Gitub is a free web service designed to host software projects.
- If your project involves writing some code.
- If you are doing some scripting of any kind (e.g. using
statistical software). - If you are writing LaTeX report/papers.
Do not use github to store large data typically, you do not want to put on github:
- Videos (very bad)
- Sound
- Many/large images
- Any sort of large data (>10M) that a program could output
We share an organisation, gilestrolab
on github.
You can just ask any lab member to invite you.
If you start a new project, and you want to create a repository, consider/discuss beforehand whether you would like to make it public or private.
- Log in to github and make a repository for your project of choice
- On the github page of your new repo, copy the clone URL
- Open terminal and cd in the directory where you want to have your github files
- Enter "git clone (copy of clone URL) (YourDirName)", in the clone URL, add your github username and an "@" in front of "github", i.e. "https://[email protected]/gilestrolab..."
- cd to the new directory and make subdirectories of your choice (mkdir YourSubdirectory)
- make dummy files in the subdirectories as github won't push empty directories by, e.g., "touch YourSubdirectory/dummy"
- Add all to git by "git add ."
- Comment what you just did " git commit -m "YourComment" "
- git push
- If your repo is private, you will have to enter your password now.
Happy coding