- (31/01/25) added Nizar Shammu's thesis to the list of references; removed all operations involving direct sums of crossed modules of algebras because the theoretical basis needs checking;
- (21/10/24) removed references to "Type2" and "XModAlgebraConst" tests now use local variables and are mirrored in /examples xmod.tst now agrees with sections 4.1.7-4.1.10 in the manual changed names of variables in tests to avoid duplications
- (08/07/24) renamed the actions and algebras in the tests/examples as act1, act2, ,,, act6 and added direct sum operations AlgebraActionOnDirectSum and DirectSumAlgebraActions
- (17/05/24) added operations for a module as an algebra, revised XModAlgebraByModule
- (26/06/24) added AlgebraActionByHomomorphism, changed the example of XModAlgebraByBoundaryAndAction
- (17/05/24) just 5 PRs since 1.23 came out - mostly CI changes
- (03/12/22) changed AlgebraHomomorphismByFunction to agree with FR version and prior to the function being moved to the main GAP library
- (27/04/22) required version 2.87 of XMod which uses Size2d in place of Size, and so replaced Size by Size2d for 2d-algebras
- (15/07/21) revised PreXModAlgebraOfPreCat1Algebra
- (14/07/21) revised IsPreXModAlgebra and IsXModAlgebra renamed AlgebraAction4 as AlgebraActionByModule
- (09/07/21) added section on Multipliers and MultiplierAlgebras
- (09/06/21) renamed AlgebraAction3 as AlgebraActionBySurjection renamed XModAlgebraByCentralExtension XModAlgebraBySurjection revised these operations and added examples
- (25/05/21) renamed AlgebraAction1 as AlgebraActionByMultipliers added operation SemidirectProductofAlgebras added chapter Commutative algebras and their actions to manual
- (12/05/21) added algebra attribute AugmentationXMod
- (11/05/21) added lib/vspchom.gi as a temporary fix
- (07/08/20) fixed problem with Cat1AlgebraOfXModAlgebra introduced ImagesSource2DimensionalMapping
- (09/10/18) Conversion files: use "Of", not "By". Delete SDproduct.
- (23/09/18) PreCat1Obj replaced by PreCat1AlgebraByTailHeadEmbedding
- (22/09/18) split off convert.xml and convert.tst from cat1.xml and cat1.tst
- (29/08/18) added method for ImagesSource at end of alg2map.gi
- (28/08/18) update examples to avoid travis failures
- (29/01/18) changed package releases to https://gap-packages.github.io/xmodalg
- (09/01/18) correction the release archive
- (02/12/17) adjust test files to work correctly after LoadAllPackages();
- (30/11/17) now requires XMod 2.64
- (01/11/17) now requires Laguna 3.7.0
- (05/10/17) moved testall.g to testing.g and added new testall.g
- (05/10/17) converted manual.bib to bib.xml
- (05/10/17) converted README and CHANGES to MarkDown files
- (30/09/17) created Github repository for 'XModAlg'
- Version 1.12 was prepared for the 4.* release at November 2015.