider has been renamed to BaseCalloutActionProvider.
  • CalloutActionProvider secondaryCalloutActions has been renamed to calloutActions.
  • DisabledSecondaryCalloutActionProvider has been renamed to DisabledCalloutActionProvider.
  • EnglishKeyboardInputSetProvider has been renamed to EnglishInputSetProvider.
  • EnglishSecondaryCalloutActionProvider has been renamed to EnglishCalloutActionProvider.
  • KeyboardInput has been renamed to InputSetItem.
  • KeyboardInputRow has been renamed to InputSetRow.
  • KeyboardInputRows has been renamed to InputSetRows.
  • KeyboardInputSet has been renamed to InputSet.
  • KeyboardInputSetProvider has been renamed to InputSetProvider.
  • KeyboardInputViewController keyboardInputCalloutContext has been renamed to inputCalloutContext.
  • KeyboardInputViewController keyboardSecondaryInputCalloutContext has been renamed to actionCalloutContext.
  • KeyboardInputViewController keyboardSecondaryCalloutActionProvider has been renamed to calloutActionContext.
  • KeyboardLocale .brazilian has been renamed to .portuguese_brazil.
  • LocalizedSecondaryCalloutActionProvider has been renamed to LocalizedCalloutActionProvider.
  • NumericKeyboardInputSet has been renamed to NumericInputSet
  • PreviewKeyboardInputSetProvider has been renamed to PreviewInputSetProvider.
  • PreviewSecondaryCalloutActionProvider has been renamed to PreviewCalloutActionProvider.
  • RowItem has been renamed to KeyboardRowItem.
  • SecondaryCalloutActionProvider has been renamed to CalloutActionProvider.
  • SecondaryInputCalloutContext has been renamed to ActionCalloutContext.
  • SecondaryInputCalloutStyle has been renamed to ActionCalloutStyle
  • StandardKeyboardInputSetProvider has been renamed to StandardInputSetProvider.
  • StandardSecondaryCalloutActionProvider has been renamed to StandardCalloutActionProvider.
  • String isVowel is deprecated and will be removed in 6.0.
  • SymbolicKeyboardInputSet has been renamed to SymbolicInputSet
  • SystemKeyboard has renamed buttonViewBuilder to buttonView and buttonContentBuilder to buttonContent.
  • View+secondaryInputCallout has been renamed to actionCallout

💥 Breaking changes

Even though most renamed functions have deprecated variants, open functions that can be overridden will have to be renamed if you have overridden them.


This version adds new locales and improves emoji support.

There are some breaking changes, but they shouldn't affect you if you haven't been customizing emoji keyboards.

🌐 New locales

  • 🇧🇾 Belarusian
  • 🇨🇿 Czech
  • 🇷🇴 Romanian

✨ New features

  • Character has new emoji properties: isEmoji, isCombinedEmoji, isSimpleEmoji.
  • EmojiKeyboardStyle has renamed and reorganized its parameters.
  • EmojiKeyboardStyle has a new verticalKeyboardPadding property.
  • EmojiKeyboardStyle.standardLargePadLandscape is now mutable.
  • EmojiKeyboardStyle.standardLargePadPortrait is now mutable.
  • EmojiKeyboardStyle.standardPadLandscape is now mutable.
  • EmojiKeyboardStyle.standardPadPortrait is now mutable.
  • EmojiKeyboardStyle.standardPhoneLandscape is now mutable.
  • EmojiKeyboardStyle.standardPhonePortrait is now mutable.
  • String has new emoji properties: containsEmoji, containsOnlyEmojis, emojis, emojiScalars, emojiString, isSingleEmoji.

💡 Behavior changes

  • EmojiCategoryStyle is adjusted to be more correct on iPad devices.
  • EmojiCategoryKeyboard.CategoryTitleViewProvider now takes a style.
  • EmojiCategoryKeyboardTitle now takes a style, but will default to .standardPhonePortrait.
  • KeyboardAction.shift now uses a lighter color scheme for uppercase.
  • String.wordDelimiters has been extended with various brackets.
  • SystemKeyboard now only uppercases for sentence autocapitalization after tapping a space after the sentence delimiter.
  • Several iPad layouts has adjusted the lower-right keys for numeric keyboards, to have , and . on the alphabetic keyboard and ! and ? on the numeric and symbolic. This is because these symbols currently don't adjust for uppercase and there is no swipe down support.

🐛 Bug fixes

  • EmojiCategory now adds accidentally excluded 😵‍💫 emoji.

🗑 Deprecations

  • A bunch of SystemKeyboardLayoutProvider hasXXXAlphabeticInput properties have been deprecated.

💥 Breaking changes

  • EmojiKeyboardButton has renamed configuration to style.
  • EmojiKeyboardStyle has renamed and reorganized its parameters. There is no deprecations, since the initializer has standard values for each parameter, which cause conflicts.


This version adds support for new locales and makes it easier to create and use the SystemKeyboard.

🌐 New locales

  • 🇮🇪 Irish
  • 🇵🇹 Portuguese
  • 🇧🇷 Portuguese (Brazil)
  • 🇹🇷 Turkish

✨ New features

  • SystemKeyboard now automatically renders an EmojiCategoryKeyboard on iOS 14 and later.
  • SystemKeyboard has new convenience initializers that just requires a controller instead of all granular configurations. The controller is auto-resolved to .shared if none is provided.


Thanks to @ardavank and @rawandahmad698, this release adds support for Persian (Farsi), Arabic, Kurdish Sorani and RTL keyboards.

🌐 New locales

  • 🇦🇪 Arabic
  • 🇹🇯 Kurdish Sorani
  • 🇮🇷 Persian

✨ New features

  • DeviceSpecificInputSetProvider has new row functions for lower/uppercase characters.
  • Image has a new .keyboardBackspaceRtl property and .keyboardBackspace function.
  • Image has a new .keyboardNewlineRtl property and .keyboardBackspace function.
  • Image has a new .keyboardZeroWidthSpace property with a temp arrow icon.
  • KeyboardInputRow has a new initializer for lower/uppercase characters.
  • KeyboardInputRows has a new initializer for lower/uppercase characters.
  • String has new, static carriageReturn, newline, space, tab and zeroWidthSpace properties.

💡 Behavior changes

  • KeyboardAction+Button now resolves RTL variants of backspace and newline.
  • KeyboardAction+Button now resolves the new zeroWidthSpace character to the new zeroWidthSpace icon.
  • KeyboardLocale resolves isLeftToRight and isRightToLeft through its derived x§locale.

🗑 Deprecations

  • DeviceSpecificInputSetProvider has a bunch of functions that just resolve to KeyboardInputRow. These are now marked as deprecated to make the type cleaner.


This release fixes issues with EmojiKeyboard and EmojiCategoryKeyboard.

The internal EmojiKeyboardItem that created unique IDs caused the emojis to constantly re-render. It has been removed.

Note that this change now requires emojis to be unique within a certain keyboard.

✨ New features

More styles now have var properties instead of lets, which means that it's easy to create and change a mutable copy of a style.

  • AutocompleteToolbarStyle are now vars instead of lets.
  • AutocompleteToolbarItemStyle are now vars instead of lets.
  • AutocompleteToolbarItemBackgroundStyle are now vars instead of lets.
  • AutocompleteToolbarSeparatorStyle are now vars instead of lets.
  • EmojiKeyboardStyle are now vars instead of lets.
  • EmojiKeyboardStyle now has new abcText and backspaceIcon which will be used in the next minor version to make category views no longer require appearance.

💡 Behavior changes

  • EmojiCategoryKeyboard now resets scroll offset when changing category.
  • EmojiCategoryKeyboard now persists category changes right away instead of when disappearing.
  • EmojiKeyboard no longer generates unique IDs for each emoji, which improves performance.
  • EmojiKeyboardStyle now uses the primary color instead of black to make highlighting show in dark mode.


Thanks to @digitalheir, this release removes the need for using AnyView in many places.

Thanks to @danielpunkass, this release makes it possible to use the library within an app target.

This version also adds missing emojis.

✨ New emojis

  • 🥸😶‍🌫️😮‍💨🤌🤏🦾🦶🦵🦿🦷👣🫀🫁🫂👩‍🦱🧑‍🦱👨‍🦱👩‍🦰🧑‍🦰👨‍🦰👱🧑‍🦳👨‍🦳👩‍🦲🧑‍🦲👨‍🦲🧔‍♀️ 🧔‍♂️👳👮👷💂🕵️🧑‍⚕️🧑‍🌾🧑‍🍳🧑‍🎓🧑‍🎤🧑‍🏫🧑‍🏭🧑‍💻🧑‍💼🧑‍🔧🧑‍🔬🧑‍🎨🧑‍🚒👨‍🚒👩‍✈️🧑‍✈️🧑‍🚀🧑‍⚖️👰‍♀️👰‍♂️🤵‍♀️ 🤵‍♂️🦸‍♀️🦸🦸‍♂️🦹‍♀️🦹🦹‍♂️🧑‍🎄🧙🧝🧛🧟🧞🧞‍♂️🧜🧚👩‍🍼🧑‍🍼👨‍🍼🙇💁🙅🙆🙋🧏‍♀️🧏🧏‍♂️ 🤦🤷🙎🙍💇💆🧖👯👩‍🦽🧑‍🦽👨‍🦽👩‍🦼🧑‍🦼👨‍🦼🚶👩‍🦯🧑‍🦯👨‍🦯🧎‍♀️🧎🧎‍♂️🏃🧍‍♀️🧍🧍‍♂️👩‍❤️‍👨👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 👨‍👩‍👦👨‍👩‍👦‍👦🪢🧶🧵🪡🥼🦺👕🩲🩳🩱🥻🩴🥿👟🥾🧣🎩🪖🧳🥽
  • 🐻‍❄️🪱🪰🪲🪳🦟🦞🦭🦧🦣🦛🦘🦬🦙🦮🐕‍🦺🐈‍⬛🪶🦤🦚🦜🦢🦩🦝🦨🦡🦫 🦦🦥🪵🪴🪨🪐
  • 🫐🥭🥬🫑🫒🧄🧅🥯🧈🧇🦴🫓🧆🫔🫕🦪🥮🧁🫖🧃🧋🧉🧊🧂
  • 🥎🥏🪀🥍🪃🪁🤿🛹🛼🪂🏋️🤼🤸⛹️🤾🏌️🧘🏄🏊🤽🚣🧗🏻🚵🚴🤹🩰🪘 🪗🪕♟🧩
  • 🛻🦯🦽🦼🛺🪝🛖🛕
  • 🧭🪔🧯🪙🪜🧰🪛🪚🪤🧱🧲🧨🪓🪦🧿🩹🩺🩸🧬🦠🧫🧪🧹🪠🧺🧻🧼 🪥🪒🧽🪣🧴🪑🧸🪆🪞🪟🪄🪅🧧🪧🧾🗑🧷🧮
  • 🤍🤎❤️‍🔥❤️‍🩹⚧♾👁‍🗨🟠🟡🟢🟣🟥🟧🟨🟩🟦🟪🟫
  • 🏴‍☠️🏳️‍⚧️🇺🇳🇻🇮

✨ New features

  • Bundle has new isExtension extension property.
  • Locale has new localizedName extension property.
  • StandardSystemKeyboardButtonView is a new typealias that defines the standard system keyboard button view.
  • StandardSystemKeyboardButtonContent is a new typealias that defines the standard system keyboard button content.
  • SystemKeyboard has a new, static standardKeyboardWidth.
  • View has new, generic localeContextMenu extensions that can be used to create custom locale context menus.

