The watch face format specifcation allows you to validate your watch faces and
operation of watch face generating tools. The specification is
provided as XSD files.
There are different versions of the specification, which have different capabilities and compatibilities. Please see this guide for more details.
In addition to the XSD files, a validator is provided that can be used to check specific watch face XML files.
cd third_party/wff
./gradlew :specification:validator:build
The resulting JAR file can then be found at: specification/validator/build/libs/wff-validator.jar
To check whether a watch face is valid, invoke the validator as follows:
java -jar wff-validator.jar <format-version> <any options> <your-watchface.xml> <more-watchface.xml>
For example:
java -jar wff-validator.jar 2 ~/MyWatchface/res/raw/watchface.xml