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Releases: google-ar/arcore-unity-sdk

ARCore SDK for Unity v1.15.0

06 Feb 19:36
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Breaking changes

  • Update: A bug caused this feature to not work in 1.15.0, which is fixed in 1.16.0.
    Beginning with ARCore SDK 1.15.0, some devices will now return additional supported camera configs with lower GPU texture resolutions than the device's default GPU texture resolution. See the ARCore supported devices for details.

New APIs




Behavioral changes


Other changes

  • Vertical plane detection works better on surfaces with low visual texture.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed build system errors on Unity 2018.3 and later in CloudAnchorPreprocessBuild.cs. Now uses EditorPrefs.GetString("JdkPath") only when EditorPrefs.GetBool("JdkUseEmbedded") is not true.
  • Setting the AugmentedImageDatabase to null in the ARCore Session now correctly disables Augmented Images in the ARCore session.
  • ARCoreAugmentedFaceMeshFilter and ARCoreAugmentedFaceRig components now can get the correct AugmentedFace trackable in AutoBind mode after a session reset.

Known issues

  • Instant Preview may freeze Unity when using Android 9 and a USB 3 cable. To remedy, update to Android 10 or use a USB 2 cable.
  • Instant Preview may fail to display on device when Unity's game view resolution is too high. To remedy, lower Unity's game view resolution in the Editor.

ARCore SDK for Unity v1.14.0

12 Dec 21:46
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Breaking changes

  • Renamed CameraFocusMode.Auto to CameraFocusMode.AutoFocus.
  • Renamed CameraFocusMode.Fixed to CameraFocusMode.FixedFocus.

New APIs




Behavioral changes

  • The Session.LostTrackingReason may now be LostTrackingReason.CameraUnavailable when the camera is in use by another application. Prior to ARCore SDK 1.13 this would have been LostTrackingReason.None. After an app regains priority, tracking will resume.

Other changes

  • Changed minimum supported version of Unity to 2017.4.34f1. Apps submitted to the Play Store after November 2019 are required to target API level 28 (Android 9) or higher, which was not supported in the previously recommended version 2017.4.27f1.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed known issue from 1.13.0 where Instant Preview shows a white camera image on Pixel 3 and Pixel 4 running Android 10 when on Mac.

ARCore SDK for Unity v1.13.0

01 Nov 17:41
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Breaking changes


New APIs



  • The ErrorAndroidVersionNotSupported property has been deprecated and merged with ErrorDeviceNotCompatible. Use ErrorDeviceNotCompatible instead.

Behavioral changes

  • LightEstimate.ReflectionProbe now returns the cubemap texture corresponding to the color space setting in Project Setting. When using Gamma color space, the texture will be in gamma space. When using Linear color space, the texture will be in linear space. Previously, the texture was always returned in Linear color space.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where app crashes when ARCoreSession is destroyed before destroying anchors.
  • Fixed an issue where Instant Preview fails to install if ADB_TRACE is set.

Known issues

  • Instant Preview does not work with the Pixel 3/3 XL and Pixel 4/4 XL running Android 10.

ARCore SDK for Unity v1.12.0

12 Sep 20:11
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Breaking changes

The following changes only affect apps built with ARCore SDK 1.12 or later. Apps built with older SDKs will not be affected by these changes, and will continue to observe old behavior.

  • The data captured by CreateCloudAnchor and uploaded to the ARCore Cloud Anchor API service has changed. See to learn more.
  • CreateCloudAnchor will no longer timeout or fail when the ARCore Cloud Anchor API service is unreachable, or the anchor cannot be immediately resolved. Instead, the API will continue to attempt to resolve the provided anchors until they are detached.
  • CloudServiceResponse.ErrorServiceUnreachable and CloudServiceResponse.ErrorLocalizationFailed have been deprecated and will no longer be returned.

New APIs

  • Added XPSession.CancelCloudAnchorAsyncTask API so that the resolving Cloud Anchor request can be cancelled and CloudServiceResponse.ErrorRequestCancelled will be returned in this case.
  • Added CloudServiceResponse.ErrorHostingServiceUnavailable to indicate the hosting service unreachable error.


  • CloudServiceResponse.ErrorServiceUnreachable and CloudServiceResponse.ErrorLocalizationFailed enum values in the CloudServiceResponse have been deprecated and will no longer be returned.