💡 Behavior changes

  • AutocompleteToolbar is now generic.
  • EmojiKeyboard is now generic.
  • SystemKeyboard is now generic.
  • SystemKeyboardSpaceButtonContent is now generic.

🗑 Deprecations

  • KeyboardActionRow is the same thing as KeyboardActions and wasn't used in the library.
  • KeyboardLayout items initializer has been replaced with an itemRows initializer.
  • KeyboardLayout item has been replaced with itemRows.
  • The old AnyView-based initializers have been replaced with the new, generic initializers.

💥 Breaking changes

Although we aimed to implement the new generic views with no breaking changes, there may be some that slipped us by.


🌐 New locales

  • 🇦🇱 Albanian
  • 🇮🇸 Icelandic
  • 🇵🇱 Polish

✨ New features

  • CGSize device dimension properties are now public:
    • iPadProLargeScreenPortrait
    • iPadProLargeScreenLandscape
    • iPadProSmallScreenPortrait
    • iPadProSmallScreenLandscape
    • iPadScreenPortrait
    • iPadScreenLandscape
    • iPhoneProMaxScreenPortrait
    • iPhoneProMaxScreenLandscape
    • isScreenSize(...)
  • EmojiKeyboardButton is a new view that renders a standard emoji keyboard button.
  • EmojiCategoryTitle is a new view that renders a standard emoji category title.
  • KeyboardFeedbackSettings has new properties and functions:
    • isAudio/HapticFeedbackEnabled
    • disableAudio/HapticFeedback()
    • enableAudio/HapticFeedback()
    • toggleAudio/HapticFeedback()
  • KeyboardTextField has a new placeholder property.
  • String has new vowels and isVowel extension properties.

✨ New KeyboardKit Pro features

  • AudioFeedbackToggleButton is a new view that can be used to toggle audio feedback on and off.
  • EnabledLabel is a new view that can be used to show different views depending on a provided enabled state.
  • HapticFeedbackToggleButton is a new view that can be used to toggle haptic feedback on and off.
  • KeyboardActiveLabel is a new view that can be used to present whether or not a keyboard extension is currently being used to edit a text field.
  • KeyboardEnabledLabel is a new view that can be used to present whether or not a keyboard extension is enabled in System Settings.
  • License now implements Codable and has a public initializer, as well as new tier and additionalInfo properties.
  • LicenseCustomer now implements Codable and has a public initializer, as well as a new additionalInfo property.
  • LicenseTier is a new type that defines the level of service for your specific license.
  • ToggleToolbar is a new view that can be used to toggle between two toolbars.

💡 Behavior changes

  • Typing an alternate quotation delimiter (`, ´, etc.) now switches back to the alphabetic keyboard.

🐛 Bug fixes

  • The Finnish iPad input set provider has been corrected for numeric and symbolic inputs.
  • EmojiCategory.frequent now uses the frequent provider to resolve its emojis.
  • EmojiCategoryKeyboardMenu now shows the "frequent" category once more.
  • EmojiCategoryKeyboardMenu has reduced circle padding to avoid clipping on smaller screens.

🗑 KeyboardKit Pro Deprecations

  • KeyboardKitLicense has been renamed to License.
  • KeyboardKitLicense+Customer has been converted to a typealias for LicenseCustomer and has been deprecated.


This version adds support for Russian and Ukrainian and bumps the package's Swift version to 5.5 to enable DocC support.

By adding DocC support, the documentation has been updated to allow for topics, cross-linking etc. You can download the documentation from the project website or find a zipped version in the Docs folder.

🌐 New locales

  • 🇷🇺 Russian
  • 🇺🇦 Ukrainian

🐛 Bug fixes

  • This version corrects the system button highlight color in dark mode.


This version adds support for estonian, latvian and lithuanian.

This version also adds new inspection capabilities and fixes some bugs.

🌐 New locales

  • 🇪🇪 Estonian
  • 🇱🇻 Latvian
  • 🇱🇹 Lithuanian

✨ New features

  • UITextDocumentProxy has a new hasCurrentWord property.
  • InputCallout has a new calloutPadding property.
  • KeyboardEnabledState has a new isKeyboardCurrentlyActive property.
  • KeyboardEnabledStateInspector has a new isFullAccessEnabled property.
  • KeyboardEnabledStateInspector has a new isKeyboardCurrentlyActive function.

💡 Behavior changes

  • InputCallout now calculates a minimum callout width based on button size, curve size etc.
  • InputCallout now applies a minimum callout size instead of a fixed one, which means that the callout content can be larger.

🐛 Bug fixes

  • InputCallout was rendered too wide by default, when used in SystemKeyboard. This has been fixed.
  • SecondaryInputCallout applied an incorrect leading corner radius. This has been fixed.


KeyboardKit 5.0 streamlines the library, improves styling and previewing and makes the library easier to use.

This version also removes all UIKit-specific functionality as well as all previously deprecated functionality.

This version also adjust keyboard button sizes to be more correct on more device types, e.g. iPhone Pro Max, iPad Pro etc.

KeyboardKit 5.0 requires Xcode 13 and Swift 5.5.

✨ New features

  • Library types now implement protocols like Codable and Identifiable to greater extent.

  • Library views have a lot more previews than before, which make them much easier to adjust.

  • Library views no longer depend on environment objects, which make them easier to create and use.

  • AudioFeedbackConfiguration has a new action-specific feedback list.

  • AudioFeedbackConfiguration has a new, static enabled configuration.

  • AutocompleteContext has a new isLoading property.

  • AutocompleteToolbarItemSubtitle is a new view that renders autocomplete subtitles.

  • Collection+RowItem has new extensions to affect all rows.

  • EdgeInsets has a new init(all:) initializer.

  • EdgeInsets has a new init(horizontal:,vertical:) initializer.

  • EmojiCategory has a new emojisString property.

  • EmojiKeyboardStyle has new systemFont and selectedCategoryColor properties.

  • HapticFeedbackConfiguration has a new action-specific feedback list.

  • HapticFeedbackConfiguration has a new, static enabled configuration.

  • InputCalloutContext has a new, static .disabled context.

  • KeyboardAction has a new inputCalloutText property.

  • KeyboardAction has a new isCharacterAction property.

  • KeyboardAppearance has a new inputCalloutStyle() function.

  • KeyboardAppearance has a new secondaryInputCalloutStyle() function.

  • KeyboardContext has a new screen property.

  • KeyboardInputTextComponent is now public.

  • KeyboardLayoutConfiguration is a new type that replaces the CGFloat and UIEdgeInsets extensions.

  • KeyboardLayoutConfiguration has a bunch of standard layout configs for different devices.

  • NextKeyboardButton is now SwiftUI-based and don't require any special setup.

  • Preview services have new, static .preview protocol properties.

  • SecondaryInputCalloutContext has a new, static .disabled context.

  • StandardHapticFeedbackPlayer has a new shared player.

  • StandardKeyboardFeedbackHandler now prefers action-specific feedback, if defined.

  • StandardSystemAudioPlayer has a new shared player.

  • SystemKeyboardActionButton is a new view that makes it easy to create action-based keyboard buttons.

  • SystemKeyboardButton is a new view that makes it easy to create standalone keyboard buttons.

  • SystemKeyboardButtonText is a new view that just sets up text correctly.

  • SystemKeyboardSpaceButton can now wrap any content.

  • View+Callout has a new calloutShadow extension.

🎨 Styling

  • AutocompleteToolbarStyle is a new style that can style autocomplete toolbars.
  • AutocompleteToolbarItemStyle is a new style that can style autocomplete toolbar items.
  • AutocompleteToolbarItemBackgroundStyle is a new style that can style the autocomplete highlight.
  • AutocompleteToolbarSeparatorStyle is a new style that can style autocomplete toolbar separators.
  • CalloutStyle has a new, static .standard style.
  • InputCalloutStyle has a new, static .standard style.
  • SecondaryInputCalloutStyle has a new, static .standard style.
  • SystemKeyboardButtonBorderStyle has a new, static .standard style.
  • SystemKeyboardButtonShadowStyle has a new, static .standard style.
  • SystemKeyboardButtonShadowStyle has new, default init parameter values.

💡 Behavior changes

  • AutocompleteToolbar now applies the autocomplete background instead of the item view.
  • AutocompleteToolbarItem's standard item builder now renders a subtitle if the suggestion has one.
  • InputCallout and SecondaryInputCallout look more like the native callouts.
  • KeyboardAction+Button now returns for .space action.
  • KeyboardGestures now resolves input contexts from the shared controller, instead of using environment objects.
  • StandardKeyboardAppearance uses a small transparency to make standard buttons bleed through the underlying vibrancy.
  • SystemKeyboard uses the new callout styles in the appearance.
  • SystemKeyboardActionButtonContent now returns a SystemKeyboardSpaceButtonContent for .space.
  • SystemKeyboardButtonContent now uses appearance for both text and image logic.
  • SystemKeyboardButtonContent no longer applies RTL transforms on the image, since SF symbols do this automatically.
  • SystemKeyboardButtonStyle now applies a standard shadow style by default.
  • SystemKeyboardSpaceButtonContent no longer auto-resolves texts, but instead show just what you provide it with.
  • SystemKeyboardSpaceButton now takes up as much horizontal space as it can.

🐛 Bug fixes

  • InputCallout and SecondaryInputCallout no longer get tear lines in some apps.
  • SystemKeyboardActionButton now handles the .nextKeyboard action correctly.

💥 Breaking changes

  • All deprecated functionality has been removed.

  • All UIKit-specific functionality has been removed.

  • Library views that no longer depend on environment objects, may require more init parameters.

  • Initializer argument changes are omitted in the list below.

  • AutocompleteProvider ignoredWords is now read-only.

  • AutocompleteResponse has been renamed to AutocompleteCompletion.

  • AutocompleteToolbarItemText has been renamed to AutocompleteToolbarItemTitle.

  • AudioFeedback has been renamed to SystemAudio.

  • BaseSecondaryCalloutActionProvider's init is now throwing.

  • CalloutStyle buttonOverlayInset has been renamed to buttonInset.

  • CGFloat+Keyboard has been replaced with KeyboardLayoutConfiguration.

  • Color clearInteractable has been made as internal and will be removed over time.

  • EdgeInsets+Keyboard has been replaced with KeyboardLayoutConfiguration.

  • EmojiKeyboard button builder no longer takes a context.

  • EmojiKeyboardConfiguration has been renamed to EmojiKeyboardStyle

  • HapticFeedback prepare and trigger now only has a non-static version.

  • HapticFeedback.player has been removed.

  • InputCalloutContext buttonFrame(for:) has been removed.

  • InputCalloutContext updateInput(for:geo:) has been renamed to updateInput(for:,in:).

  • KeyboardAction+Button styles have been moved into StandardKeyboardAppearance.

  • KeyboardBehavior has a new shouldSwitchToCapsLock function.

  • KeyboardCasing.neutral has been removed.

  • KeyboardEnabledStateInspector isKeyboardEnabled for parameters has been renamed to withBundleId.

  • KeyboardInputSetProvider functions have been converted to properties.

  • KeyboardType.custom has been renamed to KeyboardType.custom(named:).

  • SecondaryInputCalloutContext alignment is now a HorizontalAlignment.

  • SecondaryInputCalloutContext buttonFrame(for:) has been removed.

