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Stéphane Letz edited this page Jul 16, 2023 · 10 revisions

Features request

  • add support for the soundfile primitive
Dario Sanfilippo — 02/04/23
  • double-precision support
  • being able to sync the playback of the wave file and the offline plot
  • being able to switch between linear and log scale in the FFT plot, both for the amplitudes and frequency axes
  • proper zooming features for the x and y axes in the plots
  • floating plot windows, so that they are not mutually exclusive
  • freeze the continuous plot when click-holding on it
Dario Sanfilippo — 03/04/23

This is something that I've mentioned a few times and that it is not only a FaustIDE issue. In particular, being able to inspect a signal from any point of a circuit without doing a major refactoring of the code would be necessary in my opinion, as the bargraph primitives are block-rate, whereas you often need to see what happens to a signal sample-wise to debug.

What I'd love to see in Faust is a sendToOut primitive that takes any point of a circuit and wires a copy of that signal to the first available output. Or something along these lines.

Simon Hill — 04/04/23

Would be great to be able to plot hbargraph from the ide, or print the value in a console, for situations where the change might be very quick.

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