Behavioral changes

  • XPSession.ResolveCloudAnchor now continues to retry in background indefinitely until it is successfully resolved, cancelled, or reaches a terminal error state.

Other changes

  • For iOS, changed Podfile to reference new "ARCore/CloudAnchors" subspec.
  • Added a face texture template file, see Assets/GoogleARCore/Examples/AugmentedFaces/Models/canonical_face_texture.psd.
  • Replaced differently colored Andy models in HelloAR and ObjectManipulation samples with one new ARCore 'pawn' model.
  • CloudAnchors sample updates:
    • Added a resolving prepare time so that the app won't start to resolve the anchor until the preparation time passed.
    • Added a customized timeout duration in AnchorController to prevent retrying to resolve indefinitely.
    • Added a return to lobby button in AR screen and the app when disconnected from the server.
    • Added a start screen which displays sharing experience instruction on the first launch.
    • Removed the Assets/GoogleARCore/Examples/CloudAnchors/Scripts/MultiplatformMeshSelector.cs and moved mesh setting logic to StarController and AnchorController to solve the issue where the asset is placed at identity pose.
    • Replaced the boat anchor 3D asset with a new model to emphasize orientation of the Cloud Anchor.
    • Added addition function to AugmentedImageDatabaseInspector.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug where configuration is not synchronized after camera direction changed.
  • Fixed invalid assignment of Screen.sleepTimeout in samples.
  • Fixed issue where Assets/GoogleARCore/SDK/Materials/ARBackground.shader doesn't work on devices with Mali GPU when the app renders on OpenGL ES2.
  • Fixed issue where generating an ARCore Bug Report wouldn't work when illegal characters were in PATH.
  • Fixed issue where Augmented Images databases wouldn't recalculate image quality scores after the underlying image had been updated.
  • Fixed #614: Continuous error in logcat: ArLightEstimate_getEnvironmentalHdrAmbientSphericalHarmonics while using IL2PP on 2019.1.

ARCore SDK for Unity v1.11.0

05 Aug 21:26
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Breaking changes


New APIs

  • Added ARCoreCameraConfigFilter APIs with options for the camera capture frame rate and depth camera usage.
  • Added MinFPS, MaxFPS, and DepthSensorUsage properties to CameraConfig.



Behavioral changes

  • ARCore Device prefab uses the new Assets/GoogleARCore/Configurations/DefaultCameraConfigFilter which will enable 60fps on a subset of ARCore supported devices. For a detailed list, see Supported Devices.

Other changes

  • The ARCore service has been renamed to Google Play Services for AR. On Google Play devices it is now distributed as part of Google Play Services.
  • Updated ViewInARIcon.png loading icon.
  • DetectedPlaneVisualizer sample component now uses white for all detected planes.
  • Upgraded PlayServicesResolver plugin to v1.2.122.
  • ComputerVision sample now selects the highest CPU resolution with highest FPS for the "High Resolution CPU image" button and the lowest CPU resolution with highest FPS for the "Low Resolution CPU image" button.
  • All other samples now select a 60fps configuration when available.
  • In ComputerVision sample, moved RegisterChooseCameraConfigurationCallback from Start() to Awake() to ensure it is triggered the first time ARCoreSession is enabled.

Bug fixes

  • Fix bug in ComputerVision example where it occasionally displayed a black screen when first launched.

ARCore SDK for Unity v1.10.0

20 Jun 21:29
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Breaking changes


New APIs

  • New Environmental HDR modes added to Light Estimation API enable more acurate light estimation:
    * LightEstimateMode.EnvironmentalHDRWithoutReflections and LightEstimateMode.EnvironmentalHDRWithReflections.
    * Environmental HDR provides developers with three APIs to replicate real world lighting when using the back-facing camera:
    • Main Directional Light: helps with casting shadows in the right direction.
    • Ambient Spherical Harmonics: helps model ambient illumination from all directions.
    • HDR Cubemap: helps model realistic reflections.


  • Deprecated ARCoreSessionConfig.EnableLightEstimation. To choose the light estimation mode, use ARCoreSessionConfig.LightEstimationMode. To enable the previous behavior when ARCoreSessionConfig.EnableLightEstimation was true, set the light estimation mode to LightEstimationMode.AmbientIntensity. See more details in GoogleARCore.LightEstimationMode.
  • Deprecated the constructor LightEstimate(LightEstimateState, float, Color). Instead, use LightEstimate(LightEstimateState, float, Color, Quaternion, Color, float[,], long).