  • SecondaryInputCalloutContext updateInputs(for:geo:alignment) has been renamed to updateInputs(for:in:alignment:).

  • SecondaryInputCalloutStyle selectedTextColor has been renamed to selectedForegroundColor.

  • SecondaryInputCalloutStyle verticalPadding has been renamed to verticalTextPadding.

  • Sequence batched(withBatchSize:) has been renamed to batched(into:).

  • SpaceDragSensitivity.custom has been renamed to custom(points:).

  • SystemAudio systemId has been renamed to id.

  • SystemAudio trigger has been renamed to play.

  • SystemAudio play now only has a non-static version.

  • SystemAudio.player is now SystemAudioPlayer.shared.

  • SystemAudioPlayer now takes SystemAudio as argument.

  • SystemKeyboardButton has been renamed to SystemKeyboardActionButton.

  • SystemKeyboardButtonContent has been renamed to SystemKeyboardActionButtonContent.

  • SystemKeyboardButtonRowItem now requires an injected context.

  • SystemKeyboardLayoutProvider hasElevenElevenSevenAlphabeticInput is now computed instead of lazy.

  • Toast has been removed.

  • UITextDocumentProxy deleteBackward with range has been renamed to deleteBackward(range:)

  • View+DynamicType has been removed.

  • View+Autocomplete has been removed.

  • View+Callout is now internal.

  • View+DynamicType has been removed.


✨ New features

  • PreviewKeyboardAppearance has been made public.


This version renames images to avoid preview problems in apps that define the same image names.

🗑 Deprecations

  • A bunch of images have been renamed with a keyboard name prefix.


This version fixes the iOS 15 autorotate bug and adds a property that can suppress the needsInputModeSwitchKey warning.

✨ New features

  • KeyboardInputViewController has a new viewWillSetupKeyboard function that can be overridden to setup the keyboard at the proper time. It's just a convenience function. You can still setup the keyboard whenever you want.
  • KeyboardInputViewController has a new, static needsInputModeSwitchKeyOverride that can be set to make all input controllers ignore the real value. This can be useful when you want to create a keyboard preview and don't want all the warnings.
  • KeyboardInputViewController has a new needsInputModeSwitchKeyOverride that can be set to make an input controllers ignore the real value. It will default to the static property value.

🗑 Deprecations

  • KeyboardInputViewController setup(with:) stack view variant is deprecated and will be removed in 5.0.


This version adds styles, which makes it a lot easier to style system keyboards.

It also exposes more system keyboard views and styles publicly.

Starting with this version, the library will start deprecating stuff that willbe changed in KK 5. The aim is to release several patches to prepare the library for the changes to come through deprecations instead of breaking changes.

✨ New features

  • KeyboardAppearance has a new systemKeyboardButtonStyle function.
  • NextKeyboardButton has an iOS 14 exclusive Color-based initializer that is now used by SystemKeyboardButtonContent
  • SystemKeyboardButtonBody is a new view that represents the body of a system keyboard button.
  • SystemKeyboardButtonShadow is a new view that represents the shadow of a system keyboard button.
  • SystemKeyboardButtonStyle is a new style that can be used to define a system keyboard button style.
  • SystemKeyboardButtonBorderStyle is a new style that can be used to define a system keyboard button border.
  • SystemKeyboardButtonShadowStyle is a new style that can be used to define a system keyboard button shadow.
  • TextInputProxy now implements UITextInputTraits as well.
  • View+systemKeyboardButtonStyle view extension now taes a style instead of an apperance, action and isPressed bool.

🐛 Bug fixes

  • Thanks to @ardavank, the EmojisCategoryKeyboardMenu now uses fixed fonts.
  • SystemKeyboardButtonContent now applies the appearance text color to the "next keyboard" button (on iOS 14+).

🗑 Deprecations

  • AutocompleteSuggestionProvider has been renamed to AutocompleteProvider.
  • KeyboardAppearance has deprecated all functions that now can be fetched from the new systemKeyboardButtonStyle style.
  • KeyboardInputViewController autocompleteSuggestionProvider has been renamed to autocompleteProvider.
  • View+keyboardButtonStyle has been replaced with View+systemKeyboardButtonStyle.

💥 Breaking changes

  • More system keyboard views require an explicit appearance to be injected.
  • The AutocompleteSuggestionProvider autocompleteSuggestions is now escaping.


This versions adds new colors, such as the new standard keyboard background colors, which you can use to mimic keyboard backgrounds.

There are other new colors as well, that are used to work around the iOS color scheme bug, described here and in the docs.

This makes it possible for us to finally workaround the dark mode color bug, and let the system keyboard look as the system keyboard in both dark mode and dark appearance keyboards.

Finally, the dark appearance colors have been renamed and their old names deprecated.

✨ New features

  • KeyboardLocale is now Codable.
  • KeyboardColor has new colors.
  • Color+Keyboard has new colors.
  • .standardButtonBackgroundForColorSchemeBug is a new color scheme bug color.
  • .standardDarkButtonBackgroundForColorSchemeBug is a new color scheme bug color.

💡 Behavior changes

  • The standard keyboard apperance now uses the new color scheme bug colors, which should make the keyboards look more like the standard ones in dark mode and for dark appearance keyboards.
  • CalloutStyle.standard now uses the look of systemStyle, since that IS the standard. The system styles have been deprecated.
  • SystemKeyboard uses the new standard callout styles.

🐛 Bug fixes

  • InputCallout now applies the provided style's callout text color.
  • SecondaryInputCallout now uses the provided style's callout text color.
  • View+Button now applies shadows in a way that doesn't affect the button content.
  • SystemKeyboard now looks closer to the iOS system keyboards, in both dark mode and dark appearance.

🗑 Deprecations

  • Color extensions for the button background colors are now suffixed with Background.
  • Color extensions for the button tints colors are now suffixed with Foreground instead of Tint.
  • Color extensions with the name standardDarkAppearance* have been renamed to standard*ForDarkAppearance.
  • CalloutStyle.systemStyle, InputCalloutStyle.systemStyle and SecondaryInputCalloutStyle.systemStyle are deprecated.

💥 Breaking changes

  • KeyboardColor's dark appearance cases have been renamed to keep things tight.
  • SecondaryInputCalloutStyle's text color property has been removed. Use the callout style's text color instead.


🐛 Bug fixes

  • Thanks to @AntoineBache, KeyboardTextField and KeyboardTextView no longer resize if their text content gets to wide.


✨ New features

  • Color.darkAppearanceStrategy is a new, temporary property that lets you inject a custom strategy that controls whether or not to apply a dark appearance color scheme to your keyboard. This lets you work around the current color scheme bug that is described in Color+Button.swift and override the standard strategy of always applying dark apperance colors when the keyboard context's colorScheme is .dark.

If you find a way to determine this correctly and to work around the system behavior, please share your findings.


This version makes KeyboardKit compile for Xcode 13.0 beta 3.

From now, all new versions of KeyboardKit will support the latest Xcode version.

💥 Breaking changes

  • CGFloat+Keyboard and EdgeInsets+Keyboard now uses the shared vc instead of the shared application.


✨ New features

  • SystemKeyboardButton has a new contentConfig init param that allows you to modify the button content before wrapping it in a style and applying gestures.

💡 Behavior changes

  • KeyboardAction.primary no longer applies autocomplete by default, which solves e.g. autocomplete suggestions being applied in the Safari address bar.


✨ New features

  • KeyboardTextField and KeyboardTextView now accepts a text binding, so that you can access the typed text.

💡 Behavior changes

  • KeyboardTextField and KeyboardTextView now share functionality through a new protocol.

🐛 Bug fixes

  • Thanks to @junyng, deleting backwards now works even when documentContextBeforeInput is nil.

💥 Breaking changes

  • KeyboardTextField and KeyboardTextView now requires a text binding.


🐛 Bug fixes

This version adjusts the colors that are used for dark keyboard appearance and dark mode keyboards, to make keyboards look better in dark appearance when in light mode.

The problem is discussed here.

This fix makes the button a little brighter in dark mode, but that's a lot better than having them be a little darker in dark appearance light mode.


🐛 Bug fixes

This version fixes a bug that caused the keyboard type to not change when typing into a TextInputProxy text field.


This version adds features that makes it possible to add text fields and text views to the keyboard extension and automatically redirect keyboard events there instead of using the hosting app.

You can either set KeyboardInputViewController.shared.textInputProxy directly, or use the new KeyboardTextField and KeyboardTextView views that does this automatically.

✨ New features

  • There is a new Proxy namespace to which the UITextDocumentProxy extensions have been moved.
  • KeyboardInputViewController has a new textInputProxy that can be set to redirect the keyboard to that proxy instead of the original textDocumentProxy.
  • KeyboardTextField and KeyboardTextView are two new views that can be used in keyboard extensions and that will automatically redirect keyboard events to them when they become first responder.
  • TextInputProxy is a new class that can be used to redirect the keyboard events to any text input.

🐛 Bug fixes

  • This version fixes a gesture bug that caused the space tap action to be triggered even after long pressing and dragging the cursor around.

💥 Breaking changes

  • KeyboardInputViewController viewWillSyncWithTextDocumentProxy was not used internally and has been removed. If you override this in your own keyboards, just override viewWillAppear instead.


🐛 Bug fixes

  • ibayramli2001 and amirshane have fixed a crash when deleting backwards without any content in the proxy.


✨ New features

  • KeyboardCasing has a new auto case.

💡 Behavior changes

  • SystemKeyboardLayoutProvider uses the new auto case for numeric and symbolic keyboard type switches.

🐛 Bug fixes

  • This version fixes a bug that caused numeric and symbolid keyboards to always switch back to lowercased alphabetic keyboards.

🗑 Deprecations

  • BaseKeyboardLayoutProvider has been renamed to SystemKeyboardLayoutProvider.
  • KeyboardCasing.neutral is deprecated and will be removed.


✨ New features

  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler canHandle is now open instead of public.


💡 Behavior changes

  • KeyboardGestures now use the drag gesture to trigger tap actions instead of a tap gesture. This increases responsiveness and ensures that taps aren't cancelled when you press for too long.
  • KeyboardGestures now only applies a double tap gesture if a double tap action is provided.
  • The changes above helps reducing the number of active gestures and reduces the overall gesture complexity.

🐛 Bug fixes

  • This version fixes compile errors in Xcode 12.4.

🗑 Deprecations

  • Image.settings has been renamed to keyboardSettings.
  • Image.moveCursorLeft/Right have been renamed to keyboardLeft/Right.


This version fixes a bug that caused the keyboard layout to not update.


This version fixes a bug that caused the secondary actions to not update.


This version adds new locales, external keyboard detection, dynamic type disabling and RTL locale support.

🌐 New locales

  • 🇫🇷 French
  • 🇪🇸 Spanish

✨ New features

  • ExternalKeyboardContext is a new iOS 14 exclusive class that lets you observe whether or not an external keyboard is connected to the device.
  • KeyboardAction has a new standardButtonFontSize function.
  • KeyboardType has a new, context-based standardButtonImage function that replaces the old property.
  • KeyboardLocale has new isLeftToRight and isRightToLeft properties.
  • KeyboardType has a new standardButtonFontSize function.
  • KeyboardType has a new, context-based standardButtonText function that replaces the old property.
  • Locale has new characterDirection and lineDirection properties.
  • Locale has new isLeftToRight, isRightToLeft, isBottomToTop, isTopToBottom properties.
  • Thanks to @habaieba, KeyboardKit now has French localization.
  • There are new localizations for the keyboard type key texts.

