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Using Confluent REST APIs (REST Proxy)

These APIs are available both on Confluent Server (as a part of Confluent Enterprise) and REST Proxy. When using the API in Confluent Server, all paths should be prefixed with /kafka. For example, the path to list clusters is:

  • Confluent Server: /kafka/v3/clusters
  • REST Proxy: /v3/clusters

All the folloing exampe

List and desribe cluster

curl --silent -X GET http://dataplatform:18086/v3/clusters/ | jq


  "kind": "KafkaClusterList",
  "metadata": {
    "self": "http://kafka-rest-1:8086/v3/clusters",
    "next": null
  "data": [
      "kind": "KafkaCluster",
      "metadata": {
        "self": "http://kafka-rest-1:8086/v3/clusters/fE05MX_MQLWvruHKXUQeRg",
        "resource_name": "crn:///kafka=fE05MX_MQLWvruHKXUQeRg"
      "cluster_id": "fE05MX_MQLWvruHKXUQeRg",
      "controller": {
        "related": "http://kafka-rest-1:8086/v3/clusters/fE05MX_MQLWvruHKXUQeRg/brokers/2"
      "acls": {
        "related": "http://kafka-rest-1:8086/v3/clusters/fE05MX_MQLWvruHKXUQeRg/acls"
      "brokers": {
        "related": "http://kafka-rest-1:8086/v3/clusters/fE05MX_MQLWvruHKXUQeRg/brokers"
      "broker_configs": {
        "related": "http://kafka-rest-1:8086/v3/clusters/fE05MX_MQLWvruHKXUQeRg/broker-configs"
      "consumer_groups": {
        "related": "http://kafka-rest-1:8086/v3/clusters/fE05MX_MQLWvruHKXUQeRg/consumer-groups"
      "topics": {
        "related": "http://kafka-rest-1:8086/v3/clusters/fE05MX_MQLWvruHKXUQeRg/topics"
      "partition_reassignments": {
        "related": "http://kafka-rest-1:8086/v3/clusters/fE05MX_MQLWvruHKXUQeRg/topics/-/partitions/-/reassignment"

Extract the cluster id from the response and set it as environment variable CLUSTER_ID:

export CLUSTER_ID=$(curl -X GET "http://dataplatform:18086/v3/clusters/" | jq -r ".data[0].cluster_id")

Create a topic

To create a topic, use the topics endpoint POST /clusters/{cluster_id}/topics as shown below.

curl --silent -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --data '{"topic_name": "rest-proxy-topic", "replication_factor":"3", "partitions_count": "8"}' \
     http://dataplatform:18086/v3/clusters/${CLUSTER_ID}/topics | jq


  "kind": "KafkaTopic",
  "metadata": {
    "self": "http://kafka-rest-1:8086/v3/clusters/fE05MX_MQLWvruHKXUQeRg/topics/rest-proxy-topic",
    "resource_name": "crn:///kafka=fE05MX_MQLWvruHKXUQeRg/topic=rest-proxy-topic"
  "cluster_id": "fE05MX_MQLWvruHKXUQeRg",
  "topic_name": "rest-proxy-topic",
  "is_internal": false,
  "replication_factor": 3,
  "partitions_count": 0,
  "partitions": {
    "related": "http://kafka-rest-1:8086/v3/clusters/fE05MX_MQLWvruHKXUQeRg/topics/rest-proxy-topic/partitions"
  "configs": {
    "related": "http://kafka-rest-1:8086/v3/clusters/fE05MX_MQLWvruHKXUQeRg/topics/rest-proxy-topic/configs"
  "partition_reassignments": {
    "related": "http://kafka-rest-1:8086/v3/clusters/fE05MX_MQLWvruHKXUQeRg/topics/rest-proxy-topic/partitions/-/reassignment"

List topics

To list detailed descriptions of all topics (internal and user created topics), use the topics endpoint GET /clusters/{cluster_id}/topics/

curl --silent -X GET http://dataplatform:18086/v3/clusters/${CLUSTER_ID}/topics | jq

to show only the topic names, use a grep on the output of jq

curl --silent -X GET http://dataplatform:18086/v3/clusters/${CLUSTER_ID}/topics | jq | grep '.topic_name'

Describe a topic

To get a full description of a specified topic, use the topics endpoint GET /clusters/{cluster_id}/topics/{topic_name}

curl --silent -X GET http://dataplatform:18086/v3/clusters/${CLUSTER_ID}/topics/rest-proxy-topic | jq

Working with JSON data

Produce JSON

curl --silent -X POST 'http://dataplatform:18086/topics/rest-proxy-topic' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/vnd.kafka.json.v2+json' \
--data-raw '{
  "records": [
      "key": "1",
      "value": {
        "id": 1,
        "customerCode": 1,
        "telephone": "888582158",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "language": "EN"        

Consume JSON

  1. create a consumer ci1 belonging to consumer group cg1. Specify auto.offset.reset to be earliest so it starts at the beginning of the topic.
curl --silent -X POST \
     -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.kafka.v2+json" \
     --data '{"name": "ci1", "format": "json", "auto.offset.reset": "earliest"}' \
     http://dataplatform:18086/consumers/cg1 | jq .