Behavioral changes


Other changes

  • Upgraded PlayServicesResolver plugin to v1.2.105.0.

  • Assets/GoogleARCore/Configurations/DefaultSessionConfig now defaults to Environmental HDR With Reflections light estimation mode. If you created your own SessionConfig asset, it will retain the previously configured light estimation mode.

  • Environmental HDR With Reflections light estimation mode is now used in HelloAR, AugmentedImage, CloudAnchors, ComputerVision and ObjectManipulation samples.

  • Added Directional Light in Environmental Light.prefab to support new light estimation modes.

  • Added a log message in ARCoreSession component that indicates Light Estimation may not work properly when EnvironmentalLight component is not in the scene.

  • Updated AndyBlue and AndyGreen prefabs to use metallic materials.

  • Added AndyPurple prefab and updated HelloAR to place it on vertical plane.

  • A new TransparentShadow example shader in Assets\GoogleARCore\Examples\Common shows how to use light estimation for higher quality shadows.

  • Instant Preview now supports changing update mode, planefinding mode, and focus mode.

  • Instead of relying on UnityEngine.XR.ARBackgroundRenderer in Unity, ARCoreBackgroundRender now uses its own command buffer to render the camera background.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug in CloudAnchors example where a host disconnecting due to a crash or force quit would leave a non-functional room.

ARCore SDK for Unity v1.9.0

07 May 17:44
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Breaking changes


New APIs

  • Added AugmentedImage.GetTrackingMethod() that enables app to tell whether an Augmented Image is currently tracked by camera view or its last known position.



Behavioral changes

Other changes

  • Added Help > Capture ARCore Bug Report menu item to assist in troubleshooting issues with Instant Preview.
  • Removed checking session's tracking state in AugmentedImages sample app and added a brief comment to describe AugmentedImage.TrackingMethod use case.
  • Instant Preview logs a warning and shows a toast message when touches are detected, but not consumed by InstantPreviewInput within one second. To learn more about handling input while using Instant Preview, see
  • Instant Preview logs a warning and shows a toast message when attempting to use APIs that are not yet supported by Instant Preview.
  • Added details of how to apply the Apache License to your work to our LICENSE file.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed typo, renamed AumgnetedFaceSessionConfiguration to AugmentedFaceSessionConfiguration.
  • Fixed #277: Cannot get camera feed when using OPENGLES2 as graphics API.
  • Fixed ARCore Analytics recorded data and option text clipped in the preferences dialog in 2018.3 and later.
  • Fixed #268: ARBackground shader doesn't work correctly for Linear color space.

ARCore SDK for Unity v1.8.0

29 Mar 22:05
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Known issue in Unity 2019.1.0b9

  • Unity Issues ID 1133177: Unity crashes when importing Assets/GoogleARCore/Examples/Common/Videos/hand_oem.webm. This issue should be fixed in Unity 2019.1.0b10.

Breaking changes


New APIs




Behavioral changes

  • The ARCore SDK for Unity now sends SDK usage analytics to Google when an ARCore-enabled project is opened, or the SDK is imported into an existing Unity project. For more information or to disable analytics, visit the developer website.
  • Disabling, then enabling the ARCoreSession component on the ARCore Device prefab will pause, then resume ARCore in next frame.

Other changes

  • Enabled auto focus by default in AugmentedImages sample app, to improve tracking of small targets.
  • Upgraded PlayServicesResolver plugin to v1.2.100.
  • CloudAnchors sample now displays error message using the snack bar instead of using Android toast messages.
  • Reformated code to fit within 100-character lines.
  • Improve translation behavior when moving an object from a higher plane to a lower plane in the Object Manipulation Example.
  • Updated the CloudAnchors sample to not create an anchor for stars.
  • Updated the AugmentedFaces sample to use its own icon.
  • Updated the CloudAnchors and ComputerVision samples to not overlap UI with notch on certain phones.
  • Added a build preprocess warning message to indicate that Scriptable Rendering Pipeline Asset is currently not supported by ARCore.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed #449 Unnecessary "android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" added.
  • Fixed issue where closing the help window would also place an Andy in the HelloAR sample.
  • Fixed issue where a spurious null-reference exception could be thrown upon ARCoreSession component destruction.
  • Fixed issue where cannot get Camera Configuration list at the first time a session is created.
  • Fixed issue in ComputerVision sample where selecting "High Resolution CPU Image" does not take effect.
  • Fixed issue where ChooseCameraConfigurationCallback may return camera configurations that have the wrong camera facing.
  • Fixed issue in CloudAnchors sample where objects that were placed on vertical planes didn't have the correct orientation.
  • Fixed duplicate 'Edit > Project Settings' menu item in Unity 2018.3 and later.
  • Fixed issue where 'Assets > Create > Google ARCore > AugmentedImageDatabase' menu item is grayed out when no image is selected.
  • Fixed #523 ObjectManipulation scene doesn't work with Instant Preview.