💡 Behavior changes

  • KeyboardAction now flips the standard keyboard button image for RTL locales.
  • SystemKeyboard will now ignore dynamic type, just like the native keyboards.

🐛 Bug fixes

  • The German localized newline symbol for Return is now correctly rendered as an image.

🗑 Deprecations

  • KeyboardAction standardButtonFont has been renamed to standardButtonUIFont.
  • KeyboardAction standardButtonFontWeight has been renamed to standardButtonUIFontWeight.
  • KeyboardAction standardButtonImage has been converted to a context-based function.
  • KeyboardType standardButtonText has been converted to a context-based function.
  • UIApplication standardButtonTextStyle has been renamed to standardButtonUITextStyle.

💥 Breaking changes

  • KeyboardAction+standardButtonFont now returns a Font instead of a UIFont.
  • KeyboardAction+standardButtonFontWeight now returns a Font.Weight instead of a UIFont.Weight.
  • KeyboardAction standardButtonImage - the property is deprecated in favor for the context-based function.
  • The old properties are now called standardButtonUIFont and standardButtonUIFontWeight.


This version adds new locales as well as features that make it easier to work with layouts and collections.

In this version, you can also identify the active app ID, which makes it possible to adjust the keyboard accordingly.

There are also several tweaks and behavior changes that make system keyboards behave even more native-like.

🌐 New locales

  • 🇬🇧 English U.K. (GB)
  • 🇺🇸 English U.S. (same keyboard as base English but different region)

✨ New features

  • CGFloat has a new standardKeyboardButtonCornerRadius property.

  • DeleteBackwardRange is a new enum can be used when deleting backwards.

  • EnglishKeyboardInputSetProvider has new currency init params.

  • KeyboardAction.PrimaryType has new newLine case, that can be used to force an arrow for primary buttons.

  • KeyboardBehavior has a new backspaceRange property.

  • KeyboardColor is a new enum that exposes the raw color resources.

  • KeyboardContext has a new activeAppBundleId property that identifies the currently active app.

  • KeyboardContext has a new screenOrientation property that replaces deviceOrientation.

  • KeyboardPreviewMode is a new (hopefully temporary) class that has a static enable() function that makes SwiftUI previews work.

  • KeyboardInputViewController has a new activeAppBundleId property that identifies the currently active app.

  • RepeatGestureTimer has been made public and can be used to inspect how long a repeat gesture has been active.

  • RowItem is a new protocol that makes it possible to gather row collection functions in one place - Collection+RowItem.

  • Collection+RowItem has new extensions that make it easier to add and remove row items to all collections that contain the new RowItem protocol.

  • EdgeInsets+Keyboard has new context-based extensions.

  • UIInputViewController+Orientation renames deviceOrientation to screenOrientation.

  • UITextDocumentProxy+Delete has a new extension for deleting backwards a certain range.

💡 Behavior changes

  • KeyboardAction now implements RowItem.

  • iPadKeyboardLayoutProvider has been adjusted layout buttons closer to native layouts.

  • iPhoneKeyboardLayoutProvider has been adjusted layout buttons closer to native layouts.

  • KeyboardInput now implements RowItem.

  • KeyboardLayoutItem now implements RowItem.

  • StandardKeyboardBehavior now only auto-switches keyboard type on .tap.

  • UITextDocumentProxy handles new lines when checking if the cursor is at new sentence.

  • Standard font sizes are adjusted to fit the native keyboards better.

  • The standard backspace range is now progressive and will increase after backspace has been pressed for a while.

🗑 Deprecations

  • KeyboardContext deviceOrientation has been renamed to screenOrientation.
  • UIApplication preferredKeyboardInterfaceOrientation didn't work and will be removed.
  • UIDeviceOrientation interfaceOrientation is no longer used and will be removed.
  • UIInputViewController deviceOrientation has been renamed to screenOrientation.
  • UIInterfaceOrientation - the device orientation-based init is no longer used and will be removed.

💥 Breaking changes

  • KeyboardBehavior has a new backspaceRange property that must be implemented.

Besides the points above, KeyboardActionHandler had a convenience handle function that didn't require a sender. This caused a conflict with the StandardKeyboardActionHandler function with the same signature. Subclassing StandardKeyboardActionHandler and calling super.handle thus caused a never-ending loop, since the convenience function called the sender function etc.

The sender-based functions have thus been removed. If you have a custom action handler that overrides handle or canHandle, you must remove the sender parameter.


This version tweaks KeyboardGestures to avoid delays.


This version introduces a bunch of changes to how feedback is being handled.

✨ New features

  • AudioFeedbackConfiguration has default init param values.
  • DragGestureHandler is a new protocol for handling drag gestures.
  • HapticFeedbackPlayer is a new protocol for preparing and playing haptic feedback.
  • KeyboardAction has a new standardAction(for:gesture) function.
  • KeyboardFeedbackHandler is a new protocol for handling keyboard feedback.
  • KeyboardFeedbackSettings is a new, observable settings object.
  • KeyboardGesture is now CaseIterable.
  • KeyboardInputViewController has a new setup(with:) that takes a UIStackView.
  • KeyboardInputViewController has a new keyboardFeedbackHandler property.
  • KeyboardInputViewController has a new keyboardFeedbackSettings property.
  • StandardHapticFeedbackPlayer is a standard implementation that is used by default.
  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler has new, cleaner initializers.
  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler has a new triggerFeedback function.
  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler has a new spaceDragGestureHandler that is used to handle space drag gestures.
  • StandardKeyboardFeedbackHandler is a new, standard feedback handler.
  • There are new mocks for the new classes.

💡 Behavior changes

  • More feedback types are now Equatable.
  • Action feedback (e.g. tap sound) is now given on press instead of tap.
  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler uses the new feedback handler to trigger feedback.

🚚 Structure changes

  • Audio feedback types have been moved to Feedback.
  • Haptic feedback types have been moved to Feedback.

🗑 Deprecations

  • AudioFeedback systemPlayer has been renamed to player.
  • KeyboardInputViewController keyboardStackView has been replaced with a new setup(with:).
  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler has deprecated the two audio/haptic configuration-based initializers.
  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler audioConfiguration is deprecated and converted to a computed property.
  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler hapticConfiguration is deprecated and converted to a computed property.
  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler spaceDragSensitivity is deprecated.
  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler handleSpaceCursorDragGesture is deprecated.
  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler triggerAudioFeedback is deprecated.
  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler triggerHapticFeedback is deprecated.
  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler triggerHapticFeedbackForLongPressOnSpaceDragGesture is deprecated.


This version adds support for primary actions, such as .done, .go, .search etc.

✨ New features

  • BaseKeyboardLayoutProvider has a new, open keyboardReturnAction(for:) function.
  • KeyboardAction has a new standardTextDocumentProxyAction.
  • KeyboardAction has a new standardTextDocumentProxyInputAction.
  • KeyboardAction.primary is a new action type that gathers all primary action types.
  • KKL10n has new text(for:) functions that let you translate keys for specific contexts and locales.
  • String+sentenceDelimiters and wordDelimiters can now be modified, if you have specific needs.
  • The iPhone and iPad layout providers now replaces return with done, go and search when applicable.

🐛 Bug fixes

  • English (US) secondary actions now include actions for $.

💡 Behavior changes

  • New line is now considered to be a word delimiter instead of a sentence delimiter.
  • Due to the new ways to localize content, some signatures must be changed to optional strings.

🗑 Deprecations

  • KeyboardAction .done, .go, .ok and .search have been deprecated and replaced with the new primary umbrella type.



This version is all about locales and autocomplete, overall:

This version adds support for danish, finnish, norwegian and dutch.

This version also adds many new features aimed at an improved autocomplete experience.

KeyboardKit Pro 4.1 also adds more locale-specific providers as well as a real autocomplete engine.

🌐 New locales

  • 🇩🇰 Danish
  • 🇳🇱 Dutch
  • 🇫🇮 Finnish
  • 🇳🇴 Norwegian

✨ New features

  • AutocompleteSpaceState is a new enum that is used to keep track of how a
  • AutocompleteSuggestion has new isAutocomplete and isUnknown properties.
  • AutocompleteSuggestionProvider has new functions for ignoring and learning words.
  • AutocompleteToolbar has a new itemBuilder initializer.
  • AutocompleteToolbarItem is a new view that replicates a native autocomplete item.
  • AutocompleteToolbarItemText is a new view that replicates the text of a native autocomplete item.
  • KeyboardAction has a new isSpace property.
  • KeyboardAction has a new shouldApplyAutocompleteSuggestion property.
  • KeyboardAction has a new shouldReinsertAutocompleteInsertedSpace property.
  • KeyboardAction has a new shouldRemoveAutocompleteInsertedSpace property.
  • KeyboardLocale now implementes Identifiable.
  • KeyboardLocale has new flag, id and localeIdentifier properties.
  • KeyboardLocale has new sorted collection extensions.
  • KeyboardInputViewController has a new autocompleteSuggestionProvider property.
  • KeyboardInputViewController has now implemented performAutocomplete and resetAutocomplete.
  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler has a new tryApplyAutocompleteSuggestion function.
  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler has a new tryHandleReplacementAction function.
  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler has a new tryReinsertAutocompleteRemovedSpace function.
  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler has a new tryRemoveAutocompleteInsertedSpace function.
  • SystemKeyboardSpaceButtonContent has a new initializer that lets you inject a custom space view.
  • UITextDocumentProxy has a new hasAutocompleteInsertedSpace property.
  • UITextDocumentProxy has a new hasAutocompleteRemovedSpace property.
  • UITextDocumentProxy has a new insertAutocompleteSuggestion function.
  • UITextDocumentProxy has a new isOpenAlternateQuotationBeforeInput(for:) function.
  • UITextDocumentProxy has a new isOpenQuotationBeforeInput(for:) function.
  • UITextDocumentProxy has a new preferredReplacement(for:locale:) function.
  • UITextDocumentProxy has a new tryInsertSpaceAfterAutocomplete) function.
  • UITextDocumentProxy has a new tryReinsertAutocompleteRemovedSpace function.
  • UITextDocumentProxy has a new tryRemoveAutocompleteInsertedSpace function.

💡 Changed behavior

  • KeyboardInputViewController now uses combine observations to keep locale in sync.

🚚 Renamed

  • AutocompleteSuggestion+replacement has been renamed to text.
  • AutocompleteToolbar+ButtonBuilder has been renamed to ItemBuilder.
  • KeyboardLocale+key has been renamed to id.
  • LocaleKey has been renamed to KeyboardLocale.

🗑 Deprecations

  • AutocompleteSuggestion+replacement has been deprecated due to the name change above.
  • AutocompleteToolbar+buttonBuilder init has been deprecated and replaced with the itemBuilder one.
  • AutocompleteToolbar+standardReplacement has been deprecated.
  • LocaleKey has been deprecated due to the name change above.
  • KeyboardLocale+key has been deprecated.
  • KeyboardInputViewController+changeKeyboardLocale has been deprecated.
  • KeyboardInputViewController+changeKeyboardType has been deprecated.

💥 Breaking changes

  • AutocompleteSuggestionProvider has new properties and functions that must be implemented. If you have an instance that breaks, just create dummy implementations that does nothing.


