An Offline Reverse Geocoding Java library
Uses KD-Trees for extremely fast placename lookups
Licensed under The MIT License
Project history:
- Created by Daniel Glasson on 18/05/2014
- Fork by Guillaume Diaz on 22/07/2019
Download a place-names file from GeoNames
- Use the file "
" to get cities with at least 1000 inhabitants worldwide
This library requires Java 11 (Oracle JDK or OpenJDK) or higher.
Include the library into your POM:
You can init the database (
) once and access it as a Singleton.
By default it keep ALL cities:
// Retrieve data-file
final Path citiesFile = Paths.get("/home/guillaume/dev/workspace/OfflineReverseGeocode/src/test/resources/");
// Init DB keep all cities (raises exception if the file does not exists or is not valid)
new ReverseGeoCode(inputZipFile, false, null);
// Query
GeoName closestCity = ReverseGeoCode.getInstance().nearestPlace(latitude, longitude);
You can choose to keep only the majors cities by setting the flag as "true" :
// Retrieve data-file
final Path citiesFile = Paths.get("/home/guillaume/dev/workspace/OfflineReverseGeocode/src/test/resources/");
// Init DB keep only MAJOR cities
new ReverseGeoCode(inputZipFile, true, null);
You can also load multiple files together:
// Retrieve data-files
final Path citiesFile = Paths.get("/home/guillaume/dev/workspace/OfflineReverseGeocode/src/test/resources/");
final Path luFile = Paths.get("/home/guillaume/dev/workspace/OfflineReverseGeocode/src/test/resources/");
final List<Path> files = Arrays.asList(citiesFile, luFile);
// Init DB (raises exception if the file does not exists or is not valid)
new ReverseGeoCode(files, false, null);
You can choose to keep all details (street, interest point, etc.) about some countries:
// List of countries to keep
final Set<String> countriesToKepp = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(new String[] {"FR", "LU"}));
// Retrieve data-files
final Path citiesFile = Paths.get("/home/guillaume/dev/workspace/OfflineReverseGeocode/src/test/resources/");
final Path luFile = Paths.get("/home/guillaume/dev/workspace/OfflineReverseGeocode/src/test/resources/");
final Path frFile = Paths.get("/home/guillaume/dev/workspace/OfflineReverseGeocode/src/test/resources/");
final List<Path> files = Arrays.asList(citiesFile, luFile, frFile);
// Init DB (raises exception if the file does not exists or is not valid)
new ReverseGeoCode(files, false, countriesToKeep);
/!\ Careful: this is very bad for memory and performances.
// Load DB before each call
ReverseGeoCode reverseGeoCode = new ReverseGeoCode(new FileInputStream("/opt/portal/data/cities1000.txt"), true);
// Query position
System.out.println("Nearest to -23.456, 123.456 is " + geocode.nearestPlace(-23.456, 123.456));
To build the library from scratch, just clone the project
and mvn clean install