The developments are pushed on the develop branch, so this is the most up-to-date version of the code. As far as possible, the master branch is only updated twice or thrice a year, based on the following Git branching model.
The issue tracker is the preferred channel for bug reports, feature requests and submitting pull requests. If you need a personal support request, use the forum, most support requests are answered very fast.
Choco3 is a living library which is frequently modified, sometimes deeply. We do our best to track bugs in the tracker. But, it happens that a modification exhibit a bug or, simply, that we did not test the code enough. In that case:
Search in tracker to see if the bug has already been reported (do not forget to look for closed issues), and/or fixed;
Isolate the problem, describe it and provide a Minimal Working Example. The stackoverflow guidelines is a very good starting point. If possible, try to reproduce the bug on the develop branch and do not forget to indicate which version were used to reproduce the bug (release version or revision number).
Doing so, we will endeavor to reproduce the bug and fix it as soon as possible in the develop branch. If the bug is critical, a release could be done in advance.
Feature requests are welcome, we always appreciate having feedback. For your ideas to be considered, please give us as much details as possible, some practical cases are bonus. And if you feel like doing it by yourself, what about submitting a pull request ?
Contributing to Choco3 is easy.
Make sure you have the right to send any changes you make. If you do changes at work you may find your employer owns the patch not you.
Fork Choco3 on,
Work with the source: Choco3 is maven-based project, easy to install on any IDEs,
Add your features and test them,
Send a pull request on Github.
This is about code and documentation!
If you modify a class:
add your name and email to the list of authors in the file, we will maintain the global list of authors/contributors,
comment your modifications,
always test your changes (if you don't known what/how to test, contact us).
If you create a new class:
reproduce the licence text like in any other classes already provided,
add your name and email address, we will maintain the global list of authors/contributors,
java-document and comment your code as much as possible,
always test your changes (if you don't known what/how to test, contact us).
We use TestNG as a testing framework. However, if you prefer JUnit, we will migrate the code in a second phase.
The rules are:
prefer ten short tests instead of long one,
make sure the tests you add are deterministic, if not, make sure the seed can be set easily,
We use sphinxdoc to maintain and generate the documentation. Any help is appreciated: even if we are the best position to write the documentation, we need you to stand back and make good (better) choices.