🐛 Bug fixes

This patch fixes a bug with the numeric/symbolic auto-switch back to alphabetic, that could cause a keyboard to get stuck in alpha.


This patch fixes a few minor things.

🌐 New locales

  • 🇮🇹 Italian
  • 🇩🇪 German

🐛 Bug fixes

  • .done was accidentally missing a localized text.
  • English, German and Italian keyboards used an invalid double quote key text.
  • Title1 font is now used for input keys with two characters, e.g. Swedish "kr" currency.
  • Numeric and symbolic keyboards didn't auto-switch to alphabetic when tapping space.


This patch fixes a few minor things:

✨ New features

  • LocaleKey now implements CaseIterable.

🚑 Critical fixes

  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler had a memory leak that has been fixed.



SwiftUI: Rising. In the shadows no more!

It's time for SwiftUI to rise and become the unrelenting force we always knew it would become.

KeyboardKitSwiftUI has been merged into this repository and the deployment target is raised to iOS 13.

SwiftUI support is a first-class citizen from now on. UIKit support is still around, but will no longer be actively developed. The future is a bright, declarative one!

Although these release notes aim at covering everything that has changes in this major version, some things will most probably be missed.

✨ New features

Besides the new things listed below, there are a bunch of new extensions, images etc.

  • Callouts has new types and providers for working with callouts.
  • Image.emoji no longer requires iOS 14, but uses as fallback on iOS 13.
  • Input has new types and providers for working with keyboard layouts.
  • KeyboardAction has new actions - go, nextLocale, ok and return.
  • KeyboardAction has new, localized standard button texts for some actions.
  • KeyboardAction has new isPrimaryAction property.
  • KeyboardAction has new standardButtonFontWeight property.
  • KeyboardAppearance has a new image(for:).
  • KeyboardCasing has a new neutral case that can be used to show the original state of the inputs.
  • KeyboardContext has a new locales list and a new selectNextLocale function.
  • KeyboardGesture has new press and release gestures.
  • KeyboardInput is a new input type that simplifies building unicode-based keyboards.
  • KeyboardInputSet is now based on KeyboardInputs instead of strings.
  • KeyboardInputViewController has a new static shared instance.
  • KeyboardInputViewController has a new keyboardActionHandler.
  • KeyboardInputViewController has a new keyboardAppearance.
  • KeyboardInputViewController has a new keyboardBehavior.
  • KeyboardInputViewController has a new keyboardContext.
  • KeyboardInputViewController has a new keyboardInputCalloutContext.
  • KeyboardInputViewController has a new keyboardInputSetProvider.
  • KeyboardInputViewController has a new keyboardLayoutProvider.
  • KeyboardInputViewController has a new keyboardSecondaryInputActionProvider.
  • KeyboardInputViewController has a new keyboardSecondaryInputCalloutContext.
  • KeyboardInputViewController setup(with:) is now open and overridable.
  • KeyboardEnabledState is a new observable class that keeps in sync with the keyboard enabled state.
  • KeyboardLayoutProvider has a new register(inputSetProvider:) to simplify changing global input set provider.
  • Layout has new types and providers for working with keyboard layouts.
  • Locale is a new namespace with a few new locale-specific utils.
  • LocaleDictionary is a simple dictionary wrapper to work with localized resources.
  • LocaleKey is a simple enum to gather top-level locale identifiers.
  • KKL10n is a new enum that provides localized strings from KeyboardKit.
  • SystemKeyboard now highlights buttons when typing on iPad.
  • View has new keyboardInputViewController convenience extensions.
  • View+keyboardToast has new context-based function.
  • View+localeContextMenu can be applied to any view to let the user change locale.
  • There are new preview-specific implementations that can help you preview keyboard-based views.

💡 Changed behavior

  • AutocompleteContext is now an observable object and not a protocol.
  • AutocompleteToolbar is now generic, which makes your .
  • AutocompleteToolbar now uses identifiable bar items, which leads to better separator handling.
  • AutocompleteToolbar now takes suggestions at init and doesn't require an environment injected AutocompleteContext.
  • AutocompleteToolbar no longer requires an environment injected ObservableKeyboardContext, nor does its builder functions.
  • EmojiCategory now uses the Emoji type instead of a char.
  • FrequentEmojiProvider now uses the Emoji type instead of a char.
  • KeyboardAction standardButtonFont has been coverted to a function.
  • KeyboardAction standardButtonText has been coverted to a function.
  • KeyboardAction standardButtonTextStyle has been coverted to a function.
  • KeyboardAction.emoji now uses the Emoji type instead of a char.
  • KeyboardAction.emojiCategory no longer has a standard tap action.
  • KeyboardActionRow standardButtonImage no longer takes a context.
  • KeyboardBehavior no longer takes a context as function input.
  • KeyboardContext is now an observable object and not a protocol.
  • KeyboardContext no longer has any services, just inspectable properties.
  • KeyboardGestures now handles the new press and release gestures.
  • KeyboardInputSetProvider implementations now provides punctuation as well.
  • KeyboardInputSetProvider no longer takes a context as function input.
  • KeyboardInputViewController context is now an ObservableKeyboardContext.
  • KeyboardInputViewController context is now called keyboardContext.
  • SecondaryCalloutActionProvider no longer takes a context as function input.
  • SecondaryInputCalloutContext no longer requires a context init parameter.
  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler no longer depends on an input view controller.
  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler now requires an injected keyboard context and behavior.
  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler now requires an injected autocomplete and keyboard change action.
  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler now handles the new press and release gestures.
  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler triggerAutocomplete is replaced by an injectable function.
  • StandardKeyboardAppearance will use isPrimaryAction to apply a blue color to those actions.
  • StandardKeyboardAppearance will fallback to the action's standard font weight instead of nil.
  • StandardKeyboardBehavior now requires an injected keyboard context.
  • StandardKeyboardInputSetProvider now requires an injected keyboard context.
  • View+KeyboardGestures now handles the new press and release gestures.

🚚 Removed/renamed

  • All unused extensions have been removed.
  • All previous deprecations have been removed.
  • All internal-only used extensions have been made internal.
  • InputCalloutContext.shared has been removed. Use the environment object instead.
  • KeyboardAction+SecondaryCalloutActions has been replaced with new Callouts/Providers providers.
  • KeyboardActionRow has been removed, since it's confusing to have two aliases for the same thing.
  • KeyboardAppearance button properties are prefixed with button.
  • KeyboardAppearance font and fontWeight have been merged into a single font property.
  • KeyboardAppearanceProvider has been renamed to KeyboardAppearance.
  • KeyboardButtonWidth has been renamed to KeyboardLayoutWidth.
  • KeyboardContext actionHandler has been moved to the input vc.
  • KeyboardContext keyboardAppearanceProvider has been moved to the input vc.
  • KeyboardContext keyboardBehavior has been moved to the input vc.
  • KeyboardContext keyboardInputSetProvider has been moved to the input vc.
  • KeyboardContext keyboardLayoutProvider has been moved to the input vc.
  • KeyboardDimensions is no longer used and has been removed.
  • KeyboardInputSet locale extensions have been removed.
  • KeyboardInputSet standard input set extensions have been removed.
  • KeyboardInputViewController addKeyboardGestures has been converted to KeyboardButton+Gestures.
  • KeyboardInputViewController context has been renamed to keyboardContext.
  • KeyboardInputViewController keyboardType has been removed - use the context directly!
  • KeyboardInputViewController setupKeyboard has been removed and moved to the UIKit demo.
  • KeyboardInputViewController+Gestures has been converted to KeyboardButton+Gestures.
  • KeyboardLayout actionRows has been renamed to items and are of a new KeyboardLayoutItemRows type.
  • KeyboardCasing has been renamed to KeyboardCasing
  • KeyboardStateInspector has been renamed to KeyboardEnabledStateInspector.
  • ObservableAutocompleteContext has been renamed to AutocompleteContext.
  • ObservableKeyboardContext has been renamed to KeyboardContext.
  • PhotosImageService and StandardPhotosImageService have been removed.
  • Settings has been entirely removed.
  • SecondaryInputCalloutContext.shared has been removed. Use the environment object instead.
  • StandardKeyboardContext has been replaced by ObservableKeyboardContext.
  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler has a new vc-based initializer.
  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler no longer takes an optional sender for keyboard actions.
  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler gesture actions has been gathered in a single action(for:on).
  • StandardKeyboardAppearanceProvider has been renamed to StandardKeyboardAppearance.
  • StandardKeyboardLayoutProvider no longer has left and right space actions. Implement this in a custom provider instead.
  • SystemKeyboardDimensions is no longer used and has been removed.
  • UIImage+pasteboard has been moved to the demo.
  • UIImage+photos has been moved to the demo.
  • UIImage+resized has been removed.
  • UIImage+tinted has been removed.
  • UIInputViewController+NextKeyboard has been made an internal extension in UIView+Keyboard.
  • View+Button "standard button" functions have been replaced by a single keyboardButtonStyle function.
  • View+ClearInteractable has been removed.
  • View keyboardAction(...) has been renamed to keyboardGestures(for: ...).
  • UIEdgeInsets+Keyboard standardKeyboardButtonInsets has been renamed to standardKeyboardButtonInsets.

💥 UIKit changes

In this version, UIKit is replaced by SwiftUI as the primary layout engine.

As such, to avoid UIKit parts blocking SwiftUI, types in the UIKit folder will be renamed to start with UI:

  • AutocompleteToolbarLabel -> UIAutocompleteToolbarLabel
  • AutocompleteToolbarSeparator -> UIAutocompleteToolbarSeparator
  • AutocompleteToolbarView -> UIAutocompleteToolbar (OBS! Name change as well.)
  • HorizontalKeyboardComponent -> UIHorizontalKeyboardComponent
  • KeyboardAlert -> UIKeyboardAlert
  • KeyboardButton -> UIKeyboardButton
  • KeyboardButtonCollectionView -> UIKeyboardButtonCollectionView
  • KeyboardButtonRowCollectionView -> UIKeyboardButtonRowCollectionView
  • KeyboardButtonView -> UIKeyboardButtonView
  • KeyboardButtonRowComponent -> UIKeyboardButtonRowComponent
  • KeyboardCollectionView -> UIKeyboardCollectionView
  • KeyboardToolbarComponent -> UIKeyboardToolbarComponent
  • KeyboardToolbarView -> UIKeyboardToolbarView
  • KeyboardSpacerView -> UIKeyboardSpacerView
  • KeyboardStackViewComponent -> UIKeyboardStackViewComponent
  • PagedKeyboardComponent -> UIPagedKeyboardComponent
  • RepeatingGestureRecognizer -> UIRepeatingGestureRecognizer
  • Shadow -> UIShadow
  • ToastAlert -> UIKeyboardToastAlert (OBS! Name change as well.)
  • VerticalKeyboardComponent -> UIVerticalKeyboardComponent

Their functionality remains intact, however.

There are a new extension as well, as UIKit support moves away from the core layer:

  • UIView+Keyboard is now used to apply button gestures to a view, instead of having this functionality in the view controller.


This release adds fake protocol implementations, to simplify creating SwiftUI previews.

The release also adds some things for the future:

  • KeyboardButtonWidth is a new way to express the width of a keyboard button.
  • View+KeyboardButtonWidth is a new way to apply a width to a keyboard button.

Although not used by the standard keyboards yet, I still wanted to add them before starting working on 4.0.


This release rolls back some changes to try improve dark appearance keyboards in SwiftUI.