  "instance_id": "ci1",
  "base_uri": "http://kafka-rest-1:8086/consumers/cg1/instances/ci1"
  1. Subscribe the consumer to topic rest-proxy-topic
curl --silent -X POST \
     -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.kafka.v2+json" \
     --data '{"topics":["rest-proxy-topic"]}' \
     http://dataplatform:18086/consumers/cg1/instances/ci1/subscription | jq .
  1. Consume data using the base URL in the first reponse.
curl --silent -X GET \
     -H "Accept: application/vnd.kafka.json.v2+json" \
     http://dataplatform:18086/consumers/cg1/instances/ci1/records | jq .
  1. Close the consumer with a DELETE to make it leave the group and clean up its resources
curl --silent -X DELETE \
     -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.kafka.v2+json" \
     http://dataplatform:18086/consumers/cg1/instances/ci1 | jq .

Working with Avro data

Create a new topic

To create a topic, use the topics endpoint POST /clusters/{cluster_id}/topics as shown below.

curl --silent -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --data '{"topic_name": "rest-proxy-avro-topic", "replication_factor":"3", "partitions_count": "8"}' \
     http://dataplatform:18086/v3/clusters/${CLUSTER_ID}/topics | jq

Register the Avro Schema

Navigate to http://dataplatform:28102 and register the following Avro schema under subject rest-proxy-avro-topic-value:

  "type": "record",
  "name": "Customer",
  "namespace": "com.trivadis.kafkaws.sample",
  "doc": "This is a sample Avro schema to get you started. Please edit",
  "fields": [
      "name": "id",
      "type": "long"
      "name": "customerCode",
      "type": "long"
      "name": "telephone",
      "type": "string"
      "name": "email",
      "type": "string"
      "name": "language",
      "type": "string"

Set the variable SCHEMA_ID to the value of the schema ID of the schema registry

export SCHEMA_ID=$(curl -X GET "http://dataplatform:8081/subjects/rest-proxy-avro-topic-value/versions/latest" | jq '.id')

Produce Avro

Produce three Avro messages to the topic rest-proxy-avro-topic

curl --silent -X POST \
     -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.kafka.avro.v2+json" \
     -H "Accept: application/vnd.kafka.v2+json" \
     --data '{"value_schema_id": '"$SCHEMA_ID"', "records": [{"value": {
        "id": 1,
        "customerCode": 1,
        "telephone": "888582158",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "language": "EN"        
      } }]}' \
     "http://dataplatform:18086/topics/rest-proxy-avro-topic" | jq .


  "offsets": [
      "partition": 1,
      "offset": 0,
      "error_code": null,
      "error": null
  "key_schema_id": null,
  "value_schema_id": 3

Consume Avro

  1. Create a consumer ci2 belonging to consumer group cg2. Specify auto.offset.reset to be earliest so it starts at the beginning of the topic.
curl --silent -X POST \
     -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.kafka.v2+json" \
     --data '{"name": "ci2", "format": "avro", "auto.offset.reset": "earliest"}' \
     http://dataplatform:18086/consumers/cg2 | jq .


  "instance_id": "ci2",
  "base_uri": "http://kafka-rest-1:8086/consumers/cg2/instances/ci2"
  1. Subscribe the consumer to topic rest-proxy-avro-topic
curl --silent -X POST \
     -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.kafka.v2+json" \
     --data '{"topics":["rest-proxy-avro-topic"]}' \
     http://dataplatform:18086/consumers/cg2/instances/ci2/subscription | jq .
  1. Consume data using the base URL in the first reponse.
curl --silent -X GET \
     -H "Accept: application/vnd.kafka.avro.v2+json" \
     http://dataplatform:18086/consumers/cg2/instances/ci2/records | jq .
  1. Close the consumer with a DELETE to make it leave the group and clean up its resources
curl --silent -X DELETE \
     -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.kafka.v2+json" \
     http://dataplatform:18086/consumers/cg2/instances/ci2 | jq .