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Releases: garden-io/garden


20 Nov 17:00
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Garden 0.13.45 is out! 🎉

This is a maintenance patch release that reverts the Mutagen version update (#6655) made in 0.13.44.

Notable changes

File syncing

The GARDEN_ENABLE_NEW_SYNC feature flag was removed in #6637.

That flag was introduced in 0.13.26, and it was set to be true by default in 0.13.34.

That flag was used to control the version of the Mutagen.
Mutagen is a tool that to sync files between the local machine and a remote Kubernetes Pod for Code Synchronization and In-Cluster Building.


Download the Garden binary for your platform from below or simply run garden self-update if you already have it installed.


0.13.45 (2024-11-20)


20 Nov 13:37
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Garden 0.13.44 is out! 🎉

This is a maintenance release that includes some bug fixes, features, and improvements.

Notable changes

File syncing

The GARDEN_ENABLE_NEW_SYNC feature flag was removed in #6637.

That flag was introduced in 0.13.26, and it was set to be true by default in 0.13.34.

That flag was used to control the version of the Mutagen.
Mutagen is a tool that to sync files between the local machine and a remote Kubernetes Pod for Code Synchronization and In-Cluster Building.


Download the Garden binary for your platform from below or simply run garden self-update if you already have it installed.


0.13.44 (2024-11-20)


Bug Fixes

  • fix user prompt function (#6613) (16ca20442)
  • container: container registry namespace is empty when not specified (#6638) (439559853)
  • k8s: respect pod selector in kubernetes-exec action type (#6657) (3e680e036)

Bundled Tool Version Updates

Fixed Issues


30 Oct 17:00
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Garden 0.13.43 is out! 🎉

This is a maintenance release that includes some bug fixes, performance optimizations, features, and improvements.

Many thanks to @highb and @BraedonLeonard for their contributions to this release!


Download the Garden binary for your platform from below or simply run garden self-update if you already have it installed.


0.13.43 (2024-10-30)


  • exec: separate stdout and stderr in Run and Test exec-action outputs (#6572) (5a04f60ac)
  • k8s: allow using registry mirror for utility images (#6552) (122371dd6)
  • pulumi: add spec.showSecretsInOutput config to Pulumi deploy action (#6555) (682e37896)

Bug Fixes

  • correct deploy action validation in container plugin extension (#6606) (ba2a4954a)
  • render action reference in error message (#6605) (4ebe9975a)
  • k8s: correctly set image pull secret on sync pod (#6533) (a2826a947)
  • k8s: add imagePullSecret from kubernetes provider to sync init container (#6530) (07a577ef4)
  • profiler: fix sync profiler and collect more data (#6586) (04dcc006c)
  • pulumi: stack not being selected before getting outputs when autoApply = false (#6554) (8fd42f3b3)
  • pulumi: prevent existing pulumi configs from being overwritten (#6526) (dcfef40c6)


Performance Improvements

Fixed Issues


08 Oct 13:50
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Garden 0.13.42 is out! 🎉

This is a maintenance release that includes some bug fixes.

Many thanks to @maxim-cpg for the contributions to this release!


Download the Garden binary for your platform from below or simply run garden self-update if you already have it installed.


0.13.42 (2024-10-08)

Bug Fixes

  • misleading warning message when cloud session is expired (#6503) (8359ae334)
  • otel: ensure OTEL sends final span when -o opt is used (#6505) (7b96bdb64)

Bundled Tool Version Updates

Fixed Issues


27 Sep 10:17
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Garden 0.13.41 is out! 🎉

This is a maintenance release that includes some bug fixes.

Many thanks to @BraedonLeonard for the contributions to this release!


Download the Garden binary for your platform from below or simply run garden self-update if you already have it installed.


0.13.41 (2024-09-27)

Bug Fixes

  • core: avoid crash when using copyFrom together with symlinks (#6485) (a7f0420ec)
  • sync: use right arch of mutagen-agent binary in k8s-sync image (#6465) (66e5a7530)

Performance Improvements

  • git: avoid unnecessary file hashing while config files detection (#6461) (a786a5047)

Fixed Issues


19 Sep 07:25
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Garden 0.13.40 is out! 🎉

This is a maintenance release that includes some bug fixes.

Many thanks to @ManAnRuck for the contributions to this release!


Download the Garden binary for your platform from below or simply run garden self-update if you already have it installed.


0.13.40 (2024-09-19)

Bug Fixes

Fixed Issues


29 Aug 17:08
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Garden 0.13.39 is out! 🎉

This is a maintenance release that includes some bug fixes in the template string resolution engine.

Many thanks to @omry-arpaly for the contributions to this release!


Download the Garden binary for your platform from below or simply run garden self-update if you already have it installed.


0.13.39 (2024-08-29)

Bug Fixes

  • examples: remove invalid action dependency from pulumi example (#6384) (445d7d377)
  • template: keep action variables when resolving disabled flag (#6406) (0b8b0497b)
  • template: fix template string escaping and resolution in Module configs (#6408) (8df80152a)
  • template: unescape escape templates when not doing partial resolution (#5680) (cc6e41c3a)

Fixed Issues


15 Aug 13:15
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Garden 0.13.38 is out! 🎉

This is a maintenance release that includes some bug fixes.


Download the Garden binary for your platform from below or simply run garden self-update if you already have it installed.


0.13.38 (2024-08-15)

Bug Fixes

  • k8s: improve error message when k8s token expired (#6382) (bd2b94382)
  • pulumi: fix process spawn machinery in Pulumi plugin (#6377) (76bdbec72)
  • testResult: transform undefined to null when serializing test result (#6380) (883df510e)

Bundled Tool Version Updates

Fixed Issues


09 Aug 11:41
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Garden 0.13.37 is out! 🎉

This is a maintenance release that includes some bug fixes and minor improvements.

Many thanks to @mattpolzin for the contributions to this release!


Download the Garden binary for your platform from below or simply run garden self-update if you already have it installed.


0.13.37 (2024-08-09)

Bug Fixes


  • update kubernetes-client library to version with better auth error handling (#6343) (c5f56d9ec)
  • add error handler callback to podRunner log streams (#6339) (c045254da)

Fixed Issues


01 Aug 10:04
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Garden 0.13.36 is out! 🎉

This is a maintenance release that includes bug fixes and small improvements.


Download the Garden binary for your platform from below or simply run garden self-update if you already have it installed.


0.13.36 (2024-08-01)

Bug Fixes

  • exec: fix error handling in exec run and test actions (#6319) (6a0343027)
  • profiler: handle getters and setters in @Profile decorator (#6318) (aa3ddcce2)
  • sync: ensure the sync daemon env is configured correctly (#6302) (8e3e02fa8)


Fixed Issues