Seems like dark appearance can't be detected, since this also enables dark mode. Hopefully this is easier to fix in KK 4.0.


This release adds a time threshold to the end sentence action.

This release also fixes so that CalloutCurve and CustomRoundedRect handles invalid rects.


This release fixes so that the secondary input gesture triggers a tap if there were no secondary actions in the callout.

New features

  • Emoji is a new struct that in the future will let us work more with emojis in a more structured and type-safe way.

  • EmojiCategory now lets you register a frequentEmojiProvider, and uses that to populate the frequent category.

  • There is a new EmojiProvider protocol

  • There is a new FrequentEmojiProvider protocol

  • There is a new MostRecentEmojiProvider class

  • There is a new String+Delimiters extension with word and sentence delimiters.

  • There are new UITextDocumentProxu+Content extensions to get previous sentences and words.

  • AutocompleteToolbar has a new, static standardReplacement function.

  • AutocompleteToolbar has a new, static standardReplacementAction function.

  • AutocompleteToolbar now lets you provide an optional, custom replacementAction in init.

  • Color+Resources is a new extension that provides asset-based colors that adapt to dark mode.

  • EmojiCategoryKeyboard is a new view that lists the emojis of a selected category and a menu.

  • EmojiCategoryKeyboardMenu is a new view that lets the user select one of multiple categories.

  • EmojiKeyboard is a new view that renders a set of emojis in a lazy grid. The item action is customizable.

Behavior changes

  • EmojiCategory now implements EmojiProvider

  • EmojiCategory.frequent now returns emojis from the frequentEmojiProvider.

  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler now tries to register emojis with the EmojiCategory frequent emoji provider.

  • Color+Button uses the new asset-based colors.

  • SystemKeyboardButtonBody now only offsets small caps texts.

  • The emoji action has a filled standard image instead of an outlined one.

  • Due to a secondary callout action bug, the secondary context is now created by the vc.

Bug fixes

  • The ´ accent was accidentally used in standard numeric keyboards. It has now been replaced with , which is the correct one.


  • KeyboardContext.emojiCategory has been deprecated. This should be persisted by the view instead.

  • PhotosImageService and the standard implementation has been deprecated. Copy it to your own project if you want to keep on using it.

  • UIImage+Photos has been deprecated. Copy it to your own project if you want to keep on using it.

  • Some button-specific Color extensions have been deprecated.

  • View+keyboardAction(:context:) has been deprecated.

Breaking changes

  • secondaryCalloutInputProvider has been removed from KeyboardContext. It's now only in the secondary context.


This release fixes so that the secondary input gesture triggers a tap if there were no secondary actions in the callout.

The release also makes the entire autocomplete button tappable, instead of just the text.


This release fixes so that upper-cased chars gets secondary callout actions and that the input callout isn't dismissed if there are no secondary actions.


This release makes it easier to inject custom views into the SwiftUI-based SystemKeyboard and AutocompleteToolbar.

There is also a new SystemKeyboardSpaceButton which lets you present the current locale before fading to "space".

The release also adds a spacebar drag gesture and deprecates some haptic properties as well as some system properties in favor of the standard naming concept (since the system behavior is the standard behavior).

New features

  • AutocompleteSuggestion is a new protocol that makes the autocomplete provider concept more general.

  • HapticFeedback has a new longPressOnSpace case.

  • KeyboardAppearanceProvider is a protocol for providing button content and style.

  • KeyboardContext has a new keyboardAppearanceProvider property.

  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler has new functionality for handling the space drag gesture.

  • StandardKeyboardAppearanceProvider is a standard appearance provider that returns standard values.

  • SystemKeyboardButtonContent is new view that extracts content logic from SystemKeyboardButton.

  • SystemKeyboardButtonRowItem can now be created with generic views.

  • SystemKeyboardSpaceButton is new view that wraps SystemKeyboardSpaceButtonContent and applied a style and gestures to it.

  • SystemKeyboardSpaceButtonContent is new view that animates between a locale text and a space text.

Behavior changes

  • HapticFeedback.standard has almost no haptic feedback now, since that is the standard behavior.
  • SystemKeyboard now wraps the buttonBuilder generated views in a SystemKeyboardButtonRowItem.
  • SystemKeyboardButton now applies a fallback text from the new appearance provider.
  • The standard SystemKeyboard button builder generates SystemKeyboardButtonContent instead of SystemKeyboardButton.


  • HapticFeedback standard cases have been deprecated, since native keyboards have almost no haptic feedback.

  • KeyboardAction systemFont is renamed to standardButtonFont.

  • KeyboardAction systemKeyboardButtonText is renamed to standardButtonText.

  • KeyboardAction systemTextStyle is renamed to standardButtonTextStyle.

  • KeyboardType systemKeyboardButtonText is deprecated.

  • String implements AutocompleteSuggestion to avoid breaking changes in KK 3.5+. You should provide your own custom types, though.

  • Color systemKeyboardButtonBackgroundColorDark has been renamed to standardDarkButtonBackgroundColor

  • Color systemKeyboardButtonBackgroundColorLight has been renamed to standardLightButtonBackgroundColor

  • Color systemKeyboardButtonForegroundColor has been renamed to standardButtonForegroundColor

  • Color systemKeyboardButtonShadowColor has been renamed to standardButtonShadowColor

  • KeyboardAction systemKeyboardButtonBackgroundColor has been renamed to standardButtonBackgroundColor

  • KeyboardAction systemKeyboardButtonImage has been renamed to standardButtonImage

  • KeyboardAction systemKeyboardButtonShadowColor has been renamed to standardButtonShadowColor

  • KeyboardCasing systemImage has been renamed to standardButtonImage

  • KeyboardCasing systemKeyboardButtonImage was unused and has been deprecated.

  • KeyboardType systemKeyboardButtonImage has been renamed to standardButtonImage

  • View systemKeyboardButtonStyle has been renamed to standardButtonStyle

  • View systemKeyboardButtonBackground has been renamed to standardButtonBackground

  • View systemKeyboardButtonFont has been renamed to standardButtonFont

  • View systemKeyboardButtonForeground has been renamed to standardButtonForeground

  • View systemKeyboardButtonShadow has been renamed to standardButtonShadow

Breaking changes

  • AutocompleteToolbarView and AutocompleteToolbar now use AutocompleteSuggestion instead of String. It makes them MUCH more powerful, so I hope this breaking change is acceptable.
  • SystemKeyboardButtonRowItem has been made generic.
  • SystemKeyboard.ButtonBuilder now returns an AnyView since you may want to use any custom view for any button.


This release adds curves and behavior changes to the callout bubbles.

Behavior changes

  • The disabled secondary % callout actions have been re-enabled.
  • CalloutStyle now applies button frame insets when configured for a system keyboard.
  • InputCallout has curves between the button area and the callout.
  • InputCalloutContext has a new isEnabled property that is only true for phones, since it should not be displayed on iPads.
  • InputCalloutContext no longer insets the button rect.
  • SecondaryInputCallout has curves between the button area and the callout and the design is improved.
  • SystemInputCalloutContext no longer insets the button rect.

New features

  • CalloutCurve is a new shape that can be used to smoothen the two parts of a callout bubble.


This release fixes some visual artefacts in the callout bubbles.


From now on, release notes will include changes in both KeyboardKit and KeyboardKitSwiftUI.

This release adds support for input callouts and secondary input callouts.

New features

This release has new features for secondary callout actions.

  • KeyboardAction+SecondaryCalloutActions specifies standard, locale-specific secondary callout actions for keyboard actions.

  • KeyboardContext has a new secondaryCalloutActionProvider property.

  • SecondaryCalloutActionProvider is a protocol for providing secondary callout actions for keyboard actions.

  • StandardSecondaryCalloutActionProvider is a standard action provider that returns the standard secondary callout actions.

  • CalloutStyle is a shared style for keyboard button callout.

  • InputCallout is a callout that can highlight the currently pressed keyboard button.

  • InputCalloutContext can be used to control InputCallout views.

  • InputCalloutStyle can be used to style InputCallout views.

  • SecondaryInputCallout is a callout that can present secondary actions for the currently pressed keyboard button.

  • SecondaryInputCalloutContext can be used to control SecondaryInputCallout views.

  • SecondaryInputCalloutStyle can be used to style SecondaryInputCallout views.

  • View+InputCallout can be used to wrap any view in a ZStack with a topmost InputCallout

  • View+SecondaryInputCallout can be used to wrap any view in a ZStack with a topmost SecondaryInputCallout

Behavior changes

Since the new secondary input callout, which triggers on long press, I have removed the standard long press action for all actions except backspace.

This also makes standard KeyboardKit keyboards behave more like native iOS keyboards.

  • View+KeyboardGestures has been extended with gestures for InputCallout and SecondaryInputCallout.

Breaking changes

This release also has breaking changes to experimental features.

  • KeyboardInputProvider has been renamed to KeyboardInputSetProvider
  • KeyboardInputSetProviders properties are now context-based functions
  • KeyboardContext keyboardInputProvider has been renamed to keyboardInputSetProvider
  • ObservableKeyboardContext keyboardInputProvider has been renamed to keyboardInputSetProvider


This release contains a bunch of new features that makes the keyboard behave more like the native keyboards when typing, for instance auto-capitalization and auto-lowercasing.

Keyboard behavior

This release separates action handling from behavior, which I hope makes the code cleaner and easier to test and simplifies reusing behavior outside of an action handling context.

  • KeyboardBehavior specifies how a keyboard should behave.
  • StandardKeyboardBehavior specifies the standard behavior of a western keyboard.

You can create your own behaviors as well as subclass and override parts of the standard behavior.

Note that this is an experimental feature that may have to be revisited before 4.0.

New features

  • KeyboardContext has a new preferredKeyboardType property.
  • KeyboardContext has a new actionBehavior property.
  • StandardKeyboardBehavior has caps-lock double tap logic.
  • UITextDocumentProxy has a new isCursorAtNewSentence property.
  • UITextDocumentProxy has a new isCursorAtNewWord property.
  • UITextDocumentProxy has a new endSentence function that removes any space before the cursor, then closes the sentence.
  • UITextDocumentProxy has a new sentenceDelimiters property.
  • UITextDocumentProxy has a new wordDelimiters property.

Behavior changes

  • The caps-lock double tap logic is moved from double-tap on shift to the new keyboard behavior.
  • The sentence ending logic is moved from double-tap on space to the new keyboard behavior.
  • The sentence ending logic is no longer based on double-tap, which makes it easier to use.
  • KeyboardAction standardDoubleTapAction is not defined for any actions anymore.
  • KeyboardInputViewController changeKeyboardType has no time interval anymore.
  • StandardKeyboardContext initializer now has a default value for the keyboard type.

Bug fixes

  • The standard keyboard layout has been fixed to use the correct caps-lock button image.


  • KeyboardAction endSentenceAction has been moved to UITextDocumentProxy+EndSentence.
  • KeyboardAction standardDoubleTapAction is not used internally anymore.
  • KeyboardContext changeKeyboardType is not used internally anymore.
  • KeyboardType canBeReplaced is not used internally anymore.
  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler handleKeyboardSwitch is renamed to handleKeyboardTypeChange.
  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler preferredKeyboardType has been moved to the keyboard behavior.

These deprecations will be removed in v 4.0.