ARCore SDK for Unity v1.7.0

15 Feb 17:19
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User privacy requirements

Breaking changes


New APIs

  • Augmented Faces and front-facing camera support
    • Added the ability to use the front-facing (selfie) camera with the ARCoreSession component, as well as animation for camera transitions.
      • Note: Motion tracking, all types of anchors, Augmented Images, and plane detection are not available when using the front-facing camera.
    • New Augmented Faces mode supported when using the front-facing (selfie) camera.
      • New AugmentedFaceMode property in ARCoreSessionConfig to enable Augmented Faces in ARCore session.
      • New AugmentedFace class (extends Trackable) that provides face poses and mesh estimation for detected faces.
      • New AugmentedFaces sample scene to demonstrate how to use the new Augmented Faces API.
  • New VersionInfo.Version to retrieve a string describing the ARCore SDK for Unity version.
  • Added Session.LostTrackingReason that enables apps to provide actionable feedback to users when tracking is lost.
  • Added Frame.TransformCoordinate() that transforms between different 2D coordinates systems, see DisplayUvCoordinateType enum.


  • Frame.CameraImage.DisplayUvCoords() has been deprecated. Use Frame.TransformCoordinate() instead.

Behavioral changes

  • Enabling and disabling the ARCoreSession component on the ARCore Device prefab now doesn't take effect until the next frame. Disabling the ARCore session will no longer stall the main thread.

Other changes

  • New Plane Discovery prefab that shows a guide to help users find a plane.
  • New Feature Point Visualizer that includes a visual popping effect.
  • New Object Manipulation sample showing interactions for manipulating objects in AR.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue 244, background color green-blue swapped issue with HDR enabled on Samsung Exynos devices.
  • Fixed issue 439, augmented_image_cli hangs when using uppercase file extensions — gives the message "Calculating..." but never shows final score
  • Fixed application crash for apps that were built with Player Settings > XR Settings > ARCore Supported disabled.
  • Instant Preview emits a warning when build platform is not set to Android. Helps avoid Instant Preview stream being scaled incorrectly due to high resolution monitors on 'standalone' (desktop) build platforms restricting the game view scale to 2x and higher.
  • Fixed issue 389, failure to restore camera projection matrix when ARCoreBackgroundRenderer component is disabled.
  • Fixed issue 327 where the Camera's global position and rotation were updated while running in Instant Preview instead of the local position and rotation.
  • Eliminated console build warnings.
  • Updated Instant Preview console messages for clarity.
  • Updated ExampleBuildHelper so that builds the SDK sample scenes no longer overwrites the Android Package Name and Product Name. Application icons are now only updated if they are unset, or are set to one of the included sample icons.

ARCore SDK for Unity v1.6.0

07 Dec 18:30
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Behavioral changes

  • Instant Preview now briefly shows a warning message as reminder about it's limited support for touch based input.

Other changes

  • Updated samples to call out current limitations more clearly when running in editor.
  • Play Services Resolver plugin upgraded to version
  • Log messages and ARCore Preferences have been updated for clarity.
  • Added an updated Cloud Anchors example that uses Unity's Multiplayer Services.
  • Binaries in the SDK are now covered by the Google API TOS.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed #240: Replaced SetIndices with SetTriangles in DetectedPlaneVisualizer.
  • Fixed #297: "Cannot create Augmented Image database" if the Unity project path has a space in the name.
  • Catch SocketException in CloudAnchors sample and log details when IP address cannot be determined at runtime.
  • Fixed gradle project compilation error when using Cloud Anchors in an "AR Optional" app.
  • Fixed #450: Instant Preview correctly streams video on Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL.
  • Issue #563: Resolved an crash with a log message "AssetManager has been finalized" that could occur on some devices.
  • Issue #630: Fixed a bug where multiple points in a point cloud could use the same ID.