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71 lines (62 loc) · 2.69 KB

File metadata and controls

71 lines (62 loc) · 2.69 KB



├──                   # Project documentation
├── package-lock.json           # Dependency lock file
├── package.json                # Project metadata and dependencies
├── src                         # Source code for the application
│   ├── controller              # Routing controller logic
│   ├── entity                  # TypeORM entities, defining database schemas and relations
│   ├── ext                     # External API integrations
│   ├── migration               # Database migrations for schema changes
│   ├── routes                  # API routes
│   ├── service                 # Business logic and service functions
│   ├── data-source.ts          # Database connection setup and configuration
│   ├── index.ts                # Application entry point
│   ├── postgraphile.config.ts  # Postgraphile configuration
│   ├── repository.ts           # Repositories for data access logic
│   ├── swagger.ts              # Optional: Swagger setup in TypeScript
│   └── utils.ts                # Utility functions and helper methods
└── tsconfig.json               # TypeScript configuration

Getting Started

  1. Basic Setup:
    npm install
    npm run prepare
  2. Configure Environment Variables: Create a .env file in the root of the project and set the necessary environment variables for database connection.
  3. Setting up your databas:
  • Connect as admin psql -U your_admin_username -h your_database_host -p your_database_port
  • In psql shell, run
    CREATE DATABASE your_database_name;
    CREATE ROLE your_database_username WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'your_database_password';
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE your_database_name TO your_database_username;
  1. Handling Migration
  • Make changes to the entity
  • Generate migration with npm run generate --name=MigrationName
  • Run migration with npm run migrate
  • If you need to revert last migration, npm run revert
  1. Run the Development Server:
    npm run dev
  2. API Overview
  • Visit http://localhost:3000/api-docs


  • For to understand use winston for logging
  • For Try catch handling done via catchError
  • All routes are documented using swagger
  • Postgraphile endpoint is hosted at http://localhost:3000/graphiql
Needed API calls
POST/ pool/distribution/predict ( prediction distribution )

Nice to have 
POST/ pool/distribution/calculate (this will be internally called when vote is called)