This release contains improvements to the input set logic:

  • There is a new KeyboardInputProvider protocol.
  • StandardKeyboardInputProvider tries to use the current locale (fallback to English) and can be inherited.
  • StaticKeyboardInputProvider uses three static input sets.
  • InputSet+English has been renamed to InputSet+Locale and has more sets.
  • InputSet+Locale extension has support for basic English, German, Italian and Swedish.
  • StandardKeyboardInputProvider is used by default in the context, but you can change this at anytime.

The release also introduces a new "keyboard layout" concept, where a keyboard layout is an input set with surrounding actions:

  • There is a new KeyboardLayout struct.
  • There is a new KeyboardLayoutProvider protocol.
    • StandardKeyboardLayoutProvider uses the current context and can be inherited.
    • StaticKeyboardLayoutProvider uses a static layout that is provided at init.
  • StandardKeyboardLayoutProvider is used by default in the context, but you can change this at anytime.

There are new properties in the KeyboardContext.

This release also makes it easier to resolve system keyboard dimensions:

  • CGFloat+Keyboard has utils to resolve the standard keyboard row height.
  • KeyboardStackViewComponents use this new standard height as default height.
  • UIEdgeInsets+Keyboard has utils to resolve the standard keyboard row item insets.
  • KeyboardButtonRowComponents use these new standard insets as default insets.

The demos have been updated with these changes.

Bug fixes:

  • The context controller propertis are marked as @unowned to fix a memory leak.


  • CGFloat+KeyboardDimensions is deprecated and will be removed in 4.0.
  • KeyboardContext's controller is now deprecated and will be removed in 4.0 .Usage is strongly discouraged. Use the context instead.


  • KeyboardContext has new properties to make the new input and layout additions possible. If you have created your own context, you will have to add these.


This version contains new features:

  • EmojiCategory is now Codable.
  • EmojiCategory has a fallbackDisplayEmoji that is used as system button text if no custom button image used.
  • KeyboardAction now has a standard tap action for .emojiCategory.
  • KeyboardContext now has an emojiCategory property.


This version contains new protocols and classes:

  • KeyboardInputViewController has new, empty performAutocomplete and resetAutocomplete functions that are called by the system at proper times.
  • The new AutocompleteSuggestions typealias makes the autocomplete apis cleaner.
  • There is a new AutocompleteContext protocol that can be used to manage suggestions.
  • There is a new StandardAutocompleteContext implementation of AutocompleteContext.
  • There is a new UITextDocumentProxy property to check if the proxy cursor is at the end of the current word.

Bug fixes:

  • The "end sentence" action that is used by space double taps, uses the new proxy property to only close when the cursor is at the end of a word.


In this version:

  • A memory leak was fixed by making all StandardBookActionHandler actions use [weak self].
  • The UIKit button shadow logic was improved by @jackhumbert.


This version fixes a bug, where the globe button that is used by the demo keyboards didn't do anything.

This version also fixes the system image's font weight.


This version removes all previously deprecated parts of the library and adds improved support for SwiftUI and iOS 13.

If you upgrade from an older version to 3.0 and have many breaking changes, upgrading to 2.9 first provides deprecation help that may make the transition easier.

New functionality

There is a new KeyboardContext, which provides important contextual information.

  • StandardKeyboardContext is the standard, non-observable implementation.
  • ObservableKeyboardContext is an iOS 13+ required, observable implementation.
  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler now automatically handles keyboard type switching and only delays if an action has a double-tap action.
  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler now automatically switches to certain keyboards after certain actions, as defined by handleKeyboardSwitch(after:on:) and preferredKeyboardType(after:on:).

There are new KeyboardAction types and properties:

  • .control represents the system.
  • .systemImage can be used with SF Symbols.
  • .systemFont and .systemTextStyle provide system look information.

There is a new System namespace with utils to help you build native-imitating system keyboards.

There is a new KeyboardInputSet concept that will simplify building language-specific keyboards. For now, it contains English characters, numerics and symbols.

The demo project contains a new KeyboardKitSwiftUIPreviews in which you can preview KeyboardKitSwiftUI views.


  • This repository has a new SwiftUI-based demo app, which is still in development.
  • KeyboardImageButton supports the new systemImage action.

Non-breaking changes:

  • KeyboardInputViewController deviceOrientation has been converted to a general UIInputViewController extension.
  • setupNextKeyboardButton has been converted to a general UIInputViewController extension.

Breaking changes:

  • KeyboardInputViewController has a new keyboardContext property.

  • StandardKeyboardContext is used by default, whenever a keyboard extension is created.

  • ObservableKeyboardContext is used by whenever a keyboard switches over to use SwiftUI.

  • KeyboardInputViewController keyboardActionHandler has been moved to KeyboardContext.

  • KeyboardInputViewController canChangeKeyboardType has been moved to KeyboardType.

  • KeyboardInputViewController changeKeyboardType has been moved to KeyboardContext.

  • KeyboardInputViewController changeKeyboardTypeDelay is now an argument in changeKeyboardType.

  • KeyboardInputViewController keyboardType has been moved to the context.

  • AutocompleteToolbar has been renamed to AutocompleteToolbarView.

  • EmojiCategory.frequents has been renamed to frequent.

  • KeyboardActionHandler now requires canHandle(_:on:) to be implemented.

  • KeyboardAction has new action types.

  • KeyboardAction has fewer isXXX properties.

  • KeyboardAction .capsLock and shiftDown are now part of KeyboardAction.shift.

  • KeyboardActionRow.from has been changed to an initializer.

  • KeyboardActionRows.from has been changed to an initializer.

  • KeyboardImageActions has been converted to a KeyboardActionRow+Images extension initializer.

  • KeyboardToolbar has been renamed to KeyboardToolbarView.

  • The shouldChangeToAlphabeticLowercase has been replaced with the automatic switching mentioned above.

  • The isKeyboardEnabled function now uses a for as external argument name.

Removed, previously deprecated parts:

  • AutocompleteBugFixTimer
  • AutocompleteSuggestionProvider provideAutocompleteSuggestions
  • KeyboardAction switchKeyboard
  • KeyboardAction switchToKeyboard
  • KeyboardAction standardInputViewControllerAction
  • KeyboardAction standardTextDocumentProxyAction
  • KeyboardActionHandler handleTap/Repeat/LongPress
  • KeyboardActionHandler handle gesture on UIView
  • KeyboardInputViewController addSwitchKeyboardGesture
  • PersistedKeyboardSetting init with key
  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler init with feedback instances
  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler action for view
  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler animationButtonTap
  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler giveHapticFeedbackForLongPress/Repeat/Tap
  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler longPress/repeat/tapAction for view
  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler handleLongPress/Repeat/Tap
  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler triggerAudio/HapticFeedback
  • UIColor clearTappable
  • UIInputViewController createAutocompleteBugFixTimer
  • UIView add/removeLongPress/Repeating/TapAction
  • isKeyboardEnabled global function


This version updates external test dependencies to their latest versions.


This version removes the subview fiddling from KeyboardCollectionVew to the built-in subclasses, since it can ruin the view hierarchy for collection views that don't add custom views to the cells.


This version adds an .emoji keyboard action, which can be used if you need to separate characters from emojis.

This version also extracts the logic of KeyboardAction standardTapAction into:

  • standardTapActionForController
  • standardTapActionForProxy

This makes it possible to use the standard function in other ways, should you need it.

This version also makes actions of KeyboardCollectionView mutable, causing changes to this property to refresh the view.


This is the last minor version before 3.0, which will remove a bunch of deprecated members.

This version adds more features, fixes some bugs and deprecates many parts of the library.

A big change, which is not fully covered in these notes, is that KeyboardInputViewController and StandardKeyboardActionHandler now handles changing keyboard types. Even if you have to fill a "type" with meaning in your app, you now have implemented logic to help you handle this.

Thanks to @eduardoxlau, the demo also has an improved emoji keyboard.

New features

  • KeyboardAction has new standardTap/DoubleTap/LongPress/Repeat action properties.
  • KeyboardInputViewController has a new deviceOrientation property.
  • KeyboardInputViewController has a new keyboardType property.
  • KeyboardInputViewController has new can/changeKeyboardType functions and properties.
  • KeyboardInputViewController has a new setupKeyboard function.
  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler has more logic for handling keyboard type changes.
  • The new EmojiCategory enum represents the native iOS emoji keyboard categories.
  • The new KeyboardStateInspector can be implemented to get info about the keyboard.


  • The demo now switches to caps lock when shift is double-tapped.
  • The standard tap animation does not scale up as much as before.
  • The standard haptic feedback for tap is light impact instead of medium.


  • KeyboardAction.switchKeyboard has been renamed to nextKeyboard.
  • KeyboardAction.switchToKeyboard has been renamed to keyboardType.
  • KeyboardAction.standardInputViewControllerAction has been renamed to standardTapAction.
  • KeyboardAction.standardTextDocumentProxyAction is no longer used by the system`.
  • addSwitchKeyboardGesture(to:) has been renamed to addNextKeyboardGesture(to:).
  • The global isKeyboardEnabled has been replaced with a new KeyboardStateInspector protocol.

Bug fixes

  • Double tap handling for space no longer inserts an additional space.

Breaking change

  • KeyboardType.alphabetic now uses a KeyboardCasing property instead of a bool for if it's upper-cased or not.
  • KeyboardAction.switchToKeyboard is now an alias for keyboardType. You can still use it when defining actions, but if you switch over KeyboardAction, you have to use keyboardType instead of switchToKeyboard.


This version fixes some division by zero bugs.


This version fixes a gesture-related memory leak by no longer using the gesture extensions that caused the problem. Instead, KeyboardInputViewController has a new set of internal gesture extensions that helps with adding gestures to a button.

This version also adds double-tap action handling to KeyboardKit. It's handled like taps, long presses and repeating actions, but it has no default logic. To handle it, create a custom action handler and override handle(_ gesture:,on action:, sender:).

KeyboardKit does not put any rules on the gesture handling. If you return an action for both a single tap and a double tap, both will be triggered.

New features

  • A new .doubleTap keyboard gesture.


  • The UIView addLongPressAction extension is deprecated.
  • The UIView removeLongPressAction extension is deprecated.
  • The UIView addRepeatingAction extension is deprecated.
  • The UIView removeRepeatingAction extension is deprecated.
  • The UIView addTapAction extension is deprecated.
  • The UIView removeTapAction extension is deprecated.


This version upgrades the podspec's Swift version.


This version upgrades its Nimble and Mockery dependencies.

2.7.1, 2.7.2

These versions adjust the keyboard settings url.


This version adds the very first (and so far limited) support for SwiftUI. Many new features are iOS 13-specific.

This version also deprecates a bunch of action handling logic and adds new functions that doesn't rely on UIView.

New features

  • KeyboardInputViewController has a new setupNextKeyboardButton(...) which turns any UIButton into a system-handled "next keyboard" button.

  • NextKeyboardUIButton makes use of this new functionality, and sets itself up with a globe icon as well.

  • PhotoImageService and StandardPhotoImageService can be used to save images to photos with a completion instead of a target and a selector.

  • KeyboardImageActions makes it easy to create a bunch of .image actions from a set of image names.

  • KeyboardActionHandler has a new open handle(_ gesture:on:view:) which is already implemented in StandardKeyboardActionHandler.

  • The global isKeyboardEnabled function can be used to check if a certain keyboard extension is enabled or not.

  • The keyboardSettings URL extension is a convenience extension for finding the url to application settings.

  • The evened(for gridSize: Int) [KeyboardAction] extension appends enough .none actions to evenly fit the grid size.

  • The saveToPhotos(completion:) UIImage extension is a completion-based way of saving images to photos.


There are some new views that can be used in SwiftUI-based apps and keyboard extensions:

  • KeyboardGrid distributes actions evenly within a grid.

  • KeyboardGridRow is used for each row in the grid.

  • KeyboardHostingController can be used to wrap any View in a keyboard extension.

  • KeyboardImageButton view lets you show an .image action or Image in a Button.

  • NextKeyboardButton sets itself up with a globe icon and works as a standard "next keyboard" button.

  • PersistedKeyboardSetting is a new property wrapper for persisting settings in UserDefaults.

  • Color.clearInteractable can be used instead of .clear to allow gestures to be detected.

  • Image.globe returns the icon that is used for "next keyboard".

  • KeyboardInputViewController setup(with:View) sets up a KeyboardHostingController.

  • View withClearInteractableBackground() can be used to make an entire view interactable.

Note that KeyboardKitSwiftUI is a separate framework, which you have to import to get access to these features.


There are some new UIKit features and extensions:

  • NextKeyboardUIButton sets itself up with a globe icon and works as a standard "next keyboard" button.
  • UIImage.globe returns the icon that is used for "next keyboard".

All UIKit-specific functionality is placed in the UIKit folder. UIKit logic that can be used in SwiftUI is outside it.


  • isInputAction now includes .space.
  • isSystemAction no longer includes .space.


  • UIColor.clearTappable has been renamed to UIColor.clearInteractable.
  • KeyboardActionHandler has deprecated the gesture-explicit handle functions.
  • KeyboardActionHandler has deprecated the view-explicit handle function in favor of an optional Any sender variant.
  • StandardKeyboardActionHandler has deprecated a bunch of UIView-explicit functions in favor of an optional Any sender variant.


This version fixes a bug, where moveCursorForward moved the cursor incorrectly.


This version adds enableScrolling() and disableScrolling() to AutocompleteToolbar. This makes it possible to make the entire toolbar scroll if its content doesn't fit the screen.


This version adds more autocomplete functionality:

  • AutocompleteToolbar has a new convenience initializer that makes it even easier to setup autocomplete.
  • AutocompleteToolbarLabel is the default autocomplete item view and can be tapped to send text to the text document proxy.
  • AutocompleteToolbarLabel behaves like the native iOS autocomplete view and displays centered text until the text must scroll.
  • Autocomplete no longer requires the bugfix timer. Instead, just let the action handler request autocomplete suggestions when a tap action is triggered.

The StandardKeyboardActionHandler has new functionality:

  • animationButtonTap() - can be overridden to change the default animation of tapped buttons.


  • The AutocompleteBugFixTimer and all timer-related logic has been deprecated.
  • The AutoCompleteSuggestionProvider's provideAutocompleteSuggestions(for:completion:) is deprecated and replaced with autocompleteSuggestions(for:completion:).
  • The StandardKeyboardActionHandler's handleXXX(on:) are now deprecated and replaced with handle(:on:view:).


This version adds a bunch of features, tweaks some behaviors and deprecates some logic:

New stuff:

  • There is a new KeyboardActionGesture that will be used to streamline the action handling api:s.
  • There is a new AudioFeedback enum that describes various types of audio feedback.
  • There is a new AudioFeedbackConfiguration that lets you gather all configurations in one place.
  • There is a new HapticFeedback.standardFeedback(for:) function that replaces the old specific properties.
  • There is a new HapticFeedbackConfiguration that lets you gather all configurations in one place.
  • There is a new StandardKeyboardActionHandler init that uses this new configuration.
  • There is a new StandardKeyboardActionHandler.triggerAudioFeedback(for:) that can be used to trigger audio feedback.
  • There is a new StandardKeyboardActionHandler.triggerHapticFeedback(for:on:) that replaces the old gesture-specific ones.
  • There is a new StandardKeyboardActionHandler.gestureAction(for:) function that is used by the implementation. The old ones are still around.
  • There is a new KeyboardType.images case that is used by the demo.

Changed behavior:

  • There is a new standardButtonShadow Shadow property that can be used to mimic the native button shadow.

Deprecated stuff:

  • The old StandardKeyboardActionHandler.init(...) is deprecated, use the new one.
  • The old StandardKeyboardActionHandler.giveHapticFeedbackForLongPress(...) is deprecated, use the new one.
  • The old StandardKeyboardActionHandler.giveHapticFeedbackForRepeat(...) is deprecated, use the new one.
  • The old StandardKeyboardActionHandler.giveHapticFeedbackForTap(...) is deprecated, use the new one.
  • The old HapticFeedback.standardTapFeedback and standardLongPressFeedback have been replaced by the new function.

The old handle functions are still declared in the KeyboardActionHandler protocol, but will be removed in the next major version.


This version adds Xcode 11 and iOS 13 support, including support for dark mode and high contrast color variants.


This version adds autocomplete support, which includes an autocomplete suggestion provider protocol, a new toolbar and new extensions.

The new AutocompleteSuggestionProvider protocol describes how to provide your keyboard with autocomplete suggestions. You can implement it in any way you like, e.g. to use a built-in suggestion database or by connecting to an external data source, using network requests. Note that the network option will be a lot slower and also require you to request full access from your users.

The new AutocompleteToolbar is a toolbar that can display any results you receive from your suggestion provider (or any list of strings for that matter). Just trigger the provider anytíme the text changes and route the result to the toolbar. The toolbar can be populated with any kind of views. Have a look at the demo app for an example.

The new UITextDocumentProxy+CurrentWord extension helps you get the word that is (most probably) being typed. You could use this when requesting autocomplete suggestions, if you only want to autocomplete the current word.

Besides these additions, there are a bunch of new extensions, like UITextDocumentProxy deleteBackward(times:), which lets you delete a certain number of characters. Have a look at the Extensions namespace for a complete list.

There is also a new KeyboardCasing enum that you can use to keep track of which state your keyboard has, if any. This enum is extracted from demo app code that was provided by @arampak earlier this year.

IMPORTANT iOS has a bug that causes textWillChange and textDidChange to not be called when the user types, only when the cursor moves. This causes autocomplete problems, since the current word is not changing as the user types. Due to this, the input view controller must use an ugly hack to force the text document proxy to update. Have a look at the demo app to see how this is done.


This version solves some major bugs in the repeating gesture recognizer and makes some public parts of the library open.

The standard action handler now handles repeating actions for backspace. You can customize this in the same way as you customize tap and long press handling.

You can test the new repeating logic in the demo app.


This version adds more keyboard actions that don't exist in iOS, but that may serve a functional or semantical purpose in your apps:

  • command
  • custom(name:)
  • escape
  • function
  • option
  • tab

The new custom action is a fallback that you can use if the existing action set is insufficient for your specific app.

I have added a RepeatingGestureRecognizer and an extension that you can use to apply it as well. It has a custom initial delay as well as a custom repeat interval, that will let you tap and hold a button to repeat its action. In the next update, I will apply this to the backspace and arrow buttons.

Thanks to @arampak, the demo app now handles shift state and long press better, to make the overall experience much nicer and close to the native keyboard. The keyboard buttons also registers tap events over the entire button area, not just the button view.


This version makes a bunch of previously internal extensions public. It also adds a lot more unit tests so that almost all parts of the library are tested.

The default tap animation has been configured to allow user interaction, which reduces the frustrating tap lag that was present in 2.0.0.

I have added a KeyboardToolbar class, which you can use to create toolbars. It's super simple so far, and only creates a stack view to which you can any views you like.


This version adds a public shadow extension to the main library and shuffles classes and extensions around. It also restructures the example project to make it less cluttered.

I noticed that the build number bump still (and randomly) bumps the build number incorrectly, which causes build errors. I have therefore abandoned this approach, and instead fixes the build number to 1 in all targets.


This version aim at streamlining the library and remove or refactor parts that make it hard to maintain. It contains several breaking changes, but I hope that the changes will make it easier for you as well, as the library moves forward.

Most notably, the view controller inheritance model has been completely removed. Instead, there is only one KeyboardInputViewController. It has a stack view to which you can add any views you like, like the built-in KeyboardButtonRow and KeyboardCollectionView, which means that your custom keyboards is now based on components that you can combine.

Since KeyboardInputViewController therefore can display multiple keyboards at once, it doesn't make any sense to have a single keyboard property. You can still use structs to organize your actions (in fact, I recommend it - have a look at the demo app), but you don't have to.

All action handling has been moved from the view controller to KeyboardActionHandler as well. KeyboardInputViewController use a StandardActionHandler by default, but you can replace this by setting keyboardActionHandler to any KeyboardActionHandler. This is required if you want to use certain actions types, like .image.

New KeyboardActions are added and nextKeyboard has been renamed to switchKeyboard. Action equality logic has also been removed, so instead of isNone, you should use == .none from now on. All help properties like image and imageName are removed as well, since they belong in the app. These are the new action types

  • capsLock
  • dismissKeyboard
  • moveCursorBackward
  • moveCursorForward
  • shift
  • shiftDown
  • switchToKeyboard(type)

KeyboardInputViewController will now resize the extension to the size of the stack view, or any other size constraints you may set. The old setHeight(to:) function has therefore been removed.


This version upgrades KeyboardKit to Swift 5 and has many breaking changes:

  • KeyboardInputViewController has been renamed to KeyboardViewController
  • CollectionKeyboardInputViewController has been renamed to CollectionKeyboardViewController
  • GridKeyboardInputViewController has been renamed to GridKeyboardViewController
  • KeyboardAlerter has been renamed to KeyboardAlert
  • ToastAlerter has been renamed to ToastAlert
  • ToastAlert now has two nested view classes View and Label
  • ToastAlert's two style function has changed signature
  • ToastAlerterAppearance is now an internal ToastAlert.Appearance struct
  • Most extensions have been made internal, to avoid exposing them externally


Keyboard has been given an optional ID, which can be used to uniquely identify a keyboard. This makes it easier to manage multiple keyboards in an app.

KeyboardInputViewController implements the KeyboardPresenter protocol, which means that you can set the new optional id property to make a KeyboardSetting exclusive to that presenter. This is nice if your app has multiple keyboards. If you do not specify an id, the settings behave just like before.

A PR by micazeve is merged. It limits the current page index that is persisted for a keyboard, to avoid bugs if the page count has changed since persisting the value.


This version updates KeyboardKit to Swift 4.2 and makes it ready for Xcode 10.


The grid keyboard view controller uses a new way to calculate the available item space and item size for a certain number of rows and buttons per row. This means that we can now use top and bottom content insets to create vertical margins for grid-based keyboards.


I previously used the async image functions to quickly setup a lot of images for "emoji" keyboards. Since I didn't use a collection view for emoji keyboards then, all image views were created at the same time, which caused rendering delays. By using the async image approach, image loading was moved from the main thread and allowed individual images to appear when they were loaded instead of waiting for all images to load before any image could be displayed.

However, KeyboardKit now has collection view-based keyboards, which are better suited for the task above, since they only render the cells they need. This will solve the image loading issues, which means that the async image extensions will no longer be needed. I have therefore removed UIImage+Async and the Threading folder from the library, to keep it as small as possible.


No functional changes, just README updates and improvements. The version bump is required to give CocoaPod users the latest docs.


This is a complete rewrite of the entire library. KeyboardKit now targets iOS 11 and the code has been improved a lot. Check out the demo app to see how to setup keyboards